How Do Declutter Fast!

in life •  7 years ago 


Most of us don't want to spend all day decluttering. So decluttering fast will enable us to get quicker results in less time.

Get Rid Of Large Items First

Large items are annoying for obvious reasons. They take up lots of space. By getting rid of those first, you free up lots of room. Which makes a big difference and will encourage you to keep going overall.
When we only do smaller items, it's easier to give up because you no longer feel like you are making progress.

You May Have To Lose Money!

This is a sad truth I started to realize when I started decluttering. I had to lose money on some items. Items that were foolish to buy, Or things I didn't use. Had to be quickly given away. Or sold for less than I bought them for.
It can be tempting to hold on to things just because you spent a lot of money on them. But if they aren't bringing you any value, Why keep them? At that point. You aren't only losing money, But time and inconvenience of that item existed in your life.
Just learn from your mistakes on what you bought, And avoid buying those items again.


When you start to see how much simpler and easy your life is, It can encourage you to do more.
The more I get rid of, The quicker I'm able to get things done every day because everything has its own designated spot.
Things aren't in my way as often.

Figure Out How Much You Need

We always end up thinking we need so much more than we do. Do we need the largest bag of food? A lifetime supply of makeup wipes? Think realistically about how much you buy at once. Sometimes you can save a ton of money by buying in bulk. But sometimes you also waste money if you end up not liking that product anymore. Then you are stuck with it.
I found this to be true when I bought a gallon jug of shampoo for myself. I liked the shampoo and had used it for a long time throughout my life. But once I had that gallon I stopped liking that shampoo and realized it made my hair dry. I then had to switch, and some of that shampoo was wasted as a result.
We can avoid doing that, By being careful about how much we buy at once.


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Back in 2008, I purged my apartment when I moved. I probably threw away about a third of my stuff. The garbage bin out back was almost empty when I started. When I was done, it was about 75% full.

Moving sure was easy after I did that!

Decluttering also allows us the clear our head and have fresh ideas. When we have our house all full of useless items the same can start to happen to our mind.

It gets full of same old ideas damaging our creativity and productivity.

Improving our sorroundings by decluttering also have a positive effect on our mental well being.

I'm a believer that you have to clear out space in life to allow new and better things to enter.

Exactly! I love that if your life is too cluttered how do you expect to get better stuff in

I am 50++++++ years old and my husband is over 60. We are at the stage of our lives that it is necessary to declutter and reorganize. Our bodies are slowing down and we just can't keep up like we use to. You younger people can't comprehend this will. Things that we have held onto for years and decades have got to go. Some of it hard decisions and some of it refreshing. In the far, no regrets. It has to be done. Great post.

And decluttering can be such an important thing to do, from time to time. I find that it is also very helpful to sit down and declutter my head, in the sense that I want to figure out why I tend to save certain things, in the first place.

For example, I save FAR more "good" shipping boxes than I need. I justify that I should keep them because they are "good" boxes, but truth is that at any given time, we have enough boxes to cover the shipment of typical web sales... FOR A YEAR. And we'll get many more boxes with incoming stuff.

Sometimes we clutter simply because it's habit. I hate wasting boxes because they are SO freakin' expensive to buy new from the UPS store.

Thanks for a good reminder and useful article @kaylinart!

I seriously LOVE decluttering lol. It feels good. I know some people that have so much money they have "De clutterers" come in and help them declutter. So crazy what they throw out too. That'd be a cool side hustle ;)

MINIMALISM! Living with less can create more space and openness to breathe, and can clear our minds from any distractions!

we have to learn to recycle, in this way we discard what creates us a lot of space and we really keep the useful

It's always good to give away items that are creating a letter and that you don't need to those who do need them.

I have a pile of sweatshirts on my futon that I intend to donate.

In that way it doesn't need to be a waste of money and can give more value to someone who would really appreciate it.

It's the philosophy of Tao - frugality and simplicity!

Another great post. About a year ago I moved from a four bedroom house to a one bedroom condo. Let my two youngest fly the coop. Well I still brought more then I should have. It is sometimes hard to let go but this really inspired me to start my new beginning. I am sentimental but the memories are not in the stuff it is in my mind and heart...right. I am excited I think I will feel lighter. Thanks.

We got rid of our old couch in favor of a smaller one a few months ago, because it was simply taking up too much space.

Before going to market, make a full list of the item you going to buy, and check if those are going to be used and not getting stuck to aboid expiration.

Exactly! You could even write it on a calendar that’s a great idea

Yes, i remember there is a blogger talking of this. Clearing stuffs in our house and rearrange it. It's something like reset ourself.

this post willl be helpful who are searching how do declutter.if one follow your blog he may know manything from it......

Exactly :) Thank you

Dear Kaylinart,, it's really great post with awesome photo and good thinking also.. 'Figure Out How Much You Need'--But i think it's very difficult to figure out.. Because in this global world there is huge item and huge new product we see around of us.. But most of times we never be satisfied with how much we have,,, because we always want more and more,,, It's my opinion only... Anyhow thanks kaylinart for your nice post with awesome topics..

I also think so. @kaylinart

Great time to declutter before the new year @kaylinart! I've been decluttering of late and find that my mind also gets decluttered in the process, as you say life indeed becomes simpler. This has been my 86 year old mom's mantra for many many years and she's a wise old soul! She's taught me to rather give stuff away that I rarely, if ever, use!
I hope many steemians declutter before 2018 after reading your post, they will feel so much lighter!

My friend, You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.

I believe what you describe, not all that we want will be realized and will be in accordance with what we are targeting, without effort all will be in vain...thank for sharig @kaylinart

You write great blog this is very motivational great.

I really need to do this, especially for my clothes, but really for everything. I feel like stuff just accumulates when you don't actively, at least once a year, go through things and get rid of what we just don't need.

This year has been the worst, having a baby and buying a house causes friends and relatives to pile on the stuff, doesn't matter if you already had it. Gonna implement this guide to start the new year!

Thanks for your post...

It's better you are sure of what you buy before do and the earlier you declutter the better cos most things you might wanna sell wil have better value

Decluttering has become an important part of life for me. We started several years ago to simplify and declutter life in preparation of moving into an RV and travel fulltime. I think you are right that it's wise to start with the big and obvious and that we have to be willing to lose money. It is possible to sell almost anything but in the end, it might just complicate your life instead of simplifying it.

Good post friend @kaylinart
Success always for you

Thank you

ahhh I'm still working on this skill! It's sooo hard! LOL my problem is having to many little items! They are everywhere! Also my art business lives in my bedroom... hahah so it makes it hard to work sometimes.

Thanks for the advice as usual! :)

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