How Is Coffee Made?

in life •  8 years ago  (edited)

I've been wondering about this for a while. So many people drink coffee yet, Many people don't know how it's made.

My assumptions BEFORE doing research

  • Coffee is grown out of the ground, like beans, They make it that way.
  • Maybe there are "coffee bean bushes."
  • Maybe coffee beans grow in little pods; They have beans inside the pods.


A coffee bean is a seed that starts out as a berry.

We can say that coffee beans, in fact, come from a fruit!

Coffee berries usually include beans that are split in two. Nevertheless, in around 5% of the beans collected it can happen that a bean does not split, and this type of a coffee bean is widely called Peaberry since its shape looks like a pea.

A coffee tree can take as long as 5 years to start producing it's fruit.
Coffee grows in warm subtropical environments.

The tree is harvested, And the berries are thrown away, while the beans are removed.

  • Dry processing is the oldest technique of processing coffee beans. But a technique called "wet processing" is more commonly used these days.

Wet Processing

  • Less damage to beans
  • The berries are sent through a machine to remove the skin and seprate it from the bean
  • Weight separates the beans.
  • They are left in water tanks for one to two days
  • They are rinsed off once again,
  • Then they are ready for drying.


They have to be careful with the roasting process to ensure they obtain the flavor they want. This dictates the strength of the coffee flavor.

The longer the beans are roasted, The stronger the flavor!

  • The longer the beans are roasted, More caffeine is also removed.

Some people prefer to roast their beans on their own, While others by them roasted already.

When roasting, The beans are consistently moved to prevent the beans from burning.
They must hit a temperature of at least 400 Fahrenheit to ensure the brown color we see in stores.


The finer the grind, The sooner you'll need to make your coffee.

Brew your coffee

You can then brew your coffee how you like it!

I can't believe coffee comes from a berry! I guess you learn new things everyday! It makes me wonder If I've ever seen a coffee plant and just not realized what I was looking at!

Dark Roast Coffee
Classic Roast coffee

Thank you pixabay for the photos

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You are not alone @kaylinart, I thought they grew as beans as well.

hahah! That is good to know! heheh! I felt like a dummy after learning they are from berries haha.

I wouldn't, you always just see them as beans in pop culture references.

Coffee is by far the most complicated plant on the planet. (to my knowledge that is) A great movie to watch if you are really into learning how coffee is made; and why big franchises like Starbucks coffeeis sub-par compared to small local mom and pop stores, is called Caffeinated.

Thanks for this! I'll have to watch it! I love shows that document stuff.

Hmmmm, I wonder what coffee berries taste like! I love cherries and blueberries and strawberries. I guess coffee berries don't taste good, or else they would be selling them in stores!

I bet @ats-david knows, because he has a coffee business...

To answer your question:

The outer husk of the coffee cherry tastes similar to a cranberry. It is actually used in many of the coffee-growing countries to make a tea-like drink. It's very high in anti-oxidants and has a lot of the same benefits of coffee, and even has some caffeine in it (although a much lower amount). I've eaten them right off of the plant and I've had them once they've been cleaned and dried. Once dried, they can be a bit chewy.

I'm planning on incorporating them into my business once it's fully up and running. Lots of health benefits, some versatile uses for it, it reduces the amount of waste product from farms and cooperatives, and it'll give farmers another source of income. I'll probably write about it in the future, so stay tuned for that!

I wondered about that too! hehe. Knowing me if I see a coffee plant, I'll put the berries in my mouth! haha. I always do that when hiking. Not smart but I can't help it!

This is how the world's most expensive gourmet coffee is made.

These wild cats eat the beans and then shit them. After that the beans are used to make the coffee. But in reality it's not that simple. These cats are locked up in cages and fed with the beans to mass-produce this coffee. :(

Yes ! Theses cute animals are kept in cages for people who consider this coffee a luxery . I have a few pictures from many coffee and chocolate plantages here in Bali .

I love a good cup of coffee, nice to see where it all comes from and how its made

I have a plant of coffee, it was grown from a bean, 10 years old.
Never bearing, but I hope.

Did you read my article about vienna coffee houses ? You might like . It's from a couple of days ago .

Thank you! I'll check it out now :) I didn't see it.
Those pictures are GORGEOUS!
That coffee house loooks like the best one in the world :) I didn't realize the iphone5 could make such great pictures!

If anyone else wants to check out mammasitta's photos go here!

Oh , how nice of you to put my Wiener Kafeehaus story link . That's why I love this community so much :) waking up and reading your comment already made my day . I use Hipstamatic and muller photo app to capture pictures with different lenses .

I also threw an extra 18 cents your way XD Lol.

You are a star :) 🦄

Nice tutorial

Thank you :)

Very interesting. Thank you)

Coffee always wins the upvote. Great article.

Heheh thank you :)

I can't get past coffe post :)

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