How To Create Passion!

in life •  7 years ago 

Many people don't know what it's like to find their "passion." But what many people don't know, Is passion is not something that is "found." Passion is something you create.
The photo above is me at age 13-15
And in the spirit of Valentine's day, I feel that "loving" anything is a part of the holiday, And it doesn't necessarily have to do with anything related to relationships.

Stop Looking

Everyone sits and looks, and Some people spend their whole life looking for their passion. The thing they were meant to do in life, The one thing that gives meaning to everything they do.
This cannot be found.

Be Mindful

If you want to become passionate about something, Be mindful towards it.
I became passionate about art by accident.
Back in my elementary school days, I thought that artists were weird And stupid.
I felt it was a waste to sit and paint or draw all day. That paintings were just a waste of space in the world.

It's weird that a child that felt that strongly about art, Would one day become an artist.

In my early teens, I was bullied horribly.
At just 12 years old, I was suicidal and was on a downward spiral.
At age 13, I was addicted to cutting myself. And often thought about what it would be like to kill myself on an overdose of pills.
I spent most of my days thinking about death.

When setting up my classes for the year, They put me in an art class against my will. I was so angry and tried to fight it.
But they told me I had to take the class to fit the requirements for the school.
There were a lot of classmates in the class that bullied me pretty bad. My teacher would leave, And they'd throw my backpack around, Make fun of my boy clothes, And crumple up all my work. One day we had to draw a self-portrait, And of course, half the class made jokes that my ugly face would break my teachers camera.
Ironically, The camera started having issues after she took a photo of my face, Which caused more laughter.

The assignment was to draw the other half of your face, Easy enough right?
I decided to do my best to ignore everyone around me and focus heavily on my drawing.
I had never created a nice drawing before that. I was Mindful Of each pencil stroke, as I focused. Trying to mimic each facial feature that I have on the other side.
Something happened, For once I had fun drawing, It was enjoyable. And I showed potential to be good at it.
While I spent my whole life hating art, Giving it a fair chance and focusing on what I was doing, and learning to enjoy it. Gradually over the years became a deep and ingrained passion that I now have today.

Create Emotion

When you add emotion to something, Not only does it become memorable, But it can start to build a passion.
My passion for art developed when I channeled all the negative emotions and all the pain I was suffering into my art. And used that to relieve my pain.
We can do this in all kinds of ways, And it doesn't have to be negative emotions. You can try and be mindful of what you are doing, and try and turn it into a positive experience. It's like at my part-time job,
This will sound bizarre, But I am passionate about loading boxes.
I know... Weird.
But so many happy, Life changing experiences and moments that defined who I have become as a person, Happened in one of those dimly lit trailers while I was scanning and loading boxes.
A few years ago, I painted myself and took pictures, For fun!

You Can Turn Anything Into A Passion

Mostly! I'm not saying you can just "decide" to become passionate about driving If Driving is the thing you hate the most in the world.
But many people spend too much time "looking" for their passion, Instead of creating it with what they have.
What do you love about what you are doing right now?
How does the thing make you feel?
How can you experience more emotion from it?
Can you make the hobby, Task, Job more fun? Laugh a bit more? Use it to relieve your pain?

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Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow.
-Anthony J. D'Angelo

For everyone, the definition of passion could be different. But yes you have to try out things and see what works for you and in what you feel like you can spend your whole life.
Emotions are very important. Sometimes in life it happens you loose all your focus or you get hit by existensial crisis then you again have to wake up and run with the same drive.

Passion is also like fire. If you have a passion to do something inside you, then it produces a lot of light which produces the desire of the passion within yourself.

The atmosphere around you is filled with the light of your self-confidence and your success begins to appear completely. At this time your enthusiasm is at its peak.

But I would also like to tell you here that if passion is a fire then its use should be done very carefully.

If the raw vegetable is cooked at the right temperature, then a cheesy meal is ready on low flame. But if the fire is increased, then this vegetable can also be burnt.

The same thing also works passion. If the obsession of performing a task or achieving success exceeds the extent then its results are not good.

wow very nice

is this your face right now, wwooww lin you look very beautiful, love, love love

No when I was a teenager! Thank you so much though hehe.

I'm sure you're still very beautiful now <3

Yes very beautiful and also wonderful writing too

Thank you for sharing :)


What a beautiful lesson.. Create your passion.. I am trying this on steemit.. Really sad about your past and sorry for it.. I am also a depression patient and know its pain well .. I can imagine how you went through it.. And also happy yoy overcome it and found your oassion to orbetter to say created your passion.
Have a nice day dear

Seems like the older we get the more passion it is easy to lose. I guess responsibilities can be a thief of passion.

I am sorry about your teenager years. I encounter a lot of teenagers having a hard time coping with their lives. Absolutely true, passion is a fuel, a wonderful motivation to better one's self and life. Keep on doing what you are passionate about!

Thank you for that interesting post. I must say passion has eluded me most of my life. Its something i definitely seek with an open mind.

I also found art being a rescue during high school. I had severe anxiety and the art class was like a safe room for me. I was the only guy in the class, with 9 female classmates. In this class I finally found something I felt really good at and I knew no one could take it away from me that helped me gain confidence


Emotional design is an important element when generating ideas for human-centred opportunities. People can more easily relate to a product, a service, a system, or an experience when they are able to connect with it at a personal level.

reallly helpful :)
great explaination

Great work man..........good thinking........... creative work impress me...........i appreciate your post.......!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks dear sharing motivational post .I alwys see your post and follow you..

nice learning post sir n thanks for your kindly information

This great post i appreciate your motivation.. thanks for sharing this blog.. best of luck.. resteemit..

hi beautiful girl, I do not really know if you read this message but I would like to see if it is possible that you see my blog and give me a vote, I would be very pleased coming from you since I am number 1 fan of your beauty

Though I'm still trying to find mine..
Adding emotion to what you like is a great way..
Whatever makes us happy, right

Exactly! It can be hard to find, Thats why it's better to create it.

Thank fot sharing @kaylinart

@kaylinart when You expose your feelings and emotions like this in your postings you are helping so many people to come to grips with what is going on in their own lives, and you may be allowing them to find out that they can feel better and change. Many people wander aimlessly through each day but if they find you on STEEMIT they can be successful also.

wow thoughts!!!

tha ks for this post miss @kaylinart , following your account , also for me to see your future posts, in regards to your post now , i can say that passionis your fire on what you do ,if you love what you are doing , that is passion for me , we can all be passionate 👍😘❤️❤️❤️

Ps: you look so pretty on your 13-15 picture , but i noticed like the eyeliner spreadquietly ,maybe you crued thatmoment

Thanks for sharing i will done upvote I always see your post. And follow you

Wow, your posts are so motivational, i am so happy with your posts and yes, you lookiing so beautiful in teenager and also now.

Passion can stop or cease to exist without motivation,motivation is not worthy without effort and effort is nothing without a goal!

Good post freinds

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wow very interesting Blog, thanks for this blog!!!!

This obviously a great writing .Thanks for your good tricks how to creat passion.It is my new experience.Thanks for motivating us.
Thanks @kaylinart.
@Resteem & follow done.

Valentine's Day all freinds......

owo its really very helpfull for us in creative fashoin dear @kaylinart
What a beautiful lesson.. Create your passion.. I am trying this on steemit..... Thanks for the great tips.
Love it
Upvote + resteem done

I love this post. I agree that you can create a passion without necessarily having it your whole life. I think right now, I really enjoy writing. I do it for a job, mostly, but I just love crafting stories and articles!

Angry eye 😲

If I was a boy in your class, I would be on your side and tell the bullies off. Hehe ;)
Passion is definitely created, I wasn't originally passionate about programming but now I love it haha.

Beautiful mind with beautiful face @kaylinart

Thanks for sharing i will done upvote I always see your post. And follow you

OMG THAT'S AWESOME.......................66f96e7861651b13dc80862108626460_great-job-clip-art-clipart-free-clip-art-great-job_313-190.jpeg

I got passions already, can we make the day longer than just 24 hours? Fuck

I second this notion

Well, passion is real, and very powerful. But almost everything people believe about finding it is wrong.
Passion comes from efforts put to succeed. Every one mush have passion otherwise life seems purposeless.

owo Thank you for this. What a nice treat. Hope you enjoy your weekend

i will try this really Amazing step dear @keylinart

thanks for shareing life style

Hello @kaylinart,

I agree with you that mindfulness is the way to feel more emotions, and in turn, find out what you are passionate about.

In order to reach mindfulness, we must relax, stop struggling, stop trying so hard, stop manipulating things and people to try to get what we want. Once we have become accustomed to stop doing so much (letting go) and just being for a while (live the moment), we can find our passions and live a much more fulfilled life.

I was also horribly bullied in elementary school, which resulted in a social anxiety and depression that are, luckily, slowly decreasing. One of the things that helped me relax and enjoy the most is the Argentinian tango - I've found my passion and I'm going for it almost every night!

You passion about loading boxes is weird, yes, but it's also very cute and unique. What makes us truly lovable are our small idiosyncratic traits such as a strange passion, so if you like loading boxes - load them all! 😊

I also like the way you painted and photographed yourself - although I'm not a photography or art expert, it looks very artistic and intriguing to me.

I'm glad that I've bumped into your blog as we seem to like some similar topics, I'll follow you! : )

Have a wonderful day,

I used to draw a lot when i was young. It was my passion. I used to do like 1 drawing in like 10 Mins. This was how fast i had become in drawing portraits with practice. Then life got busy and i stopped drawing. Along with it i even lost my practice.

You have to more bad memory in your teenage. But fortunately you're very better situation now. Experience giving more successful task to our life. Pain feeling must need to being success. See in your mind’s eye the end result see how much different your life would look if you changed the way you think. Feel the feelings that come from being a positive thinker. Feel the feelings of excitement, peace, joy and tranquility. Allow yourself to become one with those feelings. We need to create our life passion. Then We will automatically change our mind to success way. Act as if you are already there, act as if you already are the happy, loving and joyful person you aspire to be and trust that by doing so you will eventually trick your mind into thinking that you are already there. Finally We receive best result after follow my steps. Good luck @kaylinart.

like your passion in this post.

I have been watching you for some time and I really like what you do, keep it that way! ❤️💕

if someone is manual, then usually from the youngest years begins to manifest some ability later what results in passion. I've always created something, drew, poured, cut out etc. at the moment my passion is to create jewelery which I discovered in 2013 when I was 26 years old. my brother discovered his passions before the age of 40, he is developing rapidly. he is amazingly capable. has been a photographer for several years.8AA1C8D8-C5E0-4676-A9D8-E8490AF71423.jpeg

The camera started having issues after she took a photo of my face, Which caused more laughter.

hahaha...still funny

for me passion shouldnt be what you do for money but what you cant offer without asking for money.
as for me am a computer engineer but i also love art, since i couldn't draw with pencils, i went into visuals and i have been doing it for fun, it and keeps paying with the help of the blockchain.. ;)

Overcoming bullies especially in school is really hard. This might became their habit and might break you down, but the best way to fight them is just ignoring them. This would definitely piss them off until they get tired and stop what they're doing.

That's what I've done since then

Hi! @kaylinart, You are a really good artist! I really like your videos and you draw some of the coolest things. it's awesome!

a perfect beauty in the first picture

we should do and pursue what we love from inside without thinking what others will say otherwise if we think like that we will fail that exact moment in life

The older I get, the more I realize how true this is! Some people are lucky enough to know from a very young age what they will be passionate about. I was that way about learning French...but I need more. I've been telling myself since I finished my dissertation that if I wrote a dissertation, surely I can keep that momentum going and write something I really want to write. And for years, I started and stopped, got distracted, longed to do it but didn' I am so glad to be finally forming a new habit of writing regularly and reading what other people are up to. Cheers to you - glad you created such a fab passion :-)

for me the passion could be created in a particular field when we have urge to do things creatively and prioritizing it and not just working in silence
get up show the positive sides of your work and what changes it can create in the society and receive the appreciation
trust me appreciation for the work you did help the most to get best out of yourself.. which ultimately becomes your passion @kaylinart

Schools & bullies & dark times - I still can't believe that people enroll their kids in what's essentially a prison yard but with less supervision. But it sounds like you came out stronger for it.

I spent most of my days thinking about death.

The thing about thinking about death - you can only do it while you're alive. One of those cruel little ironies that actually keeps us going.

ability is every human being. but it is important to uncover it. I think you've done it so well. :)

owo its really very helpfull for us in creative fashoin dear @kaylinart thanks for shareing this advice great


hey Miss @kaylinart, thank you very much for the information, I hope lucky tonight can vote from you.


The thing about passion is,that it shouldn't feel like an obligation but when you don't do it,it should feel like there is something missing.
-At least this is how i describe my passion to languages.
But it is also the same with loving another person c:

very good

Ah, passions, passions... isn't having a hobby a bit more healthier. I relate passion with suffering. Suffering for not being able to paint the perfect image, suffering because you are obsessed with your passion.

Of course you can cultivate a passion, but sometimes a passion could literally attempt to invade you, like the new board game that you can't stop playing, the new painting technique you found yourself super attracted to and so on..

Apart of that, in one of my previous comments I've asked you if you still sell t-shirts on Amazon. I was about to suggest you a cooperation, because I have few Amazon gift cards and I can definitely purchase a t-shirt from you for people who purchase one from me on @steembay.


we all have that talent that needs to be honed, mined and perfected. it starts with that you really want and where your heart is. doing things without a heart is just work. doing it with a heart is passion.

This is so great: A terrible school setting led you to a higher standard! When I remember my schooltimes I used my music to escape. My concerts as pupil often made me unreachable, so I never had to deal with the kind of normal tittle-tattle why I had no girlfriend yet or why I still work so hard even if I reached the top already. There is a moment where loneliness can throw you into sth that you consider as passion at least for a specific stage in your life.

I loved reading this. It helped remind me that passion is a subjective thing. It's good to be reminded of things that make me think and that's a positive thing. Thank you!

This is really inspiring.

Hay @Kaylinart thanks for filling my delegation request and maybe I'll renewal after currently delegations period expires. I'm newbie here and learning a lot day by day. Steemit 1 (4).jpg

So true. Great post.

This is real motivation you got my upvote... Thanks a lot for sharing

"I was Mindful Of each pencil stroke, as I focused."

It's good to remember to be mindful sometimes, I forget this a lot. Visualizing you doing this helped me see care, and being in the moment as a drving force.

Pretty good stuff c:

Firstly i thanked you for this nice post......!
Definitely it's a great post...this post must inspire anyone ✌
and above pictures are really are so pretty & cute!!😊
again thanks for your lovely good post! ✌✌

I think passion can't be inspired, it finds you. Passion brings relief to many people, because they have a goal, they spend all their time, energy of power on their hobby. People don't have time for bad thoughts