Our Education System is GARBAGE!

in life •  9 years ago 

Schools are the stepping stone in shaping the tiny tots to groomed well, educated individuals. This is how emphasized the importance of schools back in the days. However, the above statement becomes questionable in context to the current times. The value of schools can be seen diminishing year after year. This is no assumption, but a fact based on education statistics of the past decade that clearly indicate a downfall in student enrolment and rise in the figures of school and college dropouts. The situation is grave, and it is important to identify the root cause so as to fix these devastating conditions.

Lack of Curriculum: Major issue

A school is a place that must allow each child to explore his interest, the sphere that he possesses a knack for. For this reason, an all-inclusive curriculum is necessary. Time schedule throughout the week should ideally be well distributed between various subjects, art and craft, physical education and games, etc.

However, curriculum now seems like a thing of the past. Today, schools too have fallen prey to the rat race and students are crushed mentally and emotionally under the burden of meeting unrealistic expectations of perfect scores. All focus is shifted to tests and kids have no breathing room even after schools. With cut-throat competition, any amount of tutoring outside school seems insufficient to them.

What are we doing? It seems like we are hell bent on creating robots out of humans. And what for? The education we are imparting does not focus on skill but revolves around mugging up theories! To add to this undesirable mix, education nowadays is more expensive than ever.

The end result is thus obvious – schools are losing their importance.
Practical approach by the professional world

So, consequentially less and less people prefer attending schools and colleges. What about future security, working life?

The professional world is changing too. They now emphasize more on talent than on education. Often those hires with degrees end up losing their jobs for the lack of skills. Therefore, world renowned companies like Google seek talent and not expertise. They look for qualities like passion and grit. With these qualities, companies train employees to their work ethic while giving them opportunities to polish their skills and grow towards attaining expertise.

There are companies that fund further education for employees, but into courses that will facilitate acquiring of relevant skills.

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I hate the current educational system. In India, it's even worse!!
But I think website like steemit will go a long way in patching up a lot of wholes left by the educational institutions.
Hope they include this in the curriculum. that would be awesome :D

Heheh I hope so too!
I feel like Steemit will help a lot. I know other sites like youtube have helped people build a large assortment of skills, Hopefully Steemit can do the same.

frankly, i have learnt more here than my entire college time....honest!!

SERIOUSLY! Me too! I love that we can read stories about other people's life experiences and we can directly learn from them. It's almost like reading the journal of another person. It also allows us to understand it in a better way that can be applied, Rather then it being presented in a bland academic textbook. Completely agree.

yeah!! it's like there are two worlds out there. one is the real world where you actually learn things that are useful to you and one is the educational world where the knowledge presented isn't useful at all!
Whatever I learned in school, I have already forgotten or it isn't of any use to me. Information is available within seconds these days thanks to the internet so i don't see the use of mugging up information that you are bound to forget!!

I agree. Check out the http://leportschools.com

Thanks for this! These schools look so much better.

There is alternatives around the world with hundreds of education projects baseds in supporting the freedom of the youngs to choose their own curriculum and priorities to learn.
In USA is extended the so called Democratic education

"Democratic education infuses the learning process with these fundamental values of our society. Democratic education sees young people not as passive recipients of knowledge, but rather as active co-creators of their own learning. They are not the products of an education system, but rather valued participants in a vibrant learning community.

Democratic education begins with the premise that everyone is unique, so each of us learns in a different way. By supporting the individual development of each young person within a caring community, democratic education helps young people learn about themselves, engage with the world around them, and become positive and contributing members of society.

You can get more information here: http://democraticeducation.org

Yay I'm glad that democratic Education exists. Thank you for your imput. I had no idea, and more things like this need to be around.

Yes, education system is under attack now, as are all centralized systems from XIX and XX centuries, starting from governments, TV etc.. Decentralization is key answer to this. Remote education gives more choices than traditional.

I'm so glad! We need more choices, Everyone learns differently and can go on to do different things. People can contribute in so many different ways and as a society we need to embrace that rather then expect them to be like everyone else.

Whenever Someone ask´s me, what I think is the biggest
The problem of our Society - I answer: "The Education System".

We will grow into a World threatened by Global Warming, World Hunger and grow local and global Disparities.
What we need are Risk Takers, Dissenters, and Problem Solvers- who take actions.

The School teaches us text-book thinking and to never scrutinize.
We put all sorts of colours together and mix them till it turns into one grey substance.

I´m a Student and I hate it!

EXACTLY! Holy cow this comment is so perfect! It's true we are taught to "Not scrutinize" and we are going to fail as the human race because of it, We will all die if this keeps up. WE need to take action now, And expand our knowledge. People need to go against the grain a little bit.

Schools are over crowded children aren't getting the attention they need, like you said its all down to scores and money. These children are our future and they aren't getting the education they deserve

It's so true! Everything is so outdated. I feel like a lot of people are going to fail in life because our education system failed them.

I agree this needs to be looked at ands something needs putting in place to work for everyone

Exactly! Or make schools based on learning types to ensure that all students can learn

There are some great education systems out there. Take a look at Scandinavia and parts of Europe. They have a different set of practices and culture so it wouldn't necessarily work in the U.S. My point is, good education infrastructures are possible. We must all be a part of the solution: government, administrators, teachers, students, parents, and taxpayers.

Its whole system of values that is disappearing now. It's everybody's responsibility but at first, we have to start from our homes.

So true! We need to start from home and move to schools.

I'm glad that there are good education systems, I feel like we need to learn from them and apply it to our own culture to try and make a good system for us.

I've been lucky so far. I had a great education, and so far my daughter is turning into a well-rounded individual. I find that it's a matter of what you put into it as well. I'm from Ontario, Canada.

Thats awesome! Maybe the education system is much better in Canada than the US

You just have no idea how much I agree with you, Kaylin! I myself received a prestigious education. However, this does not solve the main problems of life. Although time and effort was spent a lot. I would say that I invested into studying like my diploma is the solution to all future problems. But it is not so.

I have a little son. And I'm not going to give him this garbage education. It's just a waste of time. I'll definitely use some individual educational plan. Now I know exactly what you need to know in order to feel confident in the modern world.

Thank you for writing on these topics, @kaylinart!

I'm glad you are concerned about your son's well being and want to give him a quality education.Hopefully you can the place to do that

I work as a teacher in school and of all problems that I see I think parenting is biggest one. Lots of parents don't have time or will to help their kids to grow in right persons. They lay that responsibility on school. In this new world that leads to kids educating themselfs, without right guidance and that way only some of them succeed and lots of them is lost. Education of children is in first place parents job, because they brought​ them to this world, school is here only to help them. I agree that school today has lots of problems but if our own kids fail to be educated its because we didn't teach them right not schools problem. Its always easier to blame system than ourselfs.

That is awful ! I see a lot of lost kids and it's really sad. I agree with you it's definitely the parents fault too. I think too many people are having kids before they are truly ready.

Home schooling or "unschooling" is on the rise both in Canada and elsewhere around the world. I first read about it on Zen Habits http://zenhabits.net/unschool/ but have come across it on many other blogs including that of Penelope Trunk. I home-schooled my autistic daughter once it became apparent that high school would be a dangerous place for her.

I LOVE THIS! I feel like high school is very dangerous! I'm glad there are alternatives methods

It's sadly true, I feel like up until college, school is a waste of time. Really, the only valuable things that the education systems offers is socialization. It cannot give you the most valuable life skill: passion & drive. :)

So true!! Thats if you go to a QUALITY college. Sadly my college wasnt very good either.

Why Our Education System is GARBAGE!???


greats story, @kaylinart

Thank you!

Yes it is garbage. Im agree with you.
When Im go to University I wish to be a artist or IT-specialist.
I dont get enough points to stay a programmer. I was upset. And I dont go to leart arts because artists get low money for they work.
As result after years I get a Engineer diploma. I hate engineering. Absolutely hopeless and boring sector.
Now I dont work as engineer because I can get it. In develop Android apps and draw sketches. This both things I learn independently. And I regret that I studied to be an engineer. 5 years of my life was dissapeared.

Yeah I see how that can be a total waste of time for you! You should be able to work where you want without worry.

Hi kaylinart
I agree that the school system in many countries doesn't provide the kids with what the actually need and in the way they need it. Learning is no more fun to them and it is sad to see that many of them quit learning new things completely because of school. You mentioned that competition is also not helping in shaping a better school system.
I recently saw this video by Gary Vaynerchuk. I'm not a huge fan and agree with everything he says, but his point is that competition is somehow important when you want to grow and become successful. But we neglect this fact more and more because it is not political correct.
What are your thoughts on this? Open discussion for anyone to join.

I agree that competition is necessary, It encourages hard work. I think the issue though lies in what they are teaching us, The classes we are taking are no longer relevant. The curriculum is low quality and unneeded. We are being taught things that we will never need.

Its true, In some circumstances memorizing useless information is no longer necessary because you can look it up online. We need to teach things that they can apply to everyday life, For example: how to cook.

Also noticed this with the schools right now, they busy of nurturing the child or the student's knowledge and forgot about empowering good character habits.

So true! They need to change the type of subjects they are teaching our kids. I feel like people don't have good manners and such.

I agree. Have an idea for something trying to change this. If you can take a minute would love input from your perspective as well.

OMG LOVE THIS! Although I think we need to fix our colleges before encouraging college first. I think the quality of college has fallen, and the cost ridiculously high.

Yeah. Scholarship idea was more an platform step to the second part. A little separation from the current system would be good.

Socialism has taken everything. Want to fix "Schools" stop publicly funding these government monopolies. Privatize them -Dave


This was a good read and on a topic that I think really should be getting more attention. As adults it's our job to react to the education we were given because when the children complain they are seen as lazy and get bullied by the system even more.

What I think maybe the biggest problem is that schools do not allow room for practice. Sure you can do so, or are forced to do so, in sports, but a child shouldn't have to stay after to work on a sculpture project. Fuck Twain, if the kid wants to hone a talent, let him do that. Huckleberry Finn will always been available, but the afternoons of a twelve year old are always fleeting. Let kids do what they want so they learn how they learn, and then they'll be much more prepared to learn what's dull to them anyways.

Thanks for bringing this discussion up :)

Great opinios, I think you are right in what you said! The educational system is really destructive and doesn't create the effects that it should. I was reading those articles here:
-> https://steemit.com/freedom/@thomasmmaker/article-a-thought-about-freedom-and-education-03
-> https://steemit.com/policyofliberty/@policyofliberty/our-great-enemy-the-government-schools-of-the-northern-hemisphere
I think it complements what you have said and presents nice solutions for our educational problems! :D