Signs Of A Healthy Relationship!

in life •  7 years ago 

Healthy relationships are hard to find these days! If you are currently in a relationship, you should see if yours has these qualities. Or if you are looking for a relationship, Make sure to find a relationship with these qualities.

You Always Do All The Giving

Relationships are about giving, And by giving I mean what you Give. Your partner should never have to give anything. Imbalance leads to an exciting and fulfilling relationship. So expect absolutely nothing from the relationship, Give all. If they try to give in return, Then find someone else. Because they don't value you very much. If they are trying to give you something, That means they expect you to "take" from them. And that's offensive.

You Are Always Judged

You should feel good knowing that your partner is always judging you.
If you are listening to a weird song, and it sounds funny. Feel good knowing that your partner is making assumptions about who you are as a person because you listen to that song.

Judging is very important in relationships. It's important to find someone who is perfect. If their tastes don't align 100% with yours, They aren't worth hanging on to.

Are You Happy around them?

Being in a relationship means struggling as much as possible. You should NEVER be happy in a relationship, and if you are, That means something is wrong. When you feel happy around your partner, That means you need to start a fight. Try to find any petty thing that you can to get mad at them for.
Did they forget to take out the garbage? Did they forget to send you a goodnight text? Those are great reasons to cause a really bad argument. Make sure it drags on for days, So you don't have to look for another reason to be angry.

Do you compromise?

Compromising kills relationships, Why would you compromise when you can give your partner 100% of what they want? Always refuse to compromise, Because your desires are less important than your partners. This is why they always deserve to get exactly what they want!

Are You Allowed To Have Friends?

If you want to be in a healthy relationship, It's important that you stop talking to other people completely. Your partner is supposed to be the only one in your life. When you talk to other people, you are betraying your significant other.
You shouldn't speak to any family members or friends ever again! In fact, Don't even look at other people in public, Because that can be considered cheating! Relationships are about ownership, And now that you are dating, Your partner owns you. If your partner allows you to have friends in addition to dating them, That's a BIG red flag!

Joking! Do the opposite!

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Nice article :) And guess a healthy relationship is also very personal. What might work for us might be a total disaster for other couples.

But it is a challenge to make a relationship work for a life time. The number of break-ups and divorces prooves that.

So true hehe :) It's sad that those numbers are so high! And I see why it can be so difficult. Long term relationships definitely have a new set of challenges.

These relationship kind of things are good for the western countries, but in India arrange marriage is the best solution for all these problems, end of the story...

I would say: whatever works is ok :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Yup nowadays I even see dating sites in the Netherlands specialised in adultry. Guess the world is getting bizar somehow.

All want healthy relationship but its hard to get as its mostly depend on trust on eachothers so till all going well thete is not any issues but once misunderstanding happen all will damage. If one person from both do compromising then still more chances to solve issue. I am still single and never in relationship with anyone i also want to marry but its hard to find partner who is not with relationship with anyone too.

I love Your posts! They always make me laugh! ❤️ Haha

I'm so glad hehe :)

If you think my upcoming marriage is based on these signs then yes, I have a healthy relationship lol... you're invited to read al about it on my blog. I dare you. I double dare you 😎

heya Cem fancy meeting you here....tommorow is the big day, Mazel Tov :)

I had a gf while back and she was an ABSOLUTE control freak. She wanted me to deleted all my female facebook friends LOL. She argued, that all her boyfriends in the past left her and now she wants to have a control... Just stupid in my eyes. If I wanted to, I could get another girl without facebook. Not that I wanted to, I loved her. But just to emphasis my point.

Wow! I hate it when people get like that. Relationships are about trust. And if you don't have trust, It's not going to work haha!

Exactly! It's so hard to get in touch with a pessimistic person. If both are positive and believe that it can work then it probably will. If one distrust the other one from the start, then the relationship doesn't even need to begin in my eyes.

So true!
I agree completely with that. As soon as I see that the person doesn't trust me, I don't waste my time.

Yeah. It sounds quite rough to say that but I guess we both learned that from our past :)

Before finishing the blog i was like what? Then i saw the ending haha, great post btw

I've been in relationships where some of this seems expected! That was when i was young, impressionable, and stupid. Now i'm just.. nevermind! :)

LOL XD What? Now I'm curious lol

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

haha i'm just one of the 3!

Haha, I re-read the first couple of sentences a few times. Thinking I mis-read, or there was a mistake that changed the meaning. Like when you type should instead of shouldn't or something. Definitely reeled me in with that first paragraph.

Hahah Good! Lol! I was hoping to throw everyone off relatively quickly.

relationship whats that ......its been 200 years since ive even been on a date....i guess it would be funny if i was only joking........ interesting read though ...thanks ...:)

Awww XD If you want to go on dates you should find someone! LOl.

yes ive heard thats a i keep getting told ......:)) cheers....

The first signs that there might be something unhealthy going on in your relationship
is your use of the word “control.” Controlling behaviors are not healthy and can become abusive.
Also its starting to get danger, when your partner says "You are this", "You do this". There is
an easy behavior to avoid. Talk about YOU !
Example:Dont say "YOU did hurt me", the right thing to say would be "I am hurt" !!

So true :)
This post was joking, But I love how you brought some seriousness to it! I agree that controlling behaviors are defiantly abusive. I see it all the time, And those relationships never turn out good.

Ok some people tell me that I am to serious about some things..LOL :)

I'm reading this and thinking to myself, is Kayinart co-dependent? Then I got about halfway through and my caffeine-deprived brain processed this as a piece worthy of The Onion.

Long-term relationships with intense people make for a real challenge, but it's the commitment to making it work that matters. Neither my wife nor I were taught how to communicate by our families growing up, so we have struggled with serious communication problems over the years.

It has improved because neither of us was ever willing to quit on the other at the same time. And eventually we've figured out how to talk to each other when we're personally in trouble.

And that's made all the difference in the world. Thanks for the post Kay.

LOL thank god my last "healthy" relationship is over... I don't think I could take any more of that healthiness.

This post received a 3.5% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @kaylinart! For more information, click here!

Thank you

Very nice post
Beautifully expressed


interesting article

wow u r earning very good amount of money it's a dream to me please help me to grow my page please resteem my only 1 post please please

Indeed you gave us the most important things that we have to care in an healthy relationship.
Thank you for sharing!

It was Satire LOL


LOL XD I Couldn't resist that one LOL

Just matched perfectly =D

ahhhh off thrones lol....... the bastard son with the quirky sense of humour ....... thrones is due soon cant wait :)))

Good instruction!) @kaylinart

If you are compromising than it's not a relationship it's like a job which you don't like but still have to be part of it.

What!!? I think compromising is important sometimes hehe, You aren't always going to agree on everything.

Yes, indeed..!! see even right now I don't agree to your point :D

Gripping read! Amazing twist!
The next M Night Shalamalaman

thats an awesome blog, its made me think a bit about my current state


Made my day, haha! I'm so tired of seeing these 'relationship red-flag' posts, thanks for adding this delightful twist on the whole concept, upvoted :D

@kaylinart well i know the sign of healthy relationship is that ur girl will not hesitate to fart in front of you
But u r best as always
#upvote 💨

That's what we need . Thx for your post .looking for your next topic

THank you

🌸🌼 welcom🌼🌸

Correct we have to contribute 100% to make the relationship strong and ever lasting.

21 and single
any help ?

stop talkig to friend sounds a good things to do.

but remember, do the oposite. LOL


Alice wasn't the only one to find her wonderland!! :)

Awesome post!

Lol you had me there for a second.
I was thinking the exact opposite and was relieved by the end. We think the same.
However I do think that you should give give and expect nothing in return. You will feel so happy and relieved whe you receive.

follow,upvote ,resteem and comment @punitchoudharyand I'll do the same for you.

throughout the first paragraphs I was really unsure if this was serious or /S...

gave me a good chuckle!

I do love your insights and I would just add one at least is important for me. The ability to speak the truth as much uncomfortable as it may arise with intention to share pieces of your soul :)

It is a challenge to make a relationship work for a life time @kaylinart :)

Nice Post Kaylin, dont forget...follback me...n See my post to

Lmao I was so confused reading this. I was going to comment that this is the worst advise I've ever read lol and then I got to the end. Nice post!

great post. following u & upvoted it. looking forward to ur next post. here i posted a sci post.. hope u'll upvote it thanks..

In a couple there are ups and downs, it's good to question each other from time to time. In any case you have a good opinion on the matter. Good job

So true hehe

I have always respect for my parents and other older couples which stay together for so much years. It seems to be easy, but in reality it can be quite hard sometimes. What you pointed out are some basics of a healthy relationship indeed.

I want to add that it is important to stay yourself from the point you meet each other. It's something like a contract which you both agree with when you decide to stay together.

Lol. Since we live in the land of opposite reality your words of wisdom make perfect sense.

To have a long should be ready for many issues

Very nice post, lovely girl !!!

I'm very lucky to have the most wonderful women in my life and gives me as much as I give her. I think these values are so important. Thank you for a great post.

Omg, what is the opposite? I am female, I don't know where is right and where is left! How can you expect me to know what is the opposite! ! I need help or ny relationship will go out of the window or door or chimney. .. omg I am freaking out here!😂😉

Relationships are a beautiful part of our life! There are ups and downs, there are highs and lows, there are learning curves, and mysteries about to happen, but most of all, there are so many people out there waiting to love one another. I love being in love - don't get me wrong - I have had a hell of a past with relationships, but I guess good things come to those who wait eh? The world would be a better place if we all learned to love one another. It's not always easy to meet someone or fall deeply in love if you have been hurt in the past, but once you're in a healthy, happy relationship, if you're anything like me - your life is complete! :)

nice Post, im new here. could somebody follow my Storys @nelke2010

Haha, a nice piece of satire :) It actually took me a minute to realize...some people actually hold some pretty messed up ideas like this about relationships.

Great, I liked it. If you can stop by my blog and see the story I wrote and give me your opinion!

A healthy relationship is so beautiful. At first when I was reading your blog I was like woooo there and then I got to the end and you honestly got me lol. We all know or don't know one of the main keys to a healthy relationship is communication. If there is no communication then you have nothing and that goes hand and hand with trust and all the other cool stuff that comes with a having a partnership.

cool post !

I love your "opposites" theme you use through many of your posts. The satire actually helps the message sink in better! Plus, with the staggering numbers floating around about 1/4 women experiencing domestic violence at some point in their lifetime, this is a great reminder for recognizing some of the signs of an emotionally abusive relationship. I don't know the stats on men experiencing relationship violence, but of course this absolutely affects them as well. Overall, relevant to everyone. AND entertaining! :D

This reminds me of a similar article I saw on another website . (Sorry, I can't remember the name of it.) Basically, the title was "How to tell if you're in a healthy relationship." The first item on the checklist? "You didn't feel the need to click on this article." :D

Great article, Having just thank GOD ended a relationship with a Grade B Sociopath, false light worker spouting bullshit while having psychotic breaks then calling me the crazy one (gaslighting 101)......I am so happy to have my own place free from a parasitic feeder and finding success and happily dating men who have their shit together. Thank God for Steemit and the wonderful people I've met on it.