Stop Being A Victim!

in life •  7 years ago 

It's like a trend or something; Everyone wants to be offended. Everyone wants to be a victim. What happened to those days where everyone wanted to be the superhero that saved the day? Not the dying, miserable person in the corner who is struggling in every area of their life.

It's not cute or funny!

Note: This post is mostly referred to those that use every hardship they have to drain their lives and make excuses for why they can't do anything.

No One Likes Complainers

This sucks, That sucks. The whole world sucks, Your life sucks!

Everyone can complain all day, We all have SOMETHING to complain about! But at the end of the day, Guess who cares? Nobody. When you complain a ton, You become a negative person. Which most people tend to avoid.
People love problem solvers, Instead of thinking, Dang it sucks my lawn keeps growing back. Instead, come up with solutions! Can you replace it with rocks? Can you pay the neighborhood kid to mow it for you?
Solutions are so much better than mindless complaining.

Your Break Is Not Coming

When we are children, It's so easy to say that “one day I'll be a millionaire. I'll own ten unicorns” and what not.
We spend our lives subconsciously thinking that “break” is coming, The thing that will change our life forever. But here is the problem with that, It's not happening.
No one's going to hand you what you “think” you deserve.
And no matter how long you play the victim card, It's not coming. Get off your butt and do something.

Everyone Has Hardships

Everyone's life sucks. Everyone has had a million bad things happen to them. You aren't special or unique in that sense. Some people got a little luckier than others, Whether they were born in a slightly easier country, Or have the resources to do things.

Bad things don't discriminate. It happens to good and bad people. I'm not saying you should pretend they never affected you, or that you shouldn't' care. But try and beat those “odds.” Overcome the obstacles that life has thrown at you. Instead of thinking “Oh poor me” Think I'll show them/That/It.
You are more robust than they are. #
I see that with people who beat cancer. Despite the horrible experience of cancer, They thrive and try to make a difference. They don't spend all day thinking “Why did it happen to me? “ They kick butt in life.
You can do that too! Be grateful for what you have, And stop being the victim.

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Like get up and move on there’s people out there dying , being killed . There’s much more out there than our little worries yet we can’t get over little shit? Everyone has a story and we all go through different things at different times

Right? gosh! We worry about the smallest things.

PREACH IT! This really is a rampant issue in today's society and unfortunately more so amongst most millennials it seems. People equate hard work to some type of I always say work smarter not harder. But you will still have to work hard! That's life. We don't get stuff handed to us.

Nearly everyone is easily offended yet complain about a lot of things which provokes ridicule against them and in turn, another set of complaining.
I personally laugh if someone gets offended or complains about something small that doesn't deserve it. ;)

Right? Gosh :( Heheh You should! See? this is why you are amazing. hehe.

Hehe aww thanks, you are pretty amazing yourself. Hehe :)

Fear is the main ingredient of a “victim mentality”, and courage is the primary medicine.
Do not blame yourself either. If something went wrong, focus on how to fix it instead of why it happened. Look at children - when they trip and fall on the playground, they cry for a bit, then just get up and keep playing, instead of blaming themselves for being clumsy.

I love that! I didn't think of it in that way.

I agree Focus on solutions rather than the problem. It helps a lot.

Great comparaison with kids, always looking forward, not backwards!
Everything can be seen as an experience we can learn from, that's what we've been doing since childhood..

There really needs to be more people realizing this and stopping the madness. Kids are being raised less confident? I don't know or understand but it seems everyone thinks it ridiculous and its ONLY the media that puts this kinda thought out there.

This is a very powerful post! Sometimes we just have to hear the truth even when it hurts

I'd like include myself in making myself a winner and not 'the victim'. I don't necessarily believe that everyone's life sucks. We can cultivate an organic community around us that promotes positivity. Let's love life!

I learned all the way back in my early adult years that no one really owes you anything. To boot, one of the worst things anyone can do is walk through life with a the world owes me something kind of an attitude. I have a couple of relatives that have had that kind of attitude and it isn’t a coincidence they’re pretty well the least successful people out of my relatives.

At least I had a good example of what not to become when I was younger.

do whatever want to do in your Life
people always saying something bad about you
don't care about these think because when you success in your life so these appreciate you

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Always be fearless that will help you to find out your true potential and there is no risk in life, if you prefer small steps for growing and many more.
After all the content is really very good.
one last thing, according to my opinion- majority of people not become rich because of their less understanding,less thinking powers, and boring habits. if someone have good vision then that person will not take action ( they love to live their life on dream- not reality). This is reality
keep supporting me

The fruits of collectivism.
"From each according to his ability; to each according to his need"
Turns ability into a liability and need into a profession.

Certainly people today seem to complain too much. Our parents and our grandparents lived much harder lives and almost never complained. I wonder if we are a weaker generation? Good message from you regards

Everyone seems to be happier when they hear bad news rather this seeing the good. Great post ✌️

Problme problem we are think about problme 100 time.. If think about solution its easy to solve problems..... @kaylinart

I think those people who only complain about how miserable their lives are doing to receive attention but actually what they do is get hurt from people and they see them as a nuisance to others

It's all about how you want to frame your life! I couldn't agree more!

It's all about how
You want to frame your life! I
Couldn't agree more!

                 - karensuestudios

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Awesome blog post made a lot of valid points i will take this as a great inspiration,looking forward to your next blog posts.

I really appreciate how you put it! After months of feeling like a helpless victim, that's how I feel about feminism: stand up and fight for what I believe in :)
Life is funnier when you stop being its victim !

I just did a post here promoting a function on Steemit called SteemAuto and how I am giving you a 100% upvote on every post that you do!

Keep up the good work, Kaylin!

If i carefully consider any of your articles, there is a lot to understand...!
I liked your article. thankyou.

Happy 4th of July @kaylinart........... The Best Sentence of this that inspired me Today....."Get off your butt and do something."

I hate it when people do it just to pick a fight. Just have to walk away and stop talking to them. Haha. It's difficult to make a stubborn person change their ways. It is good attention getting behavior, for them. You always make such a good point. Love your psychology skills. Best Wishes!

Totally agree, victimhood is taking over the minds of people, everyone seems to be worried about everything that is wrong, and the multiple reasons why they are oppressed, instead of getting up and fighting adversity .