Stop Being Afraid Of Deadlines!

in life •  7 years ago 

Deadlines can be a helpful way to get a lot of things done. But they can also work against us in many ways.

Stop Procrastinating

This is one of the reasons it's great to set deadlines a little closer than you'd want. It's easy to procrastinate something when it's a couple of month or year stretch. Like long-term goals are a good example of this. It's so easy to put the discomfort of chasing those goals off. Because it's so far away.
This is also why it's important to have mid-term and short-term goals that go along with our long-term goals. So we are more likely to be on track to get those long-term goals.

Lose Your Sense Of Urgency

When you set deadlines that are far away, you lose that sense of urgency. Instead of accomplishing the goal sooner, You are more likely to accomplish it later. Just because you can.It doesn't seem as urgent or important. This is especially true when we don't have a deadline set at all for our desired goal. When things have no deadline, they often don't get done. Haven't you noticed you are more likely to gravitate to the homework assignment Or go to work? Well, that's because it has a deadline. Why cut yourself short with the most important goals of your life? Not your employers, Not Your Schooling, But your own goals that get you closer to your purpose in life, Your dreams.


Deadlines can be good or bad; Long-term deadlines can sometimes cause more harm than good and having no deadlines also causes problems. When setting a deadline for a goal, I always recommend giving yourself a little less time than you'll think it will take. But don't go overboard. If you are never able to accomplish your goals on time. That will send a message to your subconscious that you aren't very good at getting things done. It will also hurt your self-esteem.
If you need to accomplish something you've already accomplished before, Try setting a timer and seeing how long it takes. I often do this with my cleaning/Chores.
For example, It takes me about 25 Minutes to clean rabbits cages,
About 13 minutes to clean my room.
And another 10-15 minutes to do the dishes. So I expect myself to get all that done in an hour is a reasonable goal.
Laura lemonss hehehe.png

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Deadlines, deadlines, deadlines. Never enough time to get my make-up on. I stress on that every day.

I set a Deadline 55 Years Ago to have the Kennedy Papers Released. I see this week that I exceeded my Deadline.........................................

Politics is a game of cards and sometimes your only card is a suited trump.

I feel like we shouldn't set long term deadlines because everything can just change in a second and I'm not sure why but when you plan long term , it never goes your way

Wow! Yeah you've got a point there. I do have long term goals. But of course life loves throwing curve balls at you, And there is no way to know if something will get in your way.

This was my old way with assignments, would leave it for the last few weeks haha! Now I try get a head start so even if the deadlines are closing in, having some things done makes it a lot easier. :)

Oh good! I'm glad you changed your way of doing it! I always hated when I had assignments due the next morning. I had to get in the habit of doing them almost right away.

Well when you get into software development, you realise you should get a head start. Got to allow for the times you spend an hour working out an error, just to realise you had a typo! 😂

Procrastinators of Steemit unite ... tomorrow!

RIGHT? hahahhah XD

Deadlines help you prepare for the worst situation, but one thing to note here is not to push them to the extreme last moments as you might get carried away!

Exactly! It happens all the time

Good advice. I find myself getting way too stressed over deadlines.

Great points! Without deadlines being set, goals may be forgotten and thus never achieved.

I love me some deadlines, I tend to be overzealous with my dates and times and rarely hit them but it does really motivate me up to that point otherwise I end up putting it off one day then the next then the next.

I'm ok with the deadlines I set myself. In fact they can be quite motivating as well as rewarding when I reach them successfully.

What I find annoying are deadlines set by others. Not so bad when the other people have the relevant experience in the work I'm doing. But really bad when the people setting the deadlines do not have the relevant experience, this happened all the time when I worked in Government. Then what is really annoying is when I find out it was a fake deadline. There is a new deadline and guess what? The scope of the work has changed. I'm so glad I'm out of Government now and I can set my own time frames/deadlines.

How were you able to cope with the demands in such situation?

I just tried to do the best I could. I work for myself now so I don't need to worry these fake moving deadlines anymore.

Procrastination. I am a slave of it. :(

When I procrastinate, I feel okay with it.

Cause when I am under a deadline, I become hyped and ultra productive.

I usualy put deadline on month goals, week goals and day to do :).
This way they are very sistematic and i always know what i have to do :D

Deadlines work great for me!

Thank You!

The deadline and goals are essential for a good and successful life. You explained here the point - the essence, a really great blog, style and work. @kaylinart

Many times we have things undone because we thought we had enough time. These things could have made all the difference in our lives.
If we have the sense of urgency about what we have to do and we are convinced about its importance, we will find time to do them. Always I remember the saying

Where there is a will, there is a way

Everyone needs a dose of this reminder sometimes.

Great post.

its true its important to set long term goals. and also to set minor goals along the way in order for you to keep track on your progress and to keep you motivated to keep your eyes on the prize. i used to live my life not making any sort of plans. just doing things based on my feelings for the day so to speak but i found that i never get to accomplish anything that way. and if i did, its rather slow and ineffecient. now im implementing goal settings and even downloaded an app to schedule how i use my time. that way, i can keep track of my progress better. thanks for making this nice post kaylinart! very useful and informative. :)