Using The 20 Minute Rule (Pomodoro) To Get Stuff Done!

in life •  7 years ago 


So much to do! Where do I even begin! What is Pomodoro?
It's where you work in small sprints! It helps you get things done! This has made it much easier to get a lot done on days I felt so overwhelmed and stressed that I don't want to do anything at all!
You set a timer for 20 or 25 minutes, And you start working on something. Once the timer is up to you, get a 5-minute break. You keep doing this five times then you get a 30-minute break!

Things will fill the allotted time!

This works surprisingly well and will help you destroy your to do list! Have you ever heard about how the amount of time you give for something to get done, Will fill the allotted time? So things expand to fit the container you give it?

What I love about Pomodoro is it doesn't give you this opportunity, I find myself worried that my to do list will take a full day, But as a result, it only takes a couple of hours, I then have time left over to get more done.
I've been missing Steemit lately and have been wanting to write more. But I'm also preparing my new Shirt business for the holiday season, Trying to get up as many products as possible. Being newly in tier 2,000 I can upload 40 new shirt designs each day, Which has been hard trying to balance some social life, Along with Steemit, And my other responsibilities. I'm actually in the process of hiring a couple more people to help me out! Also Amazon often "throttles" Our ability to upload closer to the holidays, So I need everything to be created RIGHT NOW!

Last night I also was given another valuable opportunity that will allow me to expand to even more products with little effort, But of course, like most things, It does require a time consuming front end investment. Which I'm in the process of doing today! By Early next year, I'll be able to afford a lot of things I never imagined with this opportunity.
But again Steemit!
It's funny how I'm not willing to compromise very much on the things I want to do with my time! I have goals, And I'm going to get them done!

I've also been working out a lot too!

I started a new workout program that's kickboxing. The workouts are only 30 minutes long, But they have been brutal. Along with making, Doing research and uploading 40 shirts a day, I have also been doing this workout! It's been a lot of fun! I hope to lose weight doing this. But I need to cut back my sugar intake; I have a bad soda addiction.

What do you do when you are stressed?

How do you ensure you get everything you need to done?

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I have a lot of days like that and I end up focusing on what I absolutely must get done so anything that can wait, ends up waiting and piling up. Not good. Your idea just might work out nicely. Thanks. I used to employ the five minute rule and got a lot done. Until I read your post I had forgotten about that. Between pomodoro and the five minute rule. I think I am going to start getting things done.

Yep. I'd forgotten about this stuff. Reminder needed. :-)

Pomodoros are awesome!!! I recommend a free production site to organize your tasks that includes a Pomodoro clock(25 min in this case) that you can assign to the task you are working on, and keeps a log ...the website is
I used it all the time, I recommend going in the settings and creating the days of the week, and add all the features, then you can save it as a reusable kanvas.
I hope is useful

Just set my apple watch timer [on the main face] to 25 mins. Gonna give this a try. :-)

Gonna do it right now and go spend 25 mins with my husband!

Sounds like you have a very busy life. Good luck with everything your doing :)

I do! Thank you :) I wouldn't have it any other way though! I get bored when I'm not overwhelmed. Which sounds silly when I put it that way.

When your famous don't forget your friends. Your making a better life for yourself I am sure you will do great :)

Heheh I won't! I hope I do one day who knows LOl.

You will be, positivity, :)

Well, just measure your time well and do not despair. If you feel pressured I recommend that you rest a little and think well what you are going to do. It is good to exercise and avoid soda is best.
Little by little you will achieve your goals, greetings.

Thank you! Those are good tips! Hehe I think once I get going on this stuff I'll feel better about accomplishing all of it.

I love using the pomodoro technique. I use the Pomello chrome extension which is a pomodoro timer that integrates with Trello. I use Trello to create a list of things I want to get done and then use the Pomello. Another advanted of Pomello is it tells me how many pomodoro cycles I used to complete a task. It let's me know where I'm wasting time or if I outsource it later I know how long it should take.

That sounds pretty cool too! Have you ever heard of Trelleth? As in Trello on Ethereum lol?? It's being built by the swarm city developers to work like Trello but with $ETH being awarded for completion of certain tasks...

No, I haven't heard of that. Interesting for sure.

Wow I'm looking into that ! That sounds amazing. and really helpful.

Pomello? I might try it: thanks.

I literally just made a post about feeling so overwhelmed by everything I need to do that I haven't made time for Steemit, so this strategy seems very helpful. I'm going to try to employ it. Thanks for the good advice. I always find your posts interesting and helpful.

Yay thank you! I hate those days! I'm having a day like that too. But by timing yourself you'll get more done.

I go and play sports when I am stressed or not able to sleep.

LOVE it! I like to go running! Exercise is so helpful!

I don't like having a break if the job is not done :D

I feel the same way! But breaks do help your brain reset.

yes true... I am taking a break only if I really need it :D

Hah Well if that helps you get things done then do it! ha

i love the pomodoro technique . i use it to focus and it away distractions . there is a great course for free on coursera called learning how to learn that offers great advice

I'll have to check that out! I love the pomodoro technique as well! It makes life much easier.

Great entreprenual mode you seem to have. Keep hustlin'!

Thank you!! I love being an entrepreneur it's very overwhelming at times though ahehe

Great post. Maybe it is boring for someone to write a schedule, but it is very important, if you want to achieve something.

Thank you! It's true! It can get boring but it's also very important.

i learn about this technique on "learning hoe to learn" on coursera and it works for me well , it's amazing . i was always tent to put off work of the day to the next and so forth till the end of the week I realize i got many errands to run but after i learnt about this my productivity increases too much

Always a great read. Steem the Dream!

Thank you :)



Smile more!

very helpfull on steemit FAQ very limited information on this waiting 30 minutes thank you so much :)


Great informative advice, a good way to embrace time management, i think it can be used in a small way also to achieve smaller goals, any journey just requires a single footstep to start it:)

Exactly!! Setting a timer is a great way just to get started when your struggling to do just that.

Is it you in first image so beautiful

No it's not! hehe! She's very beautiful though.

you're also !

this is a great ideal, especially if you can stay active during the break time, a quick exercise f some kind for example


hey, very nice. i just voted for your post, please vote my post too, and follow me.


I like to write everything down (the to-do list). Then prioritize it (necessity and time required). It's very rewarding when you can strike an item off the list. It tends to self-motivate with every stroke of the pencil.

Thanks for the info. I must admit, i learn about alot of things here on steemit. I'm gonna give it a try

Nice job! I've had to use Trello for some of my clients. To be honest there are so many of these platforms that it does irk me at times. But I will check this out. Thanks for posting and consider yourself followed.

I have no problem with the 20 minute rule to be honest!! :p

Soda is a killer! You must cut down/remove from diet! good luck!

I am using it for one year so far, and it really feels relaxing especially when you are under work pressure!

If you like sodas try to drink Coca Cola ZERO it helps in losing weight :)
Good luck on your endeavors.

I should try it! Thank you! I'm super addicted to mountain dew for some reason! Maybe I love citrus? who knows.

Diet Mountain Dew has only 10 calories. It uses a blend of sucralose, aspartame, and acesulfame potassium as sweeteners.

I love ZEVIA - no aspartame or sucralose!

I love using the pomodoro technique. I use the Pomello chrome extension which is a pomodoro timer that integrates with Trello. I use Trello to create a list of things I want to get done and then use the Pomello

People are always busy nowadays with so much to do. I will give your method a try.


I am having to much work lately and knowing where to start is a big headache.

I will start the Pomodoro technique tomorrow at work and see the difference/benefits.

Thanks for sharing :)

Great tips! I will use Pomodoro technique to try it.

Where do you get the training plans? Why did you choose such exercises?

Well done, nice post, never new about Pomodoro but will give it a try.

I'm giving myself 20 minutes to catch up on Steemit content!

@kaylinart: "How do you ensure you get everything you need to done?"

Given how highly productive you are (impressive!), I bet you'll think me a lazy schmuck by my answer, but it's this:

I do LESS.

LOL. Big fan of simplicity, white space and not rushing. <3

I do this on Wednesdays and jokingly call them "Anti-procrastination Wednesday". No reason really to keep them to Wednesdays I see.
I'm often putting things off because I think they will take too long to even get started.
Might well try to fit a few things in in short stints like this. Before, I've done the timer technique for 'chores' but I might do it for things I like to do too, which I 'don't have time for'. :-)

Friday. Always push Day. Push and release!

yes!!! Kickboxing is so fun, and you will get strong!

When are you trying acroyoga? :)

Worked for me a while.
Now I stick to the rule: do it.
I put some while noise sound on and do what I have to do. Period.

This a great technique. It always motivates you when you accomplish little steps instead of giving up on one big step. Especially in business.

Thanks kaylinart.. great advice ;)

Pomodoro doesn't work for me. Luckily I have a reliable Adderall hookup.

I hadn't heard about the pomodoro technique until now. Maybe I'll give it a try...
Whenever I'm under a lot of pressure I get overwhelmed and freaked out. Then I push the pause-button to everything I'm doing, I take a deep breath and try to focus on one priority task at a time. Once everything starts falling into place, I don't need to do anything else, things work out by themselves.
You just need to plan your moves and try sticking to your schedule.

A good 20' run in the park or at the gym with your favorite music on your headphones will help you release all the stress and tension you went through, after you're done with your work - at least that's what I like to do .

Steem on and keep smiling, people! 😃

i never knew that you can use cute lil doggos as a timer to get work done!

Really good idea for personal time management. Thank you.

the tomato technique, yeah i works wonders, unless you pay attention somewhere else. Also give yourself a proper reward at the end, that boosts confidence an rewires the brain also. Overstressing is actually worse than being overweight, in fact many people gain weight because they are stressed, which basically gets the body to produce cortisol and store fat.

So yeah sugar is a killer too, I started by drinking tea, then a few years later basically, I stopped drinking sugar with my coffee and now I can't even think of putting it anywhere, I basically do well with fruits and well winters are tough, I still eat sweets from time to time, but it's always disheartening seeing cheap oils and soy and something else, basically manufacturers care to satisfy regulators and get as low as possible, so basically one sweet costs some cents, the packaging costs a few more cents and in the end you get to pay for the shipping, the manufacturing, the raw materials, the distribution and the retailer :D and all the associated costs from the government and the draining of energy for the production.

I do wonder if when people were cooking at home all this was pure fantasy. I don't get the rush for more and more, It's never enough. I think it creates more problems than it solves.

Now that's determination.

Oh wow I had NO idea this was an actual thing lol - I'd never heard of the term Pomodoro technique before now but I've been doing this exact thing lately lol! It actually really works wonders, very cool :)

LOVE POMODORO! I Run when stressed. We homeschool and had a new baby this year. I get more work done in a day home with my kids than my friends with kids do in a month. And work out 30-60 minutes a day. My life is overfilled but I feel so good about it and balanced, in spite of the occasional off-day! High five!

i love the Pomodoro Rule even my mom always said that the best relax is changing the kind of activity and this always worked for me very well