Vegas #2 Polygamists, Dumpy Motel, And Cedar City, Utah

in life •  7 years ago 


Oh my, Where do I begin? Part of being “frugal” Is you end up in strange situations.
We stopped in Cedar City, On our way to Vegas. @Treeshaface wanted us to start our vacation sooner. Plus instead of 6 hours of driving, she would only have to drive 3.
She found a super cheap motel at only 40.00 a night. ON A SATURDAY!
So We went ahead to stay there.

The driveway, Holy...

So there was a “dip.” Getting into the driveway. It can't even be called a dip. It's more like a mountain. So getting in and out of it. Took some serious driving skills. Poor @Treeshaface scratched her car on the way in there because of thats how steep and ridiculous it was. Seriously?
She later figured out how to get in there without scratching the undercarriage of her car. We were only there one night so no big deal right?


Yeah, the hotel was 40 a night for a reason... The room was tiny, Which is no big deal. But I didn't expect it to be so dirty. There were black spots everywhere on the walls and door. Behind the drawers, there was a ton of dust. Which shows they don't vacuum. I immediately peeled off the blankets in my bed. Because I know from working as a house keeper YOUR BLANKETS AND BEDSPREAD ARE NEVER WASHED.
Only the sheets. And Even then, Sometimes rushed housekeepers don't change those when they should.
Lmao! @treeshaface says "Hi"


We went and got more fast food for dinner. And We went to Smiths. Which I took the opportunity to grab a bunch of paper towels and some Clorox cleaner. So I could clean up the room real good.

We saw polygamists

Despite popular belief. All Mormons aren't polygamists. I don't know all the details on the top of my head. But the Mormon church split into two a long time ago. And became the FLDS (Polygamists) And The LDS (Non Polygamist)
There are other differences with these two religions too. As we were walking around the store we saw All these women dressed like little pioneer women walking around. Wearing old fashioned dresses and head things.
It was so bizarre.
I felt bad that I was sneaking photos of them While staring at the chip shelf.
Sorry they are blurry haha

Religion is for adults, Not children.

Some of these girls looked like they were in their early teens. I'm not going to go into too much detail Because I plan to write a whole post about this. One of the girls looked terrified to be in the store. Like she had never even been in the store before. And I know from experience, That some religions “brainwash” their members. I Feel sorry for these girls, They probably never had a choice. Or If they did have a choice at their young age. They wouldn't know better to make the correct one. So They could waste their whole life trapped, Not living up to their potential.

Yes! I Cleaned

We didn't bother asking for a new room, Because it was quite clear from the pool area and such, That cleanliness isn't important to them. And We probably would get a room that's just as dirty.
But I felt better once I Had my hands on some Clorox spray. And yes I scrubbed a lot of things down.
Usually, when a person stays in a hotel, They leave it messier than when they found it. In this case, I left it cleaner. Look at the door! It was bright white when I was done, And I didn't even try that hard to remove the dirt (Disgusting) Glad I bought some rubber gloves too. Haha.

Part of the cool drive in the desert!

Whats the worst Hotel/Motel You've stayed in?

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Haha so interesting to hear about your trip! That never happens.. leaving your hotel cleaner than it was!

Right? Hhahaa

Ive been to many cheap motels and really I don't mind them. Im not picky at all lol I sometimes stay at the Plaza hotel on freemont street in the old vegas part, its super cheap and I love partying with the crazy people there. It makes for some interesting times. Yes, my friends found me breakdancing on freemont in front of a street singer performer. They had to carry me back to our hotel where I slept for 14 hours lol.

Really? I don't mind them as much either. I'm not super high maintenance or anything, But I do like a clean room. Thats all I really care about haha.

Wow! Plaza hotel? I need to check that up. That is way cool that you did breakdancing!

Yes, next time you go check it out! Its actually a nice hotel. Prob the best deal in vegas lol

Haha this sounds like something my wife would do. That room looks huge compared to some of the "cheap" motel rooms I stayed at when visiting Europe. Quite the spy taking those pictures :O

Wow really!? Hahha It seemed way small to me.

Yeah we could barely open the door and not hit the bed and you pretty much tripped over your suitcases walking around the bed.

I once stayed in a hotel where it was pretty obvious there were drug deals going down just outside. Not good when you have a child.

Oh NO! What did you do? That doesn't sound good at all.

Just locked the doors, left early in the morning before checkout time, and never went back!

You either give up the $100 you paid, and leave, or you lock the doors, and stay. We stayed. We had a lot of confidence in the locks on the doors, at least.

That is pretty disgusting for a place to be that dirty, even a cheaper place, though I guess you get what you pay for haha! Luckily super Kaylin to the rescue with a bit of spray cleaning. 😂

Looks like a nice, relaxing drive out in the desert. 😃

Right Lmao? Why can't they at least keep the rooms clean? I don't care if things are a bit Worn out, Or old as long as it's clean XDDD

Haha exactly! Hey, you should've asked them to pay you for making the room no doubt look like at least a $60 a night room! ;) hehe

Cute klip. What is this song?

I'm in the worst motel right now in Chandler, AZ. I've been here for one week with my brother as he is going through a divorce. It's dirty (I spent the first full day cleaning), no cable TV, the Wi-Fi sucks and the one window is boarded up.

Hi @kaylinart You headed to Las Vegas. Very cool. Always sweet to meet others involved in Steem. You guys want to meet up grab a coffee? I'm planning organizing a Steem event here in Vegas. Love to hear your thoughts.

Thank you :) Crap! I need to go back I Just got home! I want to start going to Steem Meetups and I can always fly.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

My Bro @talkingtree took a long road trip following the border between the USA and Mexico. He traveled for nearly two months and put about 13,000 miles on his vehicle. He specifically sought out old hotels to stay at because the photography matched his style more around old cheap hotels. We are both from Cedar City!

Most of the polygamists that you see around Cedar City have either been kicked (evicted) out of their community in Colorado City, AZ or (Hilldale, UT); or they have left by their own choice. They are good people and very hard workers.

I am LDS and like you said the FLDS is basically an offshoot from the LDS faith. The LDS Church suspended the practice of polygamy in 1890; the FLDS didn’t want to suspend it.

I think the term "brainwashing" describes that perfectly. To each their own I guess, but it feels more like indoctrinating children into a lifestyle they never had a choice in unfortunately.

Right? And you later become so brainwashed you can't make the decision for yourself because it's so ingrained in your head. It's sad really.

Good hotels are hard to find these days and when it's good , so is the price ! Make the best of the trip !

The worst one I've stayed in was my recent trip to Pakistan . The lights went off and we were the only ones in the hotel . The lights never came back on

Interesting story, sometimes we have to adjust ourselves with the surrounding environment, cleanliness is a reason for the visitors to visit somewhere. @kaylinart

Right? I felt much better once I cleaned up the room

Hi @kaylinart nice post. Have a nice day.....////////