What happens To Your Brain When You Are Sleep Deprived?

in life •  8 years ago 

Sleeplessness is a universal concern these days. It is becoming increasingly common among working men & women, as well as students. And, most of us are ignorant and have developed a tendency to overlook the severities that sleep deprivation accompanies with itself. While sleeping, the cells of our body regenerate, especially, brain cells. What happens to your brain when you are deprived of sleep? Remember, ignorance isn’t always the bliss, awareness is.

  • The foremost essential thing to know is that our brain begins shutting down parts of our body not necessary to survival, as soon as individual refrain themselves from sleep.

  • Multiple regions of brain observe reduced blood flow and reduced metabolism which are responsible for impairment of cognitive function and behavior.

  • As the count of sleepless hours increase, your ability to handle even simple tasks is reduced and decision-making becomes quite weak.

  • The neurons in your brain don’t get the chance to regenerate properly if you’re sleeping less than 5 hours on a daily basis, and the neurons usually die off very soon.

  • If you’ve been living the life of an insomniac for too long, a long-term irreversible brain damage can occur, and your attention span might get totally snubbed.

  • Scientists have also found that lack of sleep is responsible for spurring unwanted genetic changes in our brain.

  • According to a study from Stanford University, Ghrelin levels, responsible for stimulating hunger can increase up to 15 percent.

  • Formation of new memories and processing of new information by the brain is prominently hindered following sleep deprivation.

  • Your physical reflexes and reaction time attest a sudden nose-dive, and distractions are more frequent.

  • The imaginative and creative prowess of your brain is greatly inhibited.

  • The functions controlled by prefrontal cortex such as impulse control, judgment and attention are not at their optimum levels.

  • Even, the ability of a brain to regulate emotions, witnesses a bedlam post a sleep-deprived state.

  • Hallucinations, weight gain and gradual weakening of immune system are also common among people who are deprived of sleep.

  • The original network of our brain gets scrambled, and thus, aberrant behavior is frequent too.

  • Different portions of our brain at rest and different are active during the sleep cycle. Therefore it is unwise to comprise with your sleep.

So How Do I Get More Sleep Anyways?

  • Try going to bed earlier, Or as soon as your tired, Let yourself sleep in. Or even try to wake up earlier. But ensure you get enough sleep overall. Waking up early instead of forcing yourself to stay up super late will help your brain stay in peak condition.

  • Intake more light in your day, Go outside, Open the blinds. Making yourself stay in light will make it easier for your brain to product melatonin later.

  • Keep your bedroom dark when you are sleeping. The glow from your phone, Computer, alarm clock can mess with your sleep. You can also save on your electric bill by turning everything off and unplugging it. With your alarm clock, Try turning it away from you, so the light doesn't affect you.

  • Cut caffeine early! Don't drink caffeine an hour before bed. If you have an addiction to coffee or soda, Stop drinking it. Grab some water instead.

  • Keep your sleep schedule the same, Even on weekends.
    Try to wake up the same time every day, and go to bed around the same time.

  • Write before you sleep
    Just pour out your brain or what's bugging you, Write your to do list. Whatever makes you happy. Journals will help you sleep better.

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Reading this reminds me of the years I spent studying and partying and not sleeping much before having to go to class at 8:00, then working during the evening combined with playing world of warcraft... I am glad I was able to fix my sleep by using reddit a lot for some time and just commenting on threads and other comments, it usually helped to fall asleep easier. :)

Just like you said at the end:

"Write before you sleep
Just pour out your brain or what's bugging you, Write your to do list. Whatever makes you happy. Journals will help you sleep better."

I wonder how much damage I have caused so far. :P

Oh no! I hope you didn't cause too much damage. Maybe if you sleep for a week straight you can repair it! hahaha JK

Haha, I like how the "JK" part is for the "sleep a week straight" part but it at the same time means there won't be much repairing possible either, haha.

haha probably not sadly. It seems as though our brains are incredibly fragile and they don't seem to repair themselves yet. At least you probably dont' feel any different from before. Maybe technology will become more advanced and brain repair will be possible.

Haha, it took me two weeks to sleep properly again after stumbling onto Steemit.

But yeah, looking forward to augmentation, I read somewhere if we are alive in the next 30 years, we could probably stay alive forever, somehow.

Anyway, this comment tree started to sound as if I have really gotten a lot of irreparable brain damage, :D

Going to follow the good advice I just read and will go to sleep to give my brain a bit of rest from steemit :)

Do it!! Get some rest hahah

But If I go to sleep I may miss discovering the next great post on Steemit before it hits the trending page!

Heheh so true :) BUt you have to sleep at some point! LOL. I wish we could duplicate ourselves and give one copy sleep, while the other hangs out on Steemit.

I am web developer, and it's really hard for me to try going to bed earlier.. Well, really awesome topic for me, I enjoyed reading it.

Thank you so much for sharing it.

Such sage advice... but why is it when it's bedtime I just want to stay up a little more?

I'm the EXACT SAME WAY. Hahah It's an evil think our brain does.

Ah yes life likes to be cruel ;-P

At least I know what Steemit is doing to me haha . Since I discovered Steemit I've been going to bed when the sun rises lol.

OH gosh I can relate. I've been going to bed late and waking up early. I finally had to take a nap today because my brain couldnt' handle it anymore.

I Loved this read and the cute pictures you used to go alone with it. I do agree sleep it something we all need to give more time to but even i slip past the grasps of sleep by the things we love to spent time on in which we cannot give much time to unless we allow that slip. Thank you for the great read @kaylinart

It's so hard I agree! I never want to sleep. I wish I could some how go without, there just isn't enough time in the day. But it's good for you and you need to do it anyways sadly.

lol yea you follow my "sleep is for the dead." ;) I am right there with you and I enjoy staying up for days, it feels as if I reset myself when I do

That's a pretty appropriate topic for sleep-deprived steemers...

hehe I figured! Anything for addiction, or sleep deprivation is Steemit to a T.


Sleep health is easy to overlook and sadly eschewed socially as some sort of badge of honor.

Forget "I'll sleep when I'm dead."

Sleep now. Or tonight.

I don’t get enough, but am always working on improving it. Also I am more open to naps whe I am exhausted. It is a message from the body too many of us ignore.

we need to sleep more so we can be more productive during the day!

I work about 16 hours a day sleep I know I am sorely behind in, great post.


Aww get some sleep ! Do you have to work 16 hours a day? Or do you love what you do enough ? I can relate. I work a ridiculous amount of time too

sometimes I think my problem is I am a workaholic lol , I enjoy what I do but at times I dont have a choice bills are waiting so I need to make sure I cough up :)

Great advices, Kaylin! :) As always! And your productity is amazing! How many hours a day you sleep, I wonder?

There's a really excellent talk on sleep which highlights the new research as to how the brain 'takes out the garbage' which only happens during sleep. - which provides the possible links between lack of sleep and the development of conditions like dementia https://www.ted.com/talks/jeff_iliff_one_more_reason_to_get_a_good_night_s_sleep?language=en

This reminds me of an AsapSCIENCE video about how much sleep you need. What struck me was how people who sleep less than 6 hours per night have the same cognitive impairment as people who are legally drunk. So I've been legally drunk since the birth of my first child 6 years ago. . . quite the bender!

WOW that is amazing I didn't know it expanded that far. People really need to sleep. They should almost should make it illegal to drive without enough sleep!

Yikes! You need to sleep more it's good for you.