What It Feels Like To Be Hit By A Car

in life •  8 years ago 

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I was riding my bicycle to my friends house. It was 10:00 A.m. on a Saturday. Perfect time for a bike ride right?
I have a bright yellow road bike, Shes beautiful. Although fairly old, She was made in 1990 Before I was born!!
There was one thing I hated about my bike though.. The curved handle bars, It was my first roadbike and I really wanted one with the straight bars (Hybrid).

But being the cheapskate that I am, I looked on Ebay for a used Roadbike, After figuring out the size of bike I would need for my 5'4 self. I had limited choices. When I saw the yellow bike, I had to have it, Yellow is my favorite color.

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I was riding my bike that day, I wasn't wearing a helmet, But I was wearing my sunglasses.
I was on a road nearby the neighborhood of my friends house.
I looked both ways, And began crossing the street, It was a small two lane road. When I got in the second lane


I felt the most incredible impact I have ever felt in my life, I don't even know how to describe it. But my world went black, But I was still somewhat aware, My brain was still functioning!

Some of my thoughts....
What the hell just happened?
Oh my god I think I just got hit by a car
Am I dead?
If I'm not, I need to get the hell out of the road ASAP Or I'll get hit and this time, I WILL DIE ##
I felt myself slide backwards, I was somehow still on my bike, I couldn't move my legs! They were stuck on something.. I reached my hand out, And felt the front mirror of the car with my hand, As it quickly moved passed me. I still couldn't see anything, But I felt myself tip. My legs still couldn't move, something was holding them down.
The bike fell down with me on it, I was attached to my bike, I fell with my bike onto the concrete the contents of my bag spilling all over the road, My sunglasses, My phone, all laying there.

With an intense adrenaline rush I had to MOVE # I quickly gathered my stuff, grabbed my messed up bicycle which was all bent and messed up, And rushed out of the road. I dropped my bike on the side walk and looked at where I got hit.. My sunglasses were still in the road!

At this point my brain wasn't working
I bolted back into the road to retrieve my stupid 7.00 sunglasses! I got honked at by some lady in a van, And Almost got hit again.

The person who hit me, Was long gone. They hit me, Then drove away

My brain wasn't working well, I was terrified. What if the person comes back, drives up the sidewalk to hit me again!? I was so scared of that happening, Even though it most likely wouldn't. I bolted into the park nearby, My energy level was low, And I was in so much pain all over, I collapsed under a nearby tree where I finally felt safe. I laid there under the tree for a while, My main concern was my bicycle...

I paid 500 for that bicycle, It's my only transportation, I cannot buy another. I started to realize that those curved handle bars saved my life. They held me on the bicycle. The bicycle rolled backwards when hit, The car didn't stop, If I would have fallen off my bicycle, I could of had my legs ran over or my chest. I would of died or been severely injured.

Eventually I was able to get up and look at the damage, I had a massive scrape on my elbow, From the concrete. My knee also had a small scrape. But other than that I was mostly unharmed.
My bicycle took most of the blow, My wheel was completely bent the other way from the impact, I was able to adjust it fairly easily though, But many of my spokes were bent, and my entire wheel was slightly bent.

I was able to get to my friends house fine. But I still didn't feel well. I was really out of it, I didn't think to go to the hospital, that whole week I did nothing but sleep,
It was really bizarre, I'd sleep all night and day, Then I'd go to work, which when I was awake my head was hurting and I could barley function. Then when I got home I'd sleep again. I found out later that I probably had a concussion.
But without seeing a doctor I ended up okay.
I still was able to use my bike, I did basic repairs to it, But nothing fancy right away, After a month of saving up, I gave my bicycle what it rightfully deserved. A week at the bike shop, Where I spent 300.00 In repairs.

The picture on the top, is when I gave it basic repairs,

The photo below is when I gave it a full make over, I bought it new wheels, New tires, I got the shifting totally replaced, and a new seat!

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That was definitely a traumatizing experience for me! And I'm so glad I'm not permanently damaged as a result.
If that person would of stopped to help me, After hitting me. I wouldn't of sued them. Maybe I would of asked them for a little money to help repair my bike, But I am amazed that someone could be so cold.

If you hit someone please stop!!

Don't text and drive! SERIOUSLY!

I don't know what that person was doing, But They had to be doing something they weren't supposed to, While driving. How can you hit someone, on a non busy road on a Saturday at 10:00 A.M. ?
Maybe Utah has too many crazy drivers!!

A tip: Buy bikes with curved handle bars! They could save your life! LOL

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I always wear my helpmet

... and I used to my work by bike every single day for well over 3 years. I never had an accident though, but I still wear my helmet whenever I go by bike and this is why: My Parents.

In short, they help me grow up, the fed me, they taught me, trained me, loved me .. from day one! How dare I risk killing my self, throwing away every penny and sweat the paid into me, by not wearing a damn helmet?! I see not a single reason how people can possible come up with an smart argument against a helmet.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I guess that is not you with your father...

True! Helmets are very helpful. If I was wearing one that day, I probably would of only received some scrapes and no concussion.

Glad you are okay. I hope you started to wear your helmet!

My husband got hit by a squirrel. His bike flipped (with him on it), and he landed on his back. Broke his scapula. But his head was saved by his helmet.

Stupid Squirrel, It should've checked both directions of the road and crossed it when it was safe instead of running into the bike.

I'm glad your husband's head was saved. Bike riding is so dangerous. Bikes are going to fast. This picture is spectacular and also very sad.

Oh my gosh! Sad for both the squirrel and your husband!! I'm so glad he was wearing a helmet!! I need to wear my helmet more often, I do wear it when I go on longer rides, Although I need to when I do the short ones too.

I always try and look out for people on bikes. But unfortunately where I'm from they act like they own the whole road. I get so mad because they put themselves in danger for no reason!

I see cyclists that do that sometimes! But I always try to share the road, I tend to ride on the side of the road, Or even on the sidewalk. I hope other cyclists will stop being so reckless about it!

Wow, what a scary experience! I'm glad you weren't badly hurt. Nice picture of you at the top, and your yellow road bike is beautiful, I agree!

Thank you heheh :)

Hope it wasn't as bad as this:

Oh my gosh! Not even close thankfully!

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Perhaps thankfully, the worst bicycle crash I've ever had was when I was in a bike lane and some inattentive older man opened his car door at the exact right time to take me down. I didn't even see it. All I knew was that I was flying to the pavement. I put my arms forward and braced for impact. In hindsight I probably should have called the cops, if only to get insurance information (if he had any, and I'm not sure if it would apply since he wasn't driving). But I was dazed and in pain, but I could tell nothing was broken, so I just wanted to get home, take an ibuprofen and sit down. The car he doored me with was a minivan so I threw my bike with its mangled rear wheel in the back and he gave me a ride home, about half a mile away.

Thankfully the injury wasn't bad, just scrapes and bruises, with a dislocated shifter and a bent up rear wheel on my bike. I wish I had gotten his number to at least ask for him to pay for that, but my only instinct in the pain was just to get home.

Holy cow! Why are people allowed to get away with this!? We need to be able to ride our bikes without being afraid of things like this! I'm glad you weren't too injured :(

very scary story indeed, glad you made it.

Thank you for your support! I greatly appreciate it!

That's really scary! Didn't you file a police case? That driver's recklessness could've killed you. That driver deserves to be punished. Cute bike btw.

I tried to, But because I had so little information on the driver, I wasn't able to. The car came out of no where when it hit me. I probably should of asked anyone around, But my focus was to get away from the person who hit me.

I wonder if there was a CCTV in that area. I can only imagine how you might've felt at that moment. On the bright side, nothing bad happened except your damaged cycle and a scraped knee and elbow (and a concussion that you're not so sure about).

It was terrifying hhaa.

Glad you are okay! I was hit by a car when I was younger, not a fun experience. Luckily I escaped no worse for wear (no broken bones at least). It's tough as a bike rider on busy roads!

I'm glad you are okay too! It's definitely an experience you don't forget!

You need to get a proper bike fit. I know you may like it that way, but the angle of the handlebars and the saddle are all wrong.

I agree with you, But I don't like being hunched over, So I raised the handle bars so I could sit in a more upright position. I ride my bike as more of a hobby it's not something I"m too serious about as far as like racing or anything like that.

Then you need to buy spacers or an angled stem. It's probably dangerous to drive around like that. I can't believe you would be comfortable on a seat angled that way either. Actually, looking back at the picture, you could just flip the stem and it would raise the handlebars quite significantly. And there's still space for one or two spacers (These things cost close to nothing).

The seat isn't angled that way anymore, That is when I first installed it, I quickly took a picture because I loved the way my bike looked, But I made new adjustments afterwards. I will look into that though!

Glad you're ok. I had a similar experience on a motorcycle. I was off my feet for a while and have a huge scar on my leg, but other than that I'm fine now. The girl that hit me ran a red light on a busy street. She stopped, and was ticketed, but I have no idea what caused her to run the light.

Thats crazy! Why can't people watch the road!!? I wonder if she was there texting!!! I'm glad you didn't get extremely hurt.