Why Is Attention So Important?

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)


Many people these days, Cannot pay attention. Instead, they have to be doing ten things at once, Or they often feel off balance. We watch tv, Or go out with friends, and are only half paying attention to the things around us. Instead of listening to the story your friend is excited to tell, you instead are focusing only on your phone.
Getting someones attention is getting increasingly harder as we become better at tuning things out.

More And More People Have Trouble Staying Focused

We can't seem to focus these days. Things that should be taking 10 minutes or less are starting to drag on for hours. All because every two seconds we pull out our phones, or do something we really shouldn't be.
Because focusing on that one task is just too much.

Better At Listening

When you pay attention, It's easier to listen to what the other person is saying, Which is obvious. When you are too absorbed with the contents of your phone. You can't fully grasp the story or concepts that someone is telling you. And because of this, people are dying to be listened to.

Grasp Concepts Faster

There is no such thing as multi-tasking, When you "think" you are multitasking you are just rapidly switching from one task to the next. Which causes you to slow down on your goals and rapidly overloads your brain.
When you pay attention, you can get through things faster because you aren't forced to switch your focus back and forth.

It Takes Practice

I'm working on a second article that will help go over some of the ways you can improve your attention span.
Like most things in life, It simply requires lots of practice. But Improving your ability to pay attention can be done.


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Sometimes we lack attention on matters , sometimes when we focus on the little detail , it helps us analyze the bigger picture

Exactly! The bigger picture is also very important, And when we fail to focus on the small details it really adds up to how much we miss on that bigger picture.

Hey Kaylin I am so impressed by your ability to pay attention. You got 5 posts going in the preceding 2 hours, and you are personally paying attention to each one of them. Continuously interacting and commenting. I hardly can manage one. Superwoman!!!

Aww thank you :) It's tough. But I keep setting a timer and just go for it!

You mean an electronic timer? Would love to know how that works. I would also like to do so much in so little time. May be another post on how you manage time. Cheers :)

Technology is what many focus on, hence why you see most always on their phone or tablet. Unlike me, I get bored of the phone at times and hate playing games or mainstream trends.

Thinking is what I like to do, helps you become more well known with common and other topics happening all around us.

Really? I'm the same way! I don't know how some people spend so much time on their phones. It gets old fast.
I'm glad you take the time to think hehe :) That helps a ton.

Another think you are like me with, are you stalking me now?! ;)
Kidding hehe. But I agree, though PC is another thing because you got Steemit, games, and much more. :)

Maybe :) We just seem to have a lot in common hehe.
Heheh Yes!! There are so many other things that grab your attention besides phones. Besides the games are so much better on PC.

Hehe yes, it's nice having more in common. :)
Yup, much better! I just started playing Elite Dangerous again, missed flying around in space. :)

attention is very important to us.
because with someone who concerns us, we are more excited and happy. because with him we are more spirit.hehe


what if i pay attention to you every day .. ?? sure you feel happy .. !!

attention is very important to succeed.let consider memorise something,with full attention you may memorise a passage 10 minute but if you are in low attention you have 6 time more time to memorise the passage

Exactly! It increases your learning by a ton!

it is my real experience.i had tried to test it when i was persuing my hsc certificate.

wow ! awesome smile in photo and there is always something we can do on a daily basis that will get us to where we need to do. It takes focus. That is where the secret to success is. Consistency and focus.

I'm amazed at how people give attention to their phone before the person they are with. A great book is one by Gary Keller. I think it is called 'One Thing'.

@kaylinart I've started paying attention to you from now on. Lotta learn from you girl. :D

Going out without a smartphone helps!

Great post. Thank you @kaylinart

Thank you for stopping by :)

atttention is mandetory to be succeeded

Straight to the point. Yes this is one of the biggest problems of the millenials generation. So much distraction in different directions and no clear direction at all. But who knows, maybe this is not so bad after all. Only time will show. What to do? Listen to your hearth and intuition and keep focused in their advise. And don't forget to train your brain in the meanwhile :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I feel as tho this post is directed at me. I have been so glued recently to my gadgets and getting better at tuning people out.. Thanks for sharing.

I need to do something about this my screen addiction, hopefully the cure to my problem will be in your next attention post

Those who were gifted at drawing or painting might contribute a picture .
Although the small size is attractive, the poor picture quality rules it out.

You are absolutely correct. Most people have the attention span of a gnat. I tend to blame this on TV and the rapidly shifting frame rate.
However, the only time my son sits still and actually pays attention to anything, he's playing on his tablet.
Another thing that I've noticed is that kids can't sit still and watch TV for long periods of time.
Maybe we have too many distractions to pay attention to one thing for very long.

great post! I will keep this:-)

What causes it is the fact we are bombarded with new content to consume 24/7 from everywhere and it’s just impossible to keep up with it no matter how much time you dedicate.

Some people try to keep up with all the new content being pushed while mantaining a normal day and it just cannot be done.

The solution is simple, learn to let go of the 24/7 notifications and that’s it. It doesn’t matter if you don’t retweet the last viral meme hahahaha

I agree, now with so many phone distractions more people are not focused.

download (4).jpg

My fiance and I have this bad no matter where we are one of us gave out our phones. In the beginning I would fuss but now i'm just as bad. I truly have to work on giving my family my full attention.