Why Your Job Is Ruining Your Life!

in life •  7 years ago 


I've already posted extensively about why you shouldn't be working for someone else. A lot of people say they aren't "capable" of being self-employed, but its time you learn...

It won't be long before jobs are a thing of the past.
You can be an entrepreneur or a freelancer.
Either way, you'll have to know some "unique" Skills that aren't as common today.

Your Boss Hates You; The Company Hates You

I used to think that management liked me. Like really liked me. I worked hard for them... Then I started to realize that I was only being used. Whenever I requested anything, A day off, A raise. They acted put out!

Excuse Me?
I am your hardest working employee, and you are dragging your feet to give me something that I need?

Maybe hate is too strong of a word, But at the end of the day, Your boss doesn't care about you.

Raises Won't Help

A raise most of the time won't impact your life at all.
Because of your more likely to spend more as you make more. You may not even realize your doing it. You'll eat fast food more often; You'll treat yourself to more stuff.
You may think when I get that raise; I'm going to save all of it.
Yeah.. usually that doesn't happen.

Isn't self-employment the same thing?

It's quite different. I get paid.
Then I have to decide how much to give to myself, And how much to reinvest back into my business, Whether I hire someone to create some shirt designs. Or if I buy some new tools to work with.
You don't "buy" your companies stuff. SO you have to be more careful with your money when your in charge of your business.

Also another thing...

When you are self-employed, Tax RETURNS, And a "steady" paycheck are a thing of the past!
I could make 3,000,000,000 this month and 0.05 next month. I have NO Idea how much money I'll make. It forces me to be on edge. So I have to save when I can.

Having A Job Is Like Childhood Again

This is my biggest pet peeves about jobs. I understand it, But I hate to follow it.
Want to go on a 2-week fishing trip?

  • Ask your boss...
  • Tell your boss why you want time off
  • They give you the decision.
    Aren't you an adult? You are asking permission to go on the fishing trip. What happens if your boss says no? You probably will be stuck canceling.

Calling in sick...

  • Your boss doesn't believe you, Are you REALLY puking all over the place?
  • Boss forces you to come in anyways. Because they "need" you.

Having a boss prevents you from being spontaneous. Most jobs require a set schedule per week. Or if your "on call" you have to do whatever they say.
It doesn't allow you to be creative, and random.
I have learned the most about life when I've done random and sometimes stupid things. Like when I biked 60 miles after being awake for almost 48 hours. To be fair, I had a job at the time, and it was the weekend. But If I wanted to do that midweek. Too FREAKING BAD! And having time to "wait" and think about it until the weekend would cause me to change my mind.

When your self-employed, you can often work "on the go" Travel whenever you want, and go to events when you want to.
I remember a couple of years ago on Feb 15; They had a Cradle Of Filth concert. Which is my ALL time favorite band? They NEVER come to Utah, and they did.
I had already bought my tickets. I then asked my boss. And they told me I had to come into work.
I ended up missing work anyways. But many people would have had to go into work and miss a great opportunity.

It's hard to diversify

If you are working 40 hours a week, you are probably only getting "paid" for the 40 hours. But in reality your working 50 hours a week, Because you have to drive or bike to work each day, And get ready for work. Etc. If your trying to get promoted, you may spend time outside of work, Doing self-improvement activities to help make you more qualified for that promotion.

All this for one source of income?
That's so unsafe!!

Being self-employed allows me to diversify. If I lost my BIGGEST source of income RIGHT NOW!
I would be in a shitty spot, But I'd survive. Because I have enough sources of income that I could pay my bills.
That happened with my dropshipping store a while back; It's been three months since I've been paid a good chunk, and I'm still okay.
Your job could fire you, Or go out of business anytime. And you'd have nothing.

Your needs probably aren't satisfied

Do you have to wear a uniform that you hate, When you have to go to work? Do you wish you could work different hours? Do you wish you could work more or fewer hours?
Sadly you don't have a say in a lot of stuff! Self-employment lets me do what I want! If I want to wear 16 layers of clothing Or work in my undies, that's my choice!


Sometimes it can be hard to get what you want out of life when you are forced to work a job! You may not be feeling the "pain" yet. But in this fast-paced world things could change in a second.

Thank you @elyaque for the awesome Badges!

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@kaylinart again thanks for sharing your thoughts and experience, i being thinking of this for a very long time due that im about to graduate highschool , plus i'm undocumented so its even harder to find a nice job . My dream is to be successful as a self-employed. My family are undocumented as well so all they know is "work hard" (in my opinion is work stuoid) and they kept on telling me thats what i should do for life bc "if i work hard earning 7.50 i'll have a successful life." I hate my family's ideology of success. Very thoughtful post I LOVE IT !!!

Aww! I used to believe that too. If you work hard at 7.50 you'll be fine. But that not the case at all!
You have to go with the right opportunities AND work hard!
So its great that you already have that hard working background.

Your on Steemit! So thats a good sign :) You can find opportunities so you won't be stuck working a crappy job! I can't imagine how rough it would be to be undocumented ! Let me know if I can help you with your side jobs :)

Thanks for your offer, but i want to struggle my way to the top. If i see myself in the edge of failure ill let you know ..

Heheh Thats fine :)

@kaylinart Its funny. Now i make more money than when I had a "job". Im happier and have more freedom and yet my family sees me as the weird guy whose so contrarian that he doesnt want to fight traffic 3 hours a day and sit chained to a desk for 8. The masses really have it wrong. Thanks for the great read

Working for myself was the best thing I ever did regarding a job. And it really seems that most bosses cannot care about employees, not if they want to stay in the job either, but at the end of the day fuckem, if they dont care for me I dont care for the job.
However, working for yourself is not possible for everyone and I wouldnt call it a solution.

I think with time eventually everyone can somewhat work for themselves. Even if they just have more than one side hustle and they are still under other people. They would at least be diversified.

I agree. I think this is especially important for peeps who have more than one job. I guess its harder for people that need the stability in life of a regular job.

I work for myself as well so I can relate to everything you said. The only thing issue with working for yourself is a lot of the time you can't knock back work, which means I struggle to take many days off throughout the year. But you know what? I wouldn't change it for the world. I love being my own boss.
When we started out self employed, it was tough, so so tough, and many risks were taken, as well as many sacrifices. The wage I was taking was just enough to cover the bills. But when you work so much, the time flies in, and soon enough all the hard work and sacrifices start to pay off. I couldn't be happier now. I know if anything did go wrong in future (touch wood) that I would struggle to work for someone else just because I am so used to being my own boss.

Thank You @kaylinart... You REALLY do incredible posts !!

Just joined Steemit 4 days ago... and have so much to learn.

Thanks again for this post... up voted and following for a 3 days now.

       ~~~ STEEM On !!! ~~~

Thank you so much :) let me know if you need any help

nice post! Some very good point! Upvoted You should checkout this person's post it's also very interesting : https://steemit.com/life/@cali-girl/what-a-beautiful-world

This is a great post because so many of us can relate to its truthfulness! I just had an "Office Space" flashback. That movie really put it in an interesting perspective! For those that didn't see it, pick it up sometime. It's about a stressed-out guy that realizes he can't keep working for his boss anymore and decides to changes his life by cutting his own trail. It's a comedy from the laste 90's.

Rly good job on this post!!! upvote and follow :)

Thank you so much ;)

yep - I worked for 2 years for a place part time and they always resented me because they had hired me on at a higher rate than others and then law prevented them from demoting me after a certain period - I worked my ass off for them and they just figured out a way to fire me - bye bye motherf**kers... I may be able to collect unemployment while I develop other ways to make a living... and I don't need that much to get by. Yesterday I did my first live drawing with reading at a local metaphysical store! Yahoo!!!

That was my story last year.Working for an Ungrateful IT firm who sent me to the Remotest part of my Country Nigeria as a support Expert.Raises dont come and so is Bonuses and i got involved in an accident once and almost got myself and my partner killed in a community clash up North Nigeria.I finally quit to start my own firm,even though clients ain't so many but i have rest and peace of mind.

The reason people work 9 - 5 is because they have just learned from a very young age that success is getting an education, getting a job, gatting married, have kids and thats it!

This is a system by design. People become so comfortable with a 9-5 that they forget how to live a meaningful life.
Everything is possible, even when you have NO MONEY. People will tell you that you need money to make money, oh hell no.
Regardless of anyones life position, i believe everyone has an oportunity that comes into their life atleast once. Majority of people will not take or even see it as an opprtunity because it is dressed in overals and looks like work.
Just remember, success is defined differently between each induvidual.

Money is not success it self but tends to be a side affect of success.
Forget your 9-5. Make as much money as you can, AS FAST AS YOU CAN. Only then you can be trully be free. Dont forget to stay healthy.......

Forgot to mention because of my rant, great post!!!! Loving all the ones you have been doing :)

Great article! The are so many ways of getting out of the wage slave trap right now. Owning rental property, cryptocurrency mining, etc. Do anything but count on a "career" working hard to make someone else rich.

Not sure if you've checked out this site before redbubble but it might be an additional place to throw some of your old designs for shirts etc. I have no affiliation with the site, just came across it and thought it might be worth mentioning as you're in that space.
basic info for sellers here

There is nothing like being your own boss.

So true!

Great post @kaylinart! I can say that most companies do not care as I was let go from my company 5 years ago. I took it as an opportunity to create a schedule that is flexible, so I can be around our young boys and be able to be more involved in their lives. I wouldn't change it for the world. Looking forward to seeing more of you posts!

That's the problem with capitalism.

Great post. People have jobs because of fear. They need that paycheck. They need that safe and secure job, but we all know this is not the case anymore. Stay strong.

Very inspiring post! Going to make some friends who are still in doubt read it. I am so glad I took the jump myself a month ago. Freedom is priceless.

Thank you ehhee :) It truly is.

Amazing post, thank you. Being my own boss is definitely something I am striving for. I liked your example with having a Job is like childhood where you have to ask for anything. Never thought about it this way but it is so true.

I do agree on you and I hope to one day start as a self-employee. But don't you think you have to have worked for a boss before you will ever appreciate to not have to do that? Btw, this is coming from someone that has only worked for a boss (on a real job) for about 1,5 years now.

Great post kaylinart. I've often wondered what the world would look like if we all did what it was we enjoyed doing rather than being forced, by the need for cash to live, into the industries that have been provided for us.

Of course, the argument would be made that certain jobs would then not get done such as cleaning toilets or waiting tables etc but this is limiting our imaginations to what we feel we are capable of due to the circumstances and engineered societal paradigm that we are being forced to stay within at the present time.

Could a world full of independent, self employed , self governing men and women ever exist and function in the real world?

Who knows? Can't be much worse than what we currently have!

Thanks a lot for sharing!

Great post! This is one of my main struggles at the moment. But life is too short to have self pity.

This is true, however I do think that many people want to become entrepreneurs but are lost as to what their actual calling is. It is difficult to think of a decent business idea let alone take the risk to start a business.

Thanks for putting together this post. I can very much relate.

I can confirm that management/ownership does not care about you. Two weeks ago the owner of the golf course I managed walked into my office and within 5 minutes had marginalized all of my efforts and stated that he was doing away with my position.

Poof, like that, a 12 year relationship over. Now I've decided to side hustle.

It is good to be your own boss.

@kaylinart everything I need to be hearing at this stage in my life. Luckily, I already lost my daily grind. But, serendipitously, I was already working toward being fully self-employed as a musician and talent manager (er, of sorts). It's rough going more than smooth at this stage, and I find myself often way out of my depth. But it's exhilarating, and I love what I do, what I promote, and the people that I work for and with. Sure, right now it's financially unstable and doesn't even earn enough to pay the bills, but that is something that, with some tenacity, can be overcome.

Again, thanks!

Love the topics you write about :) keep it going!