How A Mathematics Class Touched My Life and How It Can Touch Yours Too.

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

Like Terms.

I was in class today teaching expansion and factorization of algebraic expression. I had taught the JSS 2 students the difference between expression and equation and solving simple equation in previous class. I understand some of them couldn't collect like terms in the exercises correctly. So I thought over how better I can explain it before today's class.

On getting to class today, brought out two fair girls and two dark girls. Paired a fair girl beside a dark one and did the same with the other girls. Effortlessly, they correctly answered a fair girl will stand beside a fellow fair girl if we are to put them together based on complexion.


End of story.

Beginning of another one.

I was at Ayobo last week for a training in a school. I had never met the proprietress of the school. We did all planning on WhatsApp. Like many, she doesn't use her pic on her display picture, so I couldn't even recognise her if I saw her. She had seen my pic on my dp. She had also searched my name on Facebook, as she later said, and had seen what I do and talk about.

Aside all this, we never have any connection. But there was something that gravitates me to her, as she kept saying. After the training she confessed I spoke her mind. She went on for about 10-15 minutes talking about her life experiences and how the training resonates with her life and profession. She went on to narrate how each point mentioned in the training touches her life.

She then said one thing that really touched me. She probably didn't know it did. She, in the middles of her tale of how she became a school owner, said, "I never worked for my bosses. I worked for my self". That line was powerful to me so much that I keep it in my mind. But that is for another day talk.

Any relationship between the first story and this?

Like terms attracts likes.

In life, they said like attracts like. Even in mathematics, when two positives meet, they birthed positive. When two negatives meet, they produce positive again (in a negative way though)

You playing around with minds that do not think like you do, is not helping you.

You wining and dining with a perpetual nager while you are not, is not helping you.

You befriending a problem seer is cancerous to you and your life.

If you want to grow like a tree, walk with a tree like person.

If you want to walk like a giant, walk with a giant or a giant like person.

If you want to think and grow rich like Napoleon Hill, walk with people of same mindset.

A crocodile doesn't walk with lizard even if they look alike.

So why do you walk with a puppy for that matter when you thinking is to be a lion?

I will tell you another story. You know that is what I do. I am a teacher after all.

Last year was one of the best years I had ever lived. I didn't make a million dollar. Not even a hundred thousand naira in business. But I did make a more than a thousand steps to my goal. If you follow this head last year you should know.

A good part of the "accomplishments" I had last year was largely due to I belonging to about three like mind Facebook and WhatsApp groups. Those groups were phenomenal. You won't be in at least one of them and not grow and make difference in your life and other peoples' life. One group, has virtually every human from all spheres of life. Except you live in the dug that you will not meet your type of person there. And except the solution to your life, business or professional problem is from "above" that they will not get solved by being in the group and most importantly taking heed to teachings there. That group in no small way, made indelible mark in me. I met there people who today we are more than social media friends but also life partners. We help each other become better.

Again like terms attract like terms.

If you don't want to live a poor life, it is said , the first step is leave a poor land.

If you don't want to live a poor life, the first step is to leave poor minds.

The poor minds of some people is not even their neighbors, colleagues, friends but in them self.

How many times have you read or heard that its good to read vastly, sleep early, wake up early, etc? How well have you done those things?

Before you point accusing fingers at others, point it to yourself.


I am not saying you shouldn't move with people that are not on the same page with you in thinking, before you think that is what I am saying.

Here is my sermon succinctly: Like attracts like. Do what will attract like minds to you.

Good day.

Abolore Kazeem is my name and I am an innovative teacher.unnamed.png

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