Don't Accept Mediocrity In Life

in life •  6 years ago  (edited)

Believe in Yourself

A lot of people walk around just living day by day without even realizing that they are not truly living at all. People are fearful of trying something new and different. Trying something new is scary and intimidating and we tend to get in our own way with our thoughts. If you come up with an idea and are thinking of a thousand ways it won't work you will never make the move to thrive for what you really want. Fear is the number one factor controlling people and the decisions they make in life. Fear of failure, fear of not being good enough, insecurities, doubt, negative thoughts all have a negative impact on the way we live our lives. The only way successful people became successful is through taking a risk and deciding to try new things. Knowing who you are and what you want can have a major impact on the thoughts you put into your head on a daily basis. If you know you want to be a teacher but you work in a bank, figure out how you can make this dream possible. I am not saying to quit your job the next day and not have steady income, but it would be useful to use the job you have now as a way to save money towards what you truly want. Think more positively about what can come into your life and you will be surprised at what you encounter.

Don’t Accept Whatever Someone Offers You

Just because someone is offering you something it does not mean you have to take it. If it is something you don’t want, never take it, you will thank yourself later. Sometimes as women we tend to settle for whatever is given to us and we are not taught to really go after what we want. Men on the other hand are taught to be “go getters” and to go after whatever it is their heart desires. Why can’t that reality apply to women? We are long deserving of finally having what our hearts desire. If you have the prototype of a man you want, career, even a damn living preference, we have a right to say “no” until something is our “yes". Stop being nice and taking whatever is given to you. Just kindly decline and you will see how quickly you see more positive results in your life.

Plan Ahead

If you have a plan you are much more likely to succeed in life than if you just live life by the whim. It is important that we have a plan for what we want or where we see ourselves five years ahead. It may sound like a long time but five years really goes by quickly and your stuck wondering what the hell did I do with my time? You wasted it if that thought just crosses your mind.

Level Up

If you don’t want a mediocre life, which you shouldn’t, the best things to do are things that make you feel good. For me, If I look good, I feel good also. My journey of leveling up goes with making sure I look good when I am leaving the house. If your a single woman you never know when you might meet your next date, and honestly the odds are going to be pretty low if you don’t make yourself look good and stand out. Also, when you look good you will feel happier which will attract more happy people to you. If you don’t have nice clothes go shopping and buy some, the thrift store has great clothing options and rare name branded items for those people that are on a budget. Dress nice when you head out the door, have your hair well groomed, and wear makeup if you desire. You will see a significant change in how you are treated and approached when you start doing this, which in turn can lead to better choices and opportunities in life. Go to nicer parts of town to hang out, have dinner, or go shopping in. The odds are much greater that you will feel better and you will meet people of a certain lifestyle that you can make connections with (I think I really meant dates). As much as we want to believe that looks don’t matter, in this world they really do, so why not be smart and play the game of life.

Think Positive

This is one of the hardest parts of leaving the mediocre life behind. Having negative thoughts only encourages mediocrity and makes it more difficult to make better decisions. Negative thoughts keep you trapped and only attracts more and more negativity (not to mention negative partners). It is important for our mental and personal well being that we not only look good on the outside, but feel good on the inside. Thinking positive thoughts will attract more positive results in our lives and will allow you to see the world from a better place. Being positive will lead you down a better path and attract more opportunities. You will also attract positive people (which make great dates). What our thoughts are is the first step to making any real significant changes in our lives. Show gratitude and think of things you are thankful for every day, wake up thinking about what makes you excited to be alive, go out more often, do the things you love, have more fun, and look at things from a positive perspective. In just a matter of months you will see the differences manifest in your life.

Not accepting a mediocre life means not taking crap from anyone (maybe except from your boss), leveling up and looking your best, thinking positively, planning ahead, and not taking what is offered to you just because it is offered. We only live once, so why not accept only the best 🙂

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