Drama part 4..The last. I'm taking a drama free vow, beef with lbgtq? wtf! Three police reports against me in one week! I'm starting a new rap challenge, etc

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

Drama - an exciting, emotional, or unexpected series of events or set of circumstances.

If you wanna know how and why this word "drama" has become so intertwined in my life this past week check out parts 1, 2, and 3.
Links - https://steemit.com/thecut/@kenentertainment/drama-smh-neighbors-called-the-cops-and-tried-to-have-me-arrest-for-a-diss-song-i-put-on-youtube



So to leave off from part 3, some trolls on youtube said they knew where i lived and i was gonna pay dearly for making that diss song, etc. They never showed up but the comments did, hmm?
So after i waited all night for these keyboard thugs to beat me up, i get comments from the girl/guy....idk man, this is the first time I've ever meet someone who's trans. I WANT TO MAKE THIS VERY CLEAR, i have no problem or beef with the local lbgtq community. I have or had problems with one person. I've had gay friends and lesbian friends, what you chose to do with your body is your choice. If something makes you happy or make you feel whole, i say go for it! So now that's out of the way, the man ( i'll just say that so people don't get offended ) and i made peace. He said sorry and i said sorry, beef over with, i thought. So the next morning i'm outside my apartment drinking coffee and smoking a cancer stick while i see him walk up the stairs. I say "good morning, it's a nice day isn't" the response i got shocked me. "I'm gonna call the FBI on you!" I replied "why, we just made peace, i thought this was all over?"He says "I know about know your plans to kill my grandma!"By this time neighbors are outside, it's a mess. I say " I wouldn't kill nobody". His grandma pulls her in and they call the cops, SMH. From what i've heard the cops tell him to come to the station to fill out a police report. Mind you, the cops were there yesterday when he tried to get me arrested and evicted for my diss song. When he came back he didn't look happy. I guess you can't get arrested for saying "good morning" in the state of Oklahoma. So by this time, this man has tried to get me arrested twice, get me evicted once, and get me jumped. It don't stop there either. This guy wanted to do something , anything to fuck up my world. Well he's good friends with the superviser at the gas station next to our apartments. So we ( my wife and I ) watch him go to the gas station, stay for about 30 minutes then leave. My neighbor ( the only neighbor who doesn't think i kill grandma's ) tells me "He just got you banned from the gas station"WTF My wife goes down there to buy a pop or soda depending on who's reading and yep she's refused service. I get the district manager's phone number and talk to her about how this is unjust and wrong, my wife and i are regulars at this store and just because someone with a grudge is friends with the supervisor we're refused service. The manager said she'd go to the store to she what this all this about. I get a call from her later saying my wife and i can go into the store anytime that it's open, and get this she even said she liked the diss video! So the next day i go into the store with my tablet becuz like i said i'm a regular there and i wanted to ask some questions. The guy working has always been cool with me and i even considered him a friend. Here's the video -

As you can see i ask if he'd answer some question on camera, he says he don't wanna any parts of it. I noticed him acting weird and the fact that he went strait to the back was also sketchy but i just thought he didn't wanna be on camera and when i turned the tablet off we talked, i bought my energy drink, he said "have a safe day brother" then i walked out. Two cop cars pull up! This scary ass, big for nothing ass, dude hit the panic button when he went to that back room. Now why would he do that? Come to find out, he's one of the keyboard thugs from the other night that were suppose to jump me but never did. He filled a police report, i was allowed to go home then to work. I called my lawyer in between, and ask him for some info on these reports. He pretty much tells me the fact that three police reports were filled out against me in the span of three days and i haven't even been questioned or handcuffed means that the police know this is all a bunch of stupid "DRAMA". A waste of tax payers money! To round things up, that supervisor that tried to ban me from the store doesn't work there no more, i feel bad about that becuz that was collateral damage. The guy with more tattoos then these new rappers still works there and i go in there every day, we don't really talk, it's awkward to say the least. The man who started it all goes into his apartment every time he's see's me. Also awkward, only one neighbor still will talk to me ( well two ) but the second neighbor works late nights and sleeps in the day so i barely see him. It's like those old western films where the bad guy walks threw the town and everyone runs inside and closes their windows when i walk around here. I don't like it, i once heard it's better to be feared then loved, but i disagree. No charges are brought up against me. For the video's i took them down from youtube becuz the comments were getting crazy. Today i was at work and a co-worker was talking to me about the drama in their life and i stopped them, i said "from this day on i'ma live a drama free life, as long as no one hurts my family or me, i'm good." A wise man that goes by the name of @paulmoon410 once told me "You just ignore people like that. It’s easy to be sucked in drama it’s harder to keep your own peace. Got to be above that bullshit. I’ve been there done that. None of that drama helps. If it’s real beef you don’t say a word and you just show up and rattle some skulls and leave. You’re better off to just ignore them. If they’re local to you then just be ready but incarceration is not an option so be smart." Thanks @paulmoon410, i need friends like you in my corner, you're a true friend. There's a couple steemians that have gave me great advice and i wanna shout them out in this post - @alao, @termitemusic, @verbal-d, and of coarse @paulmoon410. I wanna thank all of you for the advise and for correcting me when i'm wrong. Becuz i never want my family to see me like this again.
I've been there and it sucks, take a look for yourself - https://okoffender.doc.ok.gov/ My name is Kenneth O'Clair OK DOC#: 613311

That's why i love steemit! The people are real and true. I'm a steemian for life!
If you don't know, @paulmoon410 and I have partnered up to create #thebag, a hip-hop conglomerate.
So to help it jump up and down i'ma start a rap challenge called "Doit4thebag"! I'll make an official post with details after i talk with my partner.

Thanks for taking the time to read this story, this is probably the most personal I've gotten on steemit, and i just wanna say thanks to all of you!

Enjoy and One Love!

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