RE: My World This Week.. 🙏🏻 💯

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My World This Week.. 🙏🏻 💯

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

Well hello, no need to ask who you are.. Julian Ross. The jealous guy who has continued to obsess, threaten and intimidate my partner as well as harass and slander me across the internet for about 3 years now? You're right, I did eventually stop responding to you after you wished death on my baby. Can anyone blame me for that?

Regarding your recent revival of the issue, I am not able to respond to you even if I wanted to. I also have proof of that, seems you have your wires crossed yet again. When you block someone on twitter they can't reply to you and since I have never blocked you, you can still write me. Who's hiding from who really? I have always done my best to remain unconditional and patient with you. My sympathy for you and your fantasy's and delusions has long since expired.

Let's both be thankful that now this ugly situation has spewed across to the block chain, it supports our complete transparency and accountability. You are no longer able to delete your private messages and not own up to the repercussions of your actions. Intuitively I decided to save a folder of all your emails and screen shot your PMs.

There is nothing I have to hide here. There is no scam, no spin and there is no audacity on my part. I have NEVER stolen, encouraged or ever asked you for any amount of money. There is no manipulation and my partner fully honored all of her agreed skype exchanges with you until your demands for further degrading role-play, abusive incest fantasy and threat of stalking went beyond her comfort zone.

I will gladly see you with or without whatever authority you prefer and have a number of counter complaints and proof of internet bullying against you that I have endured in the futile attempt of helping you with your mental issues. If we want to further break this down into character reference, I will gladly see you on who is actually involved in criminal activity and who are the innocent parties in this situation.

I am glad that we can finally have this situation out in the open once and for all. For some reason I have never been public about the sheer amount of foolishness and negative behavior I have had to deal with during my time in the public eye. You are not the only internet troll keyboard warrior I've dealt with and by far not the worst. However in some ways I wanted to protect you from shaming yourself further and ever since our first communications I have upheld my stance of respect, honesty and tolerance.

I invite you now to drop this and cease communicating with me, however knowing your track record you will revel in this opportunity to interact and have some spotlight. Much like you attempted to do with Sam Harris and Joe Rogan, both of whom wisely decided to ignore you completely and advised me to do the same. Yes I have saved those screen grabs too. Just in case you forgot about all the other people you have attempted to extort, guilt and manipulate into sending you money. Who's really the scammer Julian?

May the outcome of this finally be the end of your campaign against me.


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Love to you, Keni, and to your lovely Lady. I have learned that honourable people keep their praises public and their issues private - when people choose to spew their condemnation and opinion publicly it says more about them than anything else. Breathe. You shine and radiate such nice energy and we are blessed to know and support you.

Just so you know, I attempted to reach Keni privately many times with no response. I've only made this public out of necessity and I'm only trying to resolve a financial dispute. However, I don't see why it's wrong to publicly condemn a known scammer. It does not take some deep inspection to see that Keni routinely promotes scamcoins, pseudoscience and ponzi schemes identical-in-structure to Bitconnect, which was just recently shut down and deemed insolvent. Please be wary of anyone on the internet promoting get-rich-quick schemes as Keni so often does. There is legitimate money to be made in cryptocurrency but not in these pump and dump schemes that are pervasive in the space right now. I can assure you that if you buy into the projects that Keni promotes and don't get out in quick order that you will end up a bagholder and lose your capital. That's exactly how these schemes are designed to work, buy the coins early, restrict supply/liquidity and dump into the pump. There's an interesting write-up here ( that details how one pump-and-dumper accomplished this over several cycles with Dogecoin a few years ago. This type of manipulation happens everyday in crypto and folks like Keni do not hesitate to any new scam coin or ICO. Please be wary of this, there's a reason why ICOs are banned in the US and the SEC is cracking down on the promotion of these unregulated securities. Don't fall victim to these scams.

My campaign against you? Jealous guy? 3 years? What are you talking about? You've clearly got a bit of a complex going on if you've distorted the extent of our interactions to that degree.

The allegation is from about a year and half ago and I haven't attempted to contact you or your partner in the intervening time up until about a month ago. When I started reaching out to you again on Twitter you ignored me and eventually blocked me when I commented that you were retweeting scams that were designed to phish for people's passwords, private keys and extort crypto from them. This was just what was most recent on your twitter feed. Who knows what other types of scams and schemes you were promoting at earlier times. My guess is a multitude of shitcoins and get-rich-quick schemes. You're like the John McAfee of retired porn stars, just spreading the gospel of scams and shitcoins whenever you can (as if you understand anything about the technology behind these projects or the mechanics of the "invest with us, get rich quick" ponzi schemes that you encourage people to sign up for). I reported the offending posts to Twitter and they got taken down (by either them or you, not sure). Then you blocked me (can easily provided proof of this).

So, no, I can't message you on Twitter, which is why I had to sign up for an account here. No, it hasn't been 3 years and no, I'm not jealous in any way. I'm not even sure what there could be to be jealous about. You egomaniacally think that the new age pseudoscience that you preach is somehow worth people's time, but it isn't. You claim to have some sort of spiritual wisdom about you but your only claim to this is trite new-age terms, which in the end don't mean anything substantive.

Anyhow, glad you're actually responding to me now (I guess because you have to, can't exactly block me here). Not sure what you're referring to with Sam Harris, I didn't extort money from him, I mistakenly sent BTC to his address and he promptly sent it back, no questions asked. Just like I mistakenly sent to your partner's address, except in that case you both just ran off with it. I didn't demand any degrading skype conversations with your partner and never wished death on your baby - I have no clue what you're talking about on those fronts. I also have no idea what you're talking about regarding Joe Rogan.

The last time you responded to me (1.5 years ago) you said that you had spoken with your lawyer and that they had assured you that you were legally entitled to keep the money. I pressed you on how that's possible given the clear contractual obligations that were broken by your partner. I asked for your lawyers contact information so that I could reach out directly and serve papers but you never responded. Hmmm, interesting. If you are right then surely we could clear this up through your lawyer and I'd be happy to take this in front of a judge if necessarily. You're trying to grandstand on the comment section of your steem account (so brave!) and malign me with false accusations, but I don't care, it's a fruitless endeavor as I'm not the one in the wrong here. Kindly pass along contact information for your lawyer and we can determine who is and isn't the scammer here. You and your partner walked away with a lot of my money and somehow have rationalized in your own mind that it was ethical and legal to do so. Let's find out if what you did was actually legal. Connect me with your lawyer.

edit: by the way, I have copies of all the correspondence as well, including the clear breach of contract and the parts where you're encouraging me to manufacture illicit materials and drug my family members. (yeah, highly ethical behavior from you, Keni...) You also implicitly threatened to physically harm me in one or two of those emails... and now you're attempting to dox me on steemit. (yeah, you're really such a highly ethical, spiritually enlightened fellow! /s)
