RE: My World This Week.. 🙏🏻 💯

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My World This Week.. 🙏🏻 💯

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

Thanks man, just out here doing my best. Sharing what works, attracting more of what we want and well.. dealing with all the misalignment's we attract along the way I guess. It's all happening on purpose and I'm humbled and thankful for that! Oh yes the SMG snowball is well on it's way brother.. more jump on daily only increase the momentum! Let's do this! 👍

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Keni, since you're obviously still monitoring this thread (and upvoting folks who are blindly supporting your rhetoric [without knowing any of the context]), how about addressing the allegations head on in a fair and productive way? How about deleting the comment where you slandered and doxxed me with cherry picked and irrelevant data. Again, why would such an enlightened fellow resort to grandstanding and doxxing someone? Why not just be honest about what happened and work towards making things right. You already admitted (below) to just walking away with my money because you "decided" that that was the right thing to do, even though the contract was clearly broken and... what exactly gives you the right to make such a determination regarding someone else's money? Do you regularly just take things when you "decide" it's fair that you do? No, contracts are contracts and you and your partner are in clear violation of this one. You don't get to just "decide" that it's okay to break a contract and walk away with the money. That's not how the world works and it's beyond unethical, it's abhorrent. So again, how about you stop ignoring this issue (which is not going away, I assure you) and we work this out like adults over the internet.. Or I can come to Chiang Mai and we can work it out there if you prefer. Up to you.

Again, go ahead and cherry pick pieces of the conversation all you want and continue to dox me. Voiding a contract and walking away with someone's money is abhorrent... in fact, it's also illegal. You've already admitted to doing this so you really have no defense. Send my money back and we can both move on, it's as straightforward as that. You don't get to modify contractual terms to fit your agenda (which is to walk off with people's money). The money doesn't belong to you or your partner. It's my money. You're a scammer, through and through. AND, not only that, you also don't even have the decency to discuss this privately, instead you want to grandstand to your followers and slander me (not to mention the doxxing...). You blocked and ignored every attempt I've made to engage in this conversation privately. You're not entitled to someone's money just because you decide they're rude or whatever. Sorry about the language, truly - remember I already apologized several times. Legitimately, I wish nothing bad for you or your family. I was in the throes of a personal crisis at the time and I meant no offense. I really can't understand how you can preach all the bullshit you preach and then do something like walk away with someone's money. Which is it, are you enlightened or are you a thief? You can't be both.

I made no claims to be either. It's not possible to share the entire email conversation with a few screen grabs.

What is this "contract" you feel has been voided and where is your evidence? You quite clearly are not willing to communicate "decently", openly or factually.

My partner fulfilled her agreed skype meeting with you and responsibly refused to book anything more with you. No matter how much you tried to buy her attention.

So what then is your purpose of continuing? To further incriminate yourself and make false accusations against someone you don't know.

I will continue to communicate with you through this page only, where all is saved on the blockchain for future reference. Please do yourself a favor and don't spam other users, they may start flagging you.

Let's keep to facts.



"I will continue to communicate with you through this page only, where all is saved on the blockchain for future reference. Please do yourself a favor and don't spam other users, they may start flagging you."

Where's the communication??

Where is your evidence Julian @kenistylesconman?


One more thing, Keni. If I screenshot and post all the evidence I have (again emails that we both already have [same email thread that you sampled from already above] and transaction history from Bitcoin addresses that I own), what will your response be? Are you saying that if I post up the evidence you'll send the money back? Can I get a commitment on that?

I can assure you this : We owe you nothing.

No doubt about it, we are not friends and still not enemies. No money will be sent and none of this is necessary. No screenshot will change any of these fact. All your evidence is the same as mine, you're free to commit to whatever you wish.

We invite you to quit your smear campaign and move on with a positive life.

Copy forward from last page..

Click to enlarge sample images

RESPONSE DATED WED 03/21/2018: @kenistylesconman aka JULIAN ROSS, as you know I am willing to respond to you in this thread and this thread only. There is no need to continue asking for attention elsewhere, I am available right here. This is for the benefit of both of us and to present all of the evidence about your complaint for the examination of my readers as well as any of your supposed legal representative.

I am glad that we are finally agreed that this is an entirely pointless endeavor on your part, there is nothing to gain from your continued smear against me. Since you continue to spread false accusations and lies about me across this platform, I have done my best to provide duplicate samples of your abuse here in the relevant thread.

Click to enlarge sample images

There is nothing we are attempting to get away with and no difficulty on our part, you are simply incriminating yourself further and publishing slanderous defamation. This spam is insulting, abusive and clearly hate speech all of which provides evidence of your continued online harassment spanning the past 2 years.

We are now far beyond any negotiations and have stated multiple times that while you are free to express yourself and pursue whatever course of action you decide. We will not be sending you any money and have no legal, ethical or moral obligation to do so. All actions proven by this thread and the attached evidence substantiates this.

Finally for the record, we do not wish any ill intent towards you, we recognize your regret and underlying mental and emotional state. We only wish you the best in finding a medicine that works to heal whatever pain you are projecting and once again implore that you quit this smear of my reputation for your own betterment and happiness in life.


Ps. While these comments were completely unnecessary, we empathize for you. You must have be severely abused to see the world this way. All the best, may you receive all the help you need in healing your issues.

Click to enlarge sample images

Keni, there's no empathy needed. This is not an emotional plea of any sort, simply an attempt to resolve a clear breach of contract honestly and fairly without the need of a 3rd party. All you've done in return is slander and doxx me, which I couldn't really care less about tbh. I've attempted many times to communicate privately and you've only blocked and remained unresponsive. You've cherry picked an interesting variety of quotes above that don't really show any sort of context and the last one was a joke made to a comment you made about not letting go of people when hugging them, but of course you didn't show the preceding comment.

Anyhow, it's clear that you're only interested in grandstanding on your rather bleak steemit page and not in proving how you're apparently the rightful owner of someone else's money, a task you've failed across about 50 comments at this point. I suppose it's time to just move towards legal proceedings, as this is obviously the only way to resolve this dispute.

Excuse me for not finding your "rape" and "pedophile" humor amusing, goes to show how questionable your character and mental state is. In my opinion it is completely disgusting, disturbing and not at all welcome in any correspondence with me thanks very much.

You certainly seem very emotional, going to great lengths to invade my daily discussion threads that have nothing to do with you. Yet again very unwelcome and abusive behavior, especially when you know I have been absolutely responsive to you here and you are able to reach me directly at any time.

Once again the situation is completely resolved from our perspective and we will gladly have no further correspondence with you. There is no dispute and no need for any 3rd party involvement on our part. May you wish to pursue that yourself it is entirely your prerogative and you are welcome to direct your brief to this thread for all my statements and evidence regarding the matter. Be prepared for a full and complete rebuttal, counter claim and retaliatory claim of slander, defamation, online abuse and harassment.

This thread shows complete context in fact and the only thing missing is the sheer amount of harassment and spam to the tune of, as you stated 50 libelous statements. You published these in various other threads in many other authors articles. All of which have zero relevance to you or your claims against me.

Also we have nothing to prove, the burden of proof is on you. I have in fact gone above and beyond to address the situation and you have done nothing to substantiate any of your claims. No evidence at all of me so called scamming, stealing or breaching any possible resemblance of contractual agreement with you. Yet you continually slander and defame me which is solid evidence for a case against you.

You clearly do not see how you are digging a bigger hole for yourself and these futile attempts to antagonize me are going nowhere. It certainly is time for you to just move on. That is in my opinion the only positive outcome for you from this campaign.

Otherwise I am beyond complete with this chit-chat and look forward to hearing from your legal representative on this non-existent case.

Good day.

Hahahaa oh ok so we are on joking terms now are we? Excuse me for not finding your "rape" and "pedophile" humor amusing, goes to show how questionable your character and mental state is. In my opinion it is completely disgusting, disturbing and not at all welcome in any correspondence with me thanks very much.

More along the lines of a sad-but-likely-true kind of joke. The way you exploit your son for personal gain, especially in posts relating to pornography is extremely disturbing and the fact that you don't let go of people when you hug them suggests control issues symptomatic of a rapist. Either way, it was a one-off and the intended audience wasn't yourself anyhow, so I'm not surprised you didn't laugh.

You certainly seem very emotional, going to great lengths to invade my daily discussion threads that have nothing to do with you. Yet again very unwelcome and abusive behavior, especially when you know I have been absolutely responsive to you here and you are able to reach me directly at any time.

Actually you haven't been all that responsive. How about responding to emails or Twitter DMs? Maybe I wouldn't have had to sign up for this dumb 'platform' if you had responded to the private correspondence. Instead you wanted to evade responsibility, which also isn't all that surprising. Why this conversation has to occur over steemit is beyond me but this is seemingly the only way to get you to respond (is to discuss publicly).

Once again the situation is completely resolved from our perspective and we will gladly have no further correspondence with you. There is no dispute and no need for any 3rd party involvement on our part. May you wish to pursue that yourself it is entirely your prerogative and you are welcome to direct your brief to this thread for all my statements and evidence regarding the matter. Be prepared for a full and complete rebuttal, counter claim and retaliatory claim of slander, defamation, online abuse and harassment.

That's fine. You talk of slander quite a bit but don't seem to have a claim against me. If you do, then file it. I've said nothing fallacious and you don't have an actual public reputation, just a small cohort of followers on steemit or twitter. So your claims are baseless but if you've got a case then bring it.

Also we have nothing to prove, the burden of proof is on you. I have in fact gone above and beyond to address the situation and you have done nothing to substantiate any of your claims. No evidence at all of me so called scamming, stealing or breaching any possible resemblance of contractual agreement with you. Yet you continually slander and defame me which is solid evidence for a case against you.

You're right, there's not much to prove given that you've already agreed that the scenario is as I stated it. You and your partner decided that you were entitled to my money and walked away with it, regardless of the agreement put forth. You have not disputed that and there is no additional "burden of proof" that need be satisfied. We agree and are both in possession of the same thread of correspondence.

You clearly do not see how you are digging a bigger hole for yourself and these futile attempts to antagonize me are going nowhere. It certainly is time for you to just move on. That is in my opinion the only positive outcome for you from this campaign.

Otherwise I am beyond complete with this chit-chat and look forward to hearing from your legal representative on this non-existent case.

Okay, let's go with the latter.

Dear @kenistylesconman - Hey there! I'm new to Steemit and I don't know you nor do I really know @kenistyles. So far he's been a cool guy who upvotes a few comments of mine from time to time. That being said, I'm not aware of (nor care) about the dispute between the two of you. But it appears you've created your account just to downvote @kenistyles upvotes. Now, the problem that I have with that is that I'm new, and your downvotes on my profile- however aimed at him, affect my reputation. Flag wars are a bit of an abuse of the system. We have enough of that here.

So I'm going to ask you quite civilly to please stop downvoting his votes and comments on other people's pages. There's lots of room for both of you to upvote/downvote war each other on your own pages where your own account and reputation is at stake. You are literally harming the accounts of dozens of innocent people and robbing them. UPVOTES come from the REWARD POOL, not his WALLET. You are not damaging his wallet by damaging our pages, only hurting US and not him at all.

It's not our fault what happenned between you two. Please comply with fixing your issue another way.