Inspire Steemit #12: Let's hang out in Bangkok at night ! ① 和kiki一起体验精彩曼谷夜生活@Levels Club & Lounge

in life •  6 years ago  (edited)

Hi, dear Steemit friends!
I have a question to you! What did you do at the weekend?
During the daytime, I usually like to to go out and walk around a bit, preferably visiting some interesting places that I haven't seen before. In the evening instead, I prefer to meet some friends or new people at interesting, vibrant places for a drink or two. Since I moved to Bangkok, Thailand, I have a feeling that I wake up a bit too late at times. The reason is that Thailand is famous and widely known as a nightlife paradise. Having all these things said, today I would like to take you to one of really cool venues in Bangkok, widely know as on of the fanciest clubs to hang out in the city centre!


Today I would like to recommend you a particular nightclub in Bangkok - Levels Club & Lounge. I had gone there 2 years ago for the first time. I can remember it was a great experience back in the day, so I went here again last weekend with my friends.


I was there at about 1 AM, but many people were still waiting in the queue at the entrance! As you can see in attached pictures, it seems to be one of the most popular clubs in Bangkok.


Every time I go out, I try to make a super cool makeup!💄
Haha, this is my first time to try this particular type of make-up – smokey eyes !👀👄

There are 2 main areas in Levels Club & Lounge:

The first area is a rooftop bar area. Even though the floor is not too high, you can still see the amazing view of Bangkok at night. If you do not like the noisy music plated by the DJ in the second part of the club, you can just order a cocktail, sit here and enjoy the great vibe. Frankly speaking, I think it is a very romantic place and that would be perfect for your date!



The second area is situated indoors. The music played there is mostly pop and hip-hop. The area is nicely designed, you can see the purple lights all around the place. Even though a bit noisy, it's a prefect place for dancing and socializing with other party-goers.


Surprisingly when I went to Levels that night, there was a 'Star Wars' party held. There were many beautiful people all around the place and the stuff was dressed up – it was a Star Wars theme cosplay! Unfortunately, the light was a bit too dark, so I could not really take great photos with my phone. What you are going to see below are some professional photos taken with a special camera!







O (∩ _ ∩) O haha ~ I must say that I felt very happy that evening, Pretty soon I am going to show you even more fun places in Bangkok which I'd love to share with you next time!
As for the ending, this is Levels club address: 6th Floor of the Aloft Hotel, No.35, Sukhumvit Soi 11, Sukhumvit Rd. Bangkok, Thailand


Hi,steemit 小伙伴们,kiki 有个问题哦,大家平时周末都做什么呢?白天时候,我 个人比较喜欢出去逛逛,晚上的时候我比较喜欢和朋友见面喝一杯或者泡吧都可 以,自从我搬到泰国曼谷居住后,觉得每天都睡的很晚,因为泰国是出名的夜生 活天堂啊。所以我会陆续给大家介绍曼谷比较好玩的地方.


今天给大家推荐一家曼谷的夜店,Levels Club & Lounge,这家店在素坤逸 11 巷 aloft 酒店的 6 楼。我 2 年前来过这里,当时感觉很喜欢,所以上周末我和小伙伴们 又来这里啦!

当时我来这里大概是凌晨 1 点的时候,但是门口依然很多人在排队进去!显而易见, 这个是曼谷非常受欢迎的 club。



Levels Club & Lounge主要有2个区域

第一个区域:户外露天酒吧区,虽然楼层不高,还是可以看到曼谷的夜景,如果 你不喜欢吵闹的 DJ,点一杯鸡尾酒,露天区也是一种享受,哈哈,我觉得这里很 浪漫很适合约会哦。


第二个区域,在室内,其中音乐以流行和嘻哈为主,紫色的灯光,你可以在这区 域尽情的派对和跳舞。

很幸运的是 kiki 当晚去的时候正好他们举行《星球大战》主题派对,超多养眼的美 女帅哥 cosplay 星球大战的角色,身材和颜值爆表了!可惜当时手机拍照光线比较暗,所以我找来了后期用专业相机拍摄的照片!


O(∩_∩)O 哈哈~那天晚上很开心,下一次我发现曼谷好玩的地方还会和大家分享的,最后附赠 levels 地址:6th Floor of the Aloft Hotel, No.35, Sukhumvit Soi 11, Sukhumvit Rd. Bangkok, Thailand

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Nice post. There used to be a third area in the club as well, with real electronic music. I see that it's gone though. :(

Yes, that sucks bit times. It's no longer there and that was the part of the club that I used to enjoy the most ;/

This place looks like fun, if I didn't took you guys to the wrong club! Haha

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I took some flower photography and worked on Steemit. Seems you had more fun :DThat's cool they have costume parties. Can't wait to see the next adventure!

  ·  6 years ago 

你的这文章,让我想起一首蛮有名的英文歌 - 由Murray Head主唱的 《One Night in Bangkok》


  ·  6 years ago 



Love Darth Vader and Star Wars in general.

cool, me too ^_^