Inspire Steemit #2 - No date nor fun on Valentine's Day?Let change that! Enjoy your single life in 2018! 没对象,没关系,Kiki教你单身狗怎么玩转2018年情人节

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hey my beloved Steemit community!

Tomorrow is 14th of February, isn't it?
14 Valentine's Day is coming very, very soon! Are you guys ready?


Valentine's Day seems to be very special for a lot of people, as it is said to be an exclusive holiday for couples, a precious moment to express your love for each other. Without a shade of a doubt, for many people that's definitely a very special moment that many couples have been waiting for.
My question to everybody out there is as follows:
What are we supposed to do if we are single on that day?

Do not worry as I have prepared a blueprint for you, exclusively for this occasion! I believe there are plenty of cool things you can do on that day, regardless being single.
Don't ask me why I know that, after all, I am here for you to share my experience with everyone out there!

#1 - Change your looks and do something for yourself on that special day!

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Plan your 'beauty transfomation'. Go to the stylist or a hairdresser. All in all, as most of the people do, you must have been working hard this year and you should remain standing strong. Liberate yourself that day. You might try a new fashionable hairsyle. Buy yourself some cool, new clothes. Spoil yourself a bit. The more beautiful you look, the better you feel about yourself in general. Always remember that 'if you want to be loved, you must first learn how to love yourself'. That sounds like a common saying, but seriously, how can anybody else love you if you don't love yourself?
Everytime I feel down I try to dress up pretty, them my mood changes as well. Give it a try!

#2 - Hit the gym!


Fitness can help you stay focused on yourself and your goals in general. It keeps your mind busy and away from things that tend to bother you on daily basis. I would recommend anaerobic exercises here - they make your body feel exhaused and happy because of the direct effect they have on your hormones. Excersises should be followed by taking a hot bath - nothing makes you feel more relaxed and laid back than a hot bath, which will also make you sleep like a baby.
You will not have any more energy to think about all the couples celebrating the Valentine's Day. ;-)
Remember, whether single or not, your goal should be to look beautiful always, as your Mr. Right can show up at the least expected moment!

#3 - Simply go shopping!


On the Valentine's Day most of shopping malls have big promotions!
What are you waiting for then?
Shopping might not be the most efficient way to spend your free time, but still - if sitting at home being miserable at the same time is your alternative for Valentine's Day - then you should do something for yourself once again. ;-)
You can go to brick and mortar stores, or simply but things online - my choice is of course shopping for clothes - When I feel unhappy I always try to buy something that could make me look more classy and fashionable. Nothing makes your mood better than seeing your shining reflection in the mirror!

#4 - Go to the party!


On each and every February 14th there are a lot of single parties held in the city. That might be another great idea to join a single's party, you can either organize one on your own, or join any event of this kind. You can still celebrate the occasion regarding the actual circumstances, there is no need to fall in bad mood. Who said you can't be a single party queen?
Rock it, and you will not feel alone anymore!

#5 - Go travelling alone!


If you don't like being surrounded by too many people in too many crowded places, you can always have fun by yourself taking a few days off work and going for a trip alone. Sounds weird, huh? I have done it several times before.
Travelling is a great way to meet new people and experience new things, you might be even lucky enough to meet your second half while travelling around! Right there on the trip!
I highly recommend travelling alone, it's fun and it's a great opportunity to make friends all around the world! Travelling can definitely help you forget that you are a single person on a Valentine's Day! ;-)

#6 - Turn off the power! ;-)

If you feel annoyed by couples on Valentine's Day, just leave the social media and turn off the power.
Things people will post will not bother you anymore, just put your mobile phone away and try to make another great plans/set your goals for 2018! ;-)

Hey, 一年一度的2月14日虐单身狗节日马上就要来了!你准备好了吗?
情人节似乎是情侣专属的节日,他们会在这个特殊的节日向彼此表达爱意。但是,如果情人节你是独自一人的话该怎么办呢? 别急,单身狗也可以去做这些超酷的事情,一个人也有一个人的精彩生活。别问我 为什么知道这么多玩法,因为kiki曾经也是个单身狗啊,所以把我的经验分享给大家吧!

#1 - 换个造型吧

#2 - 去健身吧

#3 - 去购物吧
所以你还等什么,与其在家里郁闷不开心,不如出去购物吧!购物最能打发时间,最能得到满足感,不管是在网上购物,还是商场购物,都是情人节身单身人们打发时间的最佳方式之一,Kiki不开心的时候最喜欢去专卖店试衣服,看着自己美美哒,整个人变得开心不得了呢 :)

#4 - 尽情派对吧

#5 - 单身旅行
如果情人节 不喜欢人多凑热闹的话,不妨可以请两天假期放逐自己,去个一直想去的地方旅行吧!单身旅行同样是情人节自娱自乐的最佳方式。旅途上总会遇见新的人和事情,说不定旅途中会遇见那个“TA”呢!Kiki强烈推荐单身旅行,真的超级有趣 !认识了世界各地不同朋友感觉真的很棒!早就忘记了自己单身过情人节的事情了!哈哈

#6 - 关掉所有电源


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@kikima, 看到你的帖子,真是我的幸运啊!太棒了!


  ·  7 years ago 


  ·  7 years ago (edited)



^_^ 是的呀

Happy Valentine's Day @KiKima! ❤️❤️

haha,thanks dearrrrr ❤️


thank u @kkk1818
