Earth is active, this page has the most compiled information that makes sense that I've seen in real time or close to real time. The current Earth activity is mimicking what was happening in March 2011 and the Fukushima earthquake. For the next week dutchsinse says keep an eye out and be ready. (Dutchsinse on youtube.)
I woke up to the biggest thunder boom I've ever heard in Oregon, sounded like it would shake my house to crumbles... made me immediately wonder what up with Earthquakes. We rarely get a storm with thunder, so when it strikes, sounds like the world is ending! Feels very strange after growing up in Midwest where every storm typically comes with the roar of the sky gods...
I went to this page to find out current status of seismic activity , live earthquakes and volcanic activity, which is out of control on Earth right now!
I honestly have been procrastinating in terms of getting a simple bag and items ready by the door, thinking it might be time to have a route, supplies and a plan.
I do know that where I live if we were to get bigger than a 6 size Earthquake the 7 dams above us could potentially break and flood Eugene, withing 30 minutes. Crazy Talk!! Perhaps I need a boat instead? How to prepare, mind, spirit and physical reality in terms of this situation? I've been in the "no fear" game but this is getting seriouso!
Prayers and protection to folks in Hawaii! Please keep yourselves informed via this station!
Let's activate our awesome and calm this energy peeps.
Friends: NO TIME TO BE SCARED BE PREPARED.... this is what dutchsinse says again and again....
Love Blessings and Protection for us ALL <3