August in the Dawn of a New Hope

in life •  7 years ago 

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Tomorrow is the start of the month which many believed the month of hardship because the main source of income here in our province which is farming are over. People will need to wait another 3 months to before they can harvest their crops. Here if you don't have a secondary source of income besides farming your family will ended up starving. Some farmers learned to become a carpenter and some people build their own small business of barbecue vending. Some people are also working as a salesman and saleslady in some small department store so that their family will at least eat 3 times day.

I think everywhere in the world people experience hardship only difference is in the first world country their money has a high value compare to the money and salary people received from the third world country like our country. The job might be the same but their they earned more.

But I believe it is up to us if we will let our self to experience difficulties or not. I know their are many possible things that can help us to still become happy and contented this coming month.

I guess the price of steem is a reflection of what is happening right now in the other country because right now the price of steem is continuously falling down. I hope that like what happened in the beginning of this year, the price of steem will fall higher once again.

Let it be that the first day of August will be the dawn of a new hope for everyone of Us.


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