Where Have We Been?

in life •  5 years ago  (edited)


Where Have We Been?

Brought to you by: @Kraytive


Hello again. It has been a few weeks since my last post. We have had quite a lot of life changes in our home recently and have been doing our best to navigate them gracefully and patiently. Patience is a tricky one! With that being said, we took a small break from social media to regather ourselves and adjust to our new lifestyle. I took a break from writing in order to be more mentally/physically present in our home, but now that the biggest part of the poopoo-storm has passed, I have found that writing it all out can be more therapeutic than dwelling on it.

So… What happened?

Knox has some new gear.


Our boy, Knox, turns two years old in a few days, and he has had a lot of difficulty when it comes to swallowing food. We’ve been fighting for answers since he was born, and lately eating has been increasingly dangerous for him and scary for all of us. In the past three weeks, he has been hospitalized twice for choking and we are undergoing seemingly endless diagnostic tests, with little to no answers. Knox’s fear of choking resulted in an overall food aversion, and Knox stopped eating almost everything. He lost quite a bit of weight, and ultimately his team of doctors decided to place a Nasogastric tube through his nose and into his stomach to make sure he is getting his baseline nutritional needs met while we tackle safe-eating habits and making eating a psychologically positive experience for him. Quite the adventure for all of us!

Let me tell you, I am no nurse! Having to place the tube or replace the sticky-patches to hold the tube in place while Knox cries is torture for my poor mama heart, but it is getting easier on both of us as time goes on. Some days, I feel like a Super-Mom advocating for my kiddo with doctors and doctors and doctors, and other days I cry a little bit into my coffee. Every day we’re learning, and every day we get closer to finding answers to help our little guy.

That’s where I’ll leave off for today, I have a toddler to wrangle for bed time!

Have a kraytive day!


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Not a fun time at all for all of you. Bless you, Tanner and Mr. Knox!