Jobs For Men In America - MGTOW

in life •  7 years ago 

In today's video I share my recent experience in the job market and explain my perspective on Jobs For Men In America.

For the last few years my prospects for a lucrative job have gradually decreased.

Although my skill set has only INCREASED, I am getting offers for lower and lower amounts of money.

I speak on the main to reasons that there are less good-paying jobs in the USA for Men:

  1. Illegal Immigration

  2. Women in the workforce

The last job that I had was over 50% women and the other Men working there were pure soy. #soyboys

In most first world countries like Germany, United States, and Canada, the powers that be have open the flood gates for many illegal immigrants.

This has also effected the job prospects of many Men in America.

When these two factors are combined, it is like a vice pinching the life-blood (fiat currency) of the average working Man.

Finally, I speak on the #takeaknee communist movement and speak on why my personal experience working with white men and some of my best friends that are black.

This contrived controversy is only cementing my belief that the United States has become a communist-run society.

What do you think of Jobs for Men in America and what have you seen out in the field?

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Kris you look very bold in that video, like you made a decision and now you put in the work. You are right, illegal immigration and women have made everyone poor, except the guys at the top. And this is why we will belong to the top if we stick to the hardcore path, we are already elite personalities with a rich mindset. It is just super hard at the beginning but if we stick to it 5 more years I swear we will make 5 digits per month.

Why? Because we are not up to date in terms of where the big money actually is. And if we stay up to date our skillsets which we already have will carry us to victory.

We are good at marketing, networking, Photoshop, Website creation, Writing, Affiliate Marketing, Video and Audio Editing, Basic Cryptocurrency knowledge and more.

I tell you man, 5 more years.

hahahah, "soy valley" love it. Same problem in Austrian, but men still have to prop-up all the female bosses because men have the tech and can do skills.