Global warming suits them

in life •  7 years ago 


Of course, global warming brings with it catastrophic consequences for virtually all living things on the planet. But depending on the perspective you are looking at, this catastrophe could be exactly what you've been waiting for your entire life. If you are a mountain, or jellyfish, your future looks pretty bright.

Just imagine the happiness of Greenland. If we continue to destroy the planet at this speed, Greenland will disappear from snow, and it will eventually become "Green Earth."

Jellyfish have already adjusted: their plan is world domination


Although most underwater life disappears, there is more and more jellyfish. Scientists still do not have a specific explanation for this phenomenon, but one thing is certain - the warmer water and the higher the level must match these beings.

In addition, the excessive fishing of their predators, as well as the fish that share the food with them, has left these invertebrates alone with the abundance of plankton. All of these factors have led to a large increase in the number of jellyfish around the world. In some parts of the Black Sea, up to 1000 small jellyfish can be found on only one cubic meter.

One kind of jellyfish is immortal. Others can weigh up to 200 kg, 30 feet long. And there is no need to point out how painful and the dog can be. Meduse has already been responsible for the total destruction of several fishing villages in Japan, fishing all the fishing nets, and eating all the fish eggs. In Hawaii and the banks of Japan, jellyfish are already destroying tourism, one of the major sources of income in the region.

It seems that meduses are planning to dominate the world, and we only help them.

As glaciers disappear, the mountains grow


Although due to climate change glaciers disappear, it does not prevent the mountains from becoming stronger and more. While water stored in glaciers disappears, the mountains beneath them have much less load on them. Without enormous extra weight, the mountains will move to new heights.

This is already happening on the Alpima. As the glaciers are toppled, the mountains grow. Scientists closely monitor the events, and mountain growth has already been recorded in North America.

Some scientists estimate that if the summer air temperatures rise by 3 degrees Celsius by the end of this century, 80 percent of the 'ice roof' at the Alpine will disappear, and if the temperature rises by 5 degrees Celsius, the Alps will be almost completely without ice until 2100.

In the western part of the Alps, the mountains are already growing at a rate of about one millimeter per year. If nothing, this is good news for skiers and mountaineers (who survive the rope of jellyfish).

Goddess could be back (to finish us)


After several decades of long vaccination campaigns against goats (shrimp), the World Health Organization declared them abolished in December 1979. But thanks to the glacial meltdown, this small virus, which killed half a billion people in the 20th century, could come back (likely to complete what it started).

Scientists believe that this virus can live for decades, or even centuries, as long as it is frozen in the area of the Arctic Tundra. As temperatures continue to grow, some experts believe there is a far-reaching possibility of freeing the captive pups in ice, leading to a global epidemic.

When the mass grave in Siberia was discovered in 1980, the investigation showed that this virus was still active - in dead bodies. This is a scary thought, but there is no reason to worry because an effective vaccine already exists.

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