in life •  7 years ago 

Most Network Marketers fail with prospecting on the internet because they don’t have a proper follow up system. 

Tim Erway (Look him up on Google!) wrote a revealing report about that, which he sent me. When you want your hands on a copy of “13 devastating mistakes” (and you should), he will be happy to mail you a copy. 


Having a blog, a landing page or a website where people can opt-in and the use of an autoresponder doesn’t give you an automated Marketing System. 

Network Marketing and Attraction Marketing both have the word MARKETING in it. 

Having some technical functions to generate and harvest leads is only part of the System. 


The MARKETING part is YOU! 

Marketing is communication your skills and solutions to sell your offer. 

So if you do not communicate with your leads, they will not become buying customers! 

YOU have to build a relationship with your leads by showing then your skills and helping them with their problems. 

The best way to do that is by creating a good FOLLOW UP system. 

In your autoresponder you can create mails to your new subscribers. 

Starting with a simple Thank You message is the first step. 

But now you have to start building a relationship of trust with them. This can only be done by offering them VALUE FOR FREE! 

You have to start working on at least 10 valuable mails or newsletters. You do not want to do this too quickly. The content needs to be of real value! 

When you offer them crap or half truths…they will unsubscribe faster than you can generate! Sent them a mail at least once a week, from the moment of opting in. Now after these mails, you can do a few things: 

Option #1 

Pick up the phone and call them (if you didn’t get their number you could mail them, but calling them is always better!). This is no cold calling. I hate cold calling. 


These prospects are red hot! 

They opted in their selves to receive your valuable information. 

They left their phone number their selves, because they felt sufficiently comfortable to so. 

And most important, they opted in because they have affinity with Network Marketing or your offer. 

You will be surprised how many of them will be positively surprised that someone calls them and is interested in their problem! 

Just introduce yourself and tell them that the reason for calling is that they opted in in one of your websites. Say websites…that gives you authority right away. 

Then find out in what group they belong with the key questions I shared with you in my blog about PROSPECT PROFILING. 

Option #2 

Keep feeding your leads with valuable information. The more you give and the longer they keep subscribed, the more they will accept you as an authority! 

Now having their trust completely, your click trough rate will be extremely high when you give them an occasional affiliate offer of a product you promote. 

Or what do you think will happen when you, yourself find a new MLM opportunity…and blast a few hundred mails to your followers that you are going to grap this opportunity…and everybody is welcome to follow YOU! 


Now that’s what I call ATTRACTION MARKETING with an Automated Marketing System!

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So beautiful @kristinaljfom!

Thank you for your compliment)

Hey @kristinaljfom, I noticed that you post very frequently. I was wondering as someone who is relatively new, how can I biuld my steemit blog? I'm in numerous groups on facebook and I promote through there and, but I was wondering what else I could do?

great information on marketing.upvoted
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