How to learn to enjoy life?

in life •  6 years ago 


A person is not born with a negative inside. He accumulates it over the years. We voluntarily hang on ourselves a load of worries, fears and experiences. And then we try in vain to find the answer to the question: how to learn to enjoy life? Did you notice who is the most able to do this? Children.

They live as they can and accept themselves as they are. They are happy every day and are always open to the outside world. You say, children have no worries and obligations? Not in this case. Remember yourself in very young years, then, how you wanted to grow up and get "adult" freedom. Children also have to obey and do what they do not want. But they know how to love life and find reasons for joy in real small things. Why do many of us have forgotten how to do this?

You will say that it is difficult to learn to enjoy life when there are so many problems around. But is it a problem? Or maybe we are hampered by the habit of concentrating on the bad and not noticing the good? Many people readily respond to the question of what they do not like about their lives. And they have difficulties to answer what makes them happy.


I remember an anecdote on this topic:

A guy is going by bus and habitually thinking about how sad his life is: "My wife is bad, my friends are mercenary, the boss is evil, the work is hateful, life is gray." But the angel is standing behind his back and writing down all this in a notebook. At the same time he is thinking: "Such strange desires! And every day they are the same. However, there is nothing to do, it is necessary to fulfill them."

What do we think about when we wake up in the morning and go to work? If all thoughts are related to how to avoid the betrayal of a loved one, or what to do if suddenly a fire starts, then we ourselves program ourselves for trouble. Probably, it makes sense to track your "desires" to make sure: life really gives us what we concentrate on.

After all, our subconscious clearly captures everything we think about. It turns out that if we every day focus only on what makes us happy, then we will have it more and more? Let`s try?

Live in the present.

How to learn to enjoy life
This is another valuable quality that a person leaves in his childhood. Thoughts about the future take a lot of energy and make us unable to rejoice. The future will always be something elusive for us. It is impossible to become happy thinking about what is not yet known and whether it will be impossible.

Another enemy of joy is fear. And we are also afraid of the future. Learning to live the present is difficult, but possible. You just need to thank life every day for what you have. And we all have much more than we used to think.


Try every morning on the way to work and in the evening before going to sleep fix all the good things that you have and thank for it God, life, the universe. Life is always in the present, but the present lasts only a few seconds. Hence, the ability to focus on these very seconds is the ability to live today and now. And the ability to rejoice. Shall we try?

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this post has quality sense aboutlearning various habits from children. Being innocent they give us a lot of lessons. most important they have some unique qulaties. once they get quarrel with each others, after a short while they start playing, whereas we take it too long to mix up. they even do not tell a lie, whereas we speak several lies in oue daily life. their smile is always belong truthfulness whereas our smile has various agendas.

let me say that everybody wants to go back in past in this age because there is love joy happiness and most rare a lots of people arround.

dear @kristinaljfom stay blessed


Thank you for kind words)


first of all i would like to thank you dear @kristinaljfom for this amazing post, and i want to say that you are right indeed children are he ones who lovve life and enjoy life the reeal wway, but let me tell you that everyone in this life have problems, and those who know how to deal with these problems see them as a part of one's life of course it won't be able to make life bad, and for sure they will enjoy life, but i thing in my opinion it's not only about having problems and Man can not stay the whole life as happy as he want, and thank you dear.

We have to consciously learn to be children in spirit everyday and possess the zeal for a wonderful life. Thanks for sharing