It’s Not What’s Real - It’s What You Believe

in life •  8 years ago 

Please bear with me on this one. I'm going to explain why the reality of any given situation doesn't matter. What matters is the beliefs you hold about the situation.

Let's assume you're walking in the woods when suddenly you come upon a big, black bear. Terror strikes! You freeze, not knowing what to do. Flashes run through your head about things you should do when encountering a bear. Should you run? Climb a tree? Lay down on the ground? Stand perfectly still? What?

Actually, I've heard each of the above recommended by someone sometime during my life (except for running - bears are too fast.)

Anyway, while you're frozen in panic the bear takes his head off! It wasn't a real bear at all. It was a man in a bear costume.

Now a man in a bear costume is not something to be afraid of is it? But you were very scared. Why?  Because of your belief about the situation, not the reality of it!

The same thing happens with any situation you react to. You don't actually react to the event itself, you react to you belief about that event.

Let's look at another situation. You get fired from your job. That's the reality. You might experience anger, embarrassment, fear or a number of other emotions. But, what if you'd been thinking how bad you hated the job anyway and were looking for an excuse to quit and find another job. In that case, you'd be happy or relieved. It's the same exact situation or event yet the belief you have about it dictates your feelings.

I used to say "No one can make me mad without my permission." One day, one guy who had what to me was a grating, overbearing personality said something that instantly pushed my mad button. I ranted, swore and generally got "in his face" for about three minutes. After he left, a friend who had witnessed my outbreak said "I thought no one could make you mad without your permission."

"I gave him permission for about two minutes." was my reply. Truthfully, that's exactly what I did. I could have just as well told myself that it didn't matter what he said anyway and walked away without losing my temper.

Abraham Lincoln was quoted as saying, "It's been my experience that most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be."

Henry Ford said "Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right."

Without rambling any further, the point I'm trying to make is - You can do or be anything you want to if you believe you can. All that's required for you to be able to do anything you're physically capable of is to set you belief that you can and then, go out and do it. 

If you're able to dream about it you're able to do it. All it takes is a plan and consistent action.

So, dream your dreams turn them into goals and plan to get them done!


One more thing. If something is worth doing and will make you better when it's done, when is the best time to start it?

 Do It Now!!

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How do you overcome it?

Yeah stand on what we believe in and be proud of the reality.