The 3 Ways To Become Successful In Anything That You Do In Life

in life •  6 years ago  (edited)

"The man on top of the mountain didn't fall there" - Vince Lombardi 

In life people are always looking for ways to become better people, make more money, and have more of what they want. Getting to that point is a lot simpler than people actually think, but that does not mean it is easy! Sometimes the easiest things in life are made so difficult because with us just being human beings we naturally like to make things hard on ourselves and put ourselves through tests. But, I wanted to make this post to help people the "Simple" ways to become more successful in life, now these things are not guaranteed by any measure but through the words of the successful and what I've seen these 3 things are the most important things in getting closer to success... 

1. Collaborating With Successful People

What I mean by this is that when you want to become successful in whatever field it is, the best thing you can do for yourself is find someone who has what you are seeking and learn from them on how they did it. The goal is not to re-create the wheel, why would we do that when it is there for us and it is working? Just take what has and is working from people who know how to get what you want. Learn how to get mentorship from them and work closely with those people...

2. Learn From Those Successful People 

If you can't find or work with those successful people that you desire for whatever reason it may be, you need to literally become their #1 fan. Typically in today's digital age the person you aspire to learn from will make themselves available on social media. This is great for you because even though you aren't personally learning from that person you can still consume and take in everything they are providing from a distance... 

3. Don't Hate On The People You Envy

This may be one of the most important ones, because putting someone else down to push yourself up may help short term but this will never be sustained and when people see you for what you are really worth this will hurt you more than any good it can ever do! Sadly, this is what you will see most often as well, all of you are probably familiar with "Haters" well the essence of a "Hater" is just a person who is mad at someone else because they are doing something that the hater is too scared to go after so a way of coping with that is to bring other people down with them in hopes it will make them feel better about themselves...

In Conclusion: 

Success is not a roadmap, it is a long journey without any finish line. True success should be something you never actually reach or obtain because if it is something that you can accomplish what happens when you get there? There is nothing else for you in this life, this is typically why people die within 4 years after retirement, they lose their purpose in life and allow that to literally kill them. Keep chasing your dreams and never let anything or anyone talk you out of them, if your dreams don't scare you then they're not big enough

I Love You All, 

Stay Awaken and keep pursuing your passion

I hope you enjoyed this post and if you did please support me :) @krystianstreit 

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