Time, like wisdom, like knowledge all change.

in life •  5 years ago 

Kids remind me of that one time my aunty didn't want to be called aunt.

My youngest aunt in Brazil used to hate it when my brother and I called her aunty. Although there is a small age gap between us, she is still my aunty. She is older, not by much, and calling her Tia was out of respect, not a declaration of old age. I often think back to that memory.

Especially, now that my bestie is expecting, I cannot wait for the privilege of being called an aunty. There is much excitement with planning the baby shower. There is excitement with the arrival date. Most conversation topics are as expected around the child.

There was a time when all my friends were dating and I wasn't. There was a time when all my friends were getting married and I wasn't. There was a time when all my friends were having babies and you get the idea.

Hanging out with the youngins

Speaking to mom the other day, I noticed that everyone has an old age trigger. For most, it's physical limitations or pain. For others, it is being called ma'am or sir. For me, it is a change in valuing time and people. After hanging out with my friends younger/high school friends I realized our priorities are vastly different. Even at there age, I wasn't involved in drama or juice gossip with other people.

Sure there are adults that carry the same interest in other peoples lives similar to high schoolers throughout their lives. The difference, at least to me, is how much time they spend or give to situations. Also, they love texting about it, but not calling or chatting in person. I can only imagine the twitter wars to come with this new generation.
What changes have you noticed as you've aged?

Small steps towards easter. Giant leaps for todayis good friday!

Thanks for reading, upvoting, and commenting!

Love always,

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Been a while Kubs. Happy Easter

It has been a little while, hope you are well. Happy Easter to you too!

I just notice the more connected we become the more lonely people seem to be. So many seem to become intolerable to the smallest of things as well. Almost seems like a human element is slowly fading away in exchange for social media. So much fakeness and amassing pointless numbers.

Have a wonderful Easter!

Happy Easter to you too!