the allotment today

in life •  7 years ago 


So sad that I’m too ill to tend to the allotment today with @jamiewellock, so making myself feel better by taking stock of some of the nice new details in our house. I love our new botanical wall hanging, bought in Deal, and the grey concrete sight hound which my mum gave us for Christmas. Not having a garden I find I long to bring touches of nature to our space. Also desperate to do some decluttering/sorting but just can’t face it today. How is your Sunday shaping up? Is it a hive of activity in your home or chilled Sunday sauntering?
So curious to know what you're planning to grow in your allotment this year Rosie? Very keen to get growing a few more veggies in my garden, but I have a habit of killing plants! Need foolproof tips!
ooh I’m just learning myself but broad beans, broccoli, kales, tomatoes and runner beans I hope plus gooseberries, raspberries and salad xx

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Aww, sorry dear. Pls take care of yourself health is wealth,. Btw i love the painting of that green plant on your wall