The Old Dog Investigates: Is Laughter Really The Best Medicine?

in life •  8 years ago  (edited)

Help For Those Suffering From Illness and Stress!  

All images in this article and the video are from and are free for use under CC0 Public Domain


Are you stressed out? Unfortunately there is a very high possibility that you are! According to the American Psychological Association 75% of adults reported experiencing moderate to high levels of stress in the past month and nearly half reported that it has increased in the past year.  

  Are you or a loved one coping with an acute or chronic illness? Sadly this problem touches all of us sooner or later.  

  The good news is that there is a form of free help that acts as an effective drug but it has no cost and no side effects! What is it? Laughter.  

  Laughter does more than just offer a complete workout for your muscles; it also causes a rush of stress destroying endorphins. Do you have trouble laughing? No problem, your body can't differentiate between real and fake laughter so they both have the same benefits!  

  How I got Interested In Laugh Therapy  

  My son, like many students, often felt overwhelmed with the pressure and stress of studying, homework and exams. One day I decided to break the tension by laughing. Once I started we both got on a role and we just couldn't stop. The release that it provided was so powerful and beneficial that we started to do it on a regular basis.     

Please check out a recording of my son and I that I made of one of these sessions. 

WARNING: The laughter in this short video is very contagious!  

  Laughter Therapy in Mainstream Medicine   

  Scientific studies on the benefits of laughter therapy began in the 20th century. Norman Cousins' book “Anatomy of an Illness” which he wrote in 1979 may have increased the interest in this form of treatment. In it he chronicles how he used laughter and vitamin therapy to recover  from a fatal illness, ankylosing spondylitis (a rare form of degenerative arthritis). I highly recommend this classic as a very interesting read.  

  Today many hospitals provide laughter therapy in their treatment of illnesses and the history of its development has been helped by various Laugh Therapy pioneers. 

  Dr Madan Kataria - who developed laughter yoga in Mumbai - is given credit for popularizing laughter therapy in the mainstream. Kataria set up the first laughter club in 1995  and there are now thousands of laughter clubs worldwide.   

  The Physical Benefits of Laughter:   

  •  Increases oxygen intake while stimulating the heart and lungs  
  •  Boosts the immune and circulatory systems  
  •  Causes the release of endorphins which are the body’s natural painkillers 
  •  Increases alertness, memory and creativity 
  •  Serves to relax muscles in the entire body
  •  Helps digestion and soothes stomach aches   
  •  Decreases pain   
  •  Balances blood pressure   

The Psychological Benefits of Laughter:   

  •  Improves overall attitude  
  •  Reduces stress and tension  
  •  Induces relaxation  
  •  Produces a general sense of well-being  
  •  Helps improve sleep  
  •  Fortifies relationships and social bonds  

  Ten Inspiring Quotes About Laughter

 1. A good laugh heals a lot of hurts. — Madeleine L’Engle    

 2. A smile is a curve that sets everything straight. — Phyllis Diller   

 3. Against the assault of laughter, nothing can stand. — Mark Twain  

 4. Always laugh when you can. It is cheap medicine. — Lord Byron   

 5. An optimist laughs to forget; a pessimist forgets to laugh. — Tom Nansbury   

 6. As soap is to the body, so laughter is to the soul. — A Jewish Proverb   

 7. He that is of a merry heart has a continual feast. — Proverbs 15:15   

 8. He who laughs, lasts! — Mary Pettibone Poole   

 9. I have not seen anyone dying of laughter, but I know millions who are dying because they are not   laughing. – Dr. Madan Kataria   

1 0. From there to here, from here to there, funny things are everywhere. — Dr. Seuss  

We Were Born With The Gift of Laughter! 

 Did you know that children laugh about 400 times a day whereas adults manage a measly 15?

 Since laughter is free and has so many benefits why not make it part of your daily life and laugh more?    

 Why not do laugh therapy?!


Until next time,  

 @kus-knee (The Old Dog)    

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This is all so true, thank you!

It works for us!

I cannot help but laugh as I read this post. Does robbing people of their joy do more damage than just that? Does allowing others to steal our joy have the same effects as unforgiveness?

Good points to ponder for another investigation.

Thanks @Kus!
You were right, that video was very contagious.
Guess we all should laugh more, there are so many benefits, wow.
Thanks for the eye opener!

Thanks for having a look and I hope that it helps!

So glad to come across this article, there is so much potentiel with such therapy, as long as it stands on solids grounds. Namaste :)

Thanks for sharing that!

Its a lot of fun and it works!

Very useful information, good post

I appreciate your having a look!

This is so true! Laughter has a really relaxing effect. It's a great stress reliever. It's also contagious :)

I'm going to go and do some laughing now!

So that's why I am so happy, I am always laughing!
Thanks for the article!

:) :) 😄😜

Thanks man! Citytv! Wow I know that channel!

that only image gif from google : )

Yes it is @kus-knee and free as well. Great post. Looking forward to your next one, cheers!

OK great I'll watch for your posts too!

Thanks for the share. The laughter is actually contangious.

Once I start it's easy to keep going!

Thanks for this post.
Very true and so helpful. Life is short, so enjoy every single moment.
thank you very much again

Thanks for having a look!

I've heard about this before, and it DOES work and help alleviate stress and relieve depression. I will add as a single person I find it harder to contrive laughter by myself; it's much easier when there are others to bounce things off from, especially if the laughter is spontaneous.

Life is too short, and the time we humans spend laughing is as well.

Thanks for a great reminder, and the lift in my day!

Great comments! Thanks!

Health can be both natural and easy!
The biggest problems with peoples health are actually the simplest and most available ways to get healthier!
Less stress, more deep breathing, better air, higher quality water!
I published a whole book on health of which discusses how easy thriving can be!
Keep up the great work!

Very informative and true. When I was hospitalized at the Mayo Clinic in 2003 after a heart surgery, one of the docs came by my room and we talked and laughed for two hrs.. it was an amazing moment.. that I still remember 13 yrs later! Laughter heals.

Wow, thanks for your experience and I hope to you are doing well health wise!

This is a very good post and is so true! Stress is at an all time high and really puts so much pressure on people mentally and physically. Just laughing and having fun is really what our lives should be about.

Thanks for your input! Keep on laughing!