More research all points to greater health benefits

in life •  6 years ago 

When we use Turmeric and Curcumin

Research into the benefits of using Turmeric and Curcumin in daily food or drink, keeps revealing more and more health and wellness benefits for us. Even supplements are OK, but not as good as the real thing as any processed food is only a mere shadow of its potency, efficiency, absorption and overall benefit.

Health or Wellness

Many folks just lump these two words together as a whole, but they are vastly different (albeit with the same end goal).

Health is regaining the bodies natural stasis or recovering from an imbalance in it's functionality.

Wellness is maintaining the balanced stasis

So for healthy people that do not have increased levels of stress, inflammation or other more severe maladies, Turmeric is still a smart choice to maintain good heath. The curcumin (active ingredient in Turmeric)

  • Curcumin lowers triglycerides, but not the good cholesterols
  • Curcumin increases plasma nitric oxide, to control escalation of blood pressure
  • Curcumin lowers concentrations of molecules linked to atherosclerosis
  • Curcumin reduces sympathetic nervous system stress
  • Curcumin raises salivary radical scavenging capacities reducing oxidative stress
  • Curcumin reduced issues leading to Alzheimer’s
  • Curcumin reduces liver enzyme activities that lead to liver issues

So a daily addition of Turmeric, can't hurt... but definitely could help in your Wellness.


Good Health – Evan Pantazi #Kyusho

Image Credits: invitehealthblog

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Turmeric actually works well as an anti-inflammatory and is a great antioxidant. My brother in law has a mixture that he makes with turmeric beetroot, carrots, cucumber, onions and cabbage. Sounds awful and smells awful but he drinks half a glass every day and it keeps him super healthy.

I use it daily also, on food or in drink, but only with apple cider vinegar and lemon juice in the drink.

Turmeric has really lots of benefits i use it a lot :) and thanks for sharing the post in details

I just got to get my wife to use it too... she is not keen on the flavor though.

yes, its also just good to get other flavours popping in the food and nice colour too