Muscle and Joint Pain Making You Feel Old

in life •  7 years ago 

Let's Face It We Ain't getting any younger...

What a defeatist attitude that is, we can do something actually several things to maintain our youthful attitude

First we need to look at why we feel stiff and sore, it is not just our muscles... it is also our joints, ligaments, tendons and even nerves. So we must isolate what really is causing the pain to be able to address it correctly. There are two main types of pain we must delineate; Myalgia (a generic pain found in the muscles or in a group of muscles) and Myolitis (This is a pain in the muscle/s caused by inflammation).

  • Muscle pain may originate from straining our muscles by using them incorrectly or by pushing them beyond their limits (for you as an individual). In this case the strands of our muscles can overstretch or even break. This often occurs with severe repetition over a longer period of time.

  • We can experience pain if the muscle is called to task when it is cold (doing too much, too soon), before it is warmed with increased blood flow and oxygenation...and why you should warm up with light movements prior to more dynamic actions.

  • Also we can experience pain in muscles because of trauma, which can come in many varieties such as with concussion, compression or tearing.

  • There is also muscle pain due to fear, stress or anxiety as we subconsciously or consciously constrict our muscles or "Tighten up". If the muscles are contracted for longer periods, the muscle/s will fatigue and cause pain. In fact a muscle spasm or cramp is the muscle tensing on it's own.

  • Diseases, illnesses and infections can also cause muscle pain... like body aches from flu. But more severe diseases like Lupus (autoimmune disease that attacks the bodies connective tissues), Fibromyalgia (a neuro issue speculated as originating in the brain, causes pain in muscles and soft tissue), Lyme Disease and many others.


Muscle pains can also stem from mineral imbalances in the body, that occur naturally as we age. Calcium and Potassium imbalances especially can trigger muscle pain and stiffness, making us feel older. Consequently as we age many people opt into medications and drugs like Statins and ACE inhibitors, that will cause these imbalances and subsequent pain.

Natural Remedies

So what to do... well there are many ways to help your aches and pains to remain more mobile, flexible and younger feeling. You do not need pain killers, drugs or prescriptions, nature has many answers for you.

  • Massage will increase the blood and oxygen flow to the muscles to disperse the aches ad pains of stiffening or injured muscles.

  • Apply hot or cold compresses to the painful area, cold will help in case of inflammation, hot will aid in increasing blood flow.

  • Stretching can relieve many muscle pains, such as cramps and spasms... but as an added measure use antagonistic muscles to help eliminate the spasm. As an example if you have a hamstring cramp, tighten your quadriceps muscle as you stretch the hamstring. As the reflexes automatically release an antagonistic muscle if it's counterpart is tightening.

  • Light exercise or activity to keep the muscles moving for increased blood flow and oxygenation.

Make a Tea of Cinnamon, Ginger and Natural Honey

** 1 Glass of Water
** 1 Tablespoon of fresh grated Ginger
** 2 Teaspoons of natural honey
** Cinnamon Stick

First boil the water, removing from the heat once boil is reached. Add the Ginger and a cinnamon stick, cover and let simmer for 10 - 15 minutes.

Then strain to remove larger pieces and add honey to taste.

This is not something you need to drink all at once, in fact taking a tablespoon of the concoction a couple times a day, helps more than all at once.

This is also not instant, you will need to let this be absorbed and integrated into the body over a few days and depending on you level of pain,perhaps as a daily regime.

  • The cinnamon releases inflammation, fights bacteria, helps control blood sugar and improves brain function, it also contains minerals to resupply your depleted muscles like calcium, iron and managnese.
  • Ginger also contains an anti-inflammatory agent which can help reduce joint pain and free-radicles as it enhances the immune system.



Good Health – Evan Pantazi #Kyusho

Image Credit: havardhealth, wholesomesweet

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In a gym, I have lifted beyond my limits and now I can lift my arms without feeling a sharp pain in my shoulders. Fuck I already feel old.

Just wait it keeps getting better...we can only offset natural processes, not stop them.

I swim a lot in the sea but it's cold now i cant swim that make me
I felt tired because I used to swim all the time
i will do Tea of Cinnamon, Ginger and Natural Honey looks good !!

If you think about it, comeback and share your findings.

it is very good tips for health.
thank you for shareing.

A pleasure as always

Lessons for thought... Saved and digested. You are 100% true and correct

...but i think the most essential of all is regular exercise and water dilution every day, because looking at the home remedy most times, not every body are loaded with enough cash to prepare such remedy moreover taking fruit twice in a week at most once in two days, daily exercises and regular drinking of water will help keep the poor feet...lolz *wink *wink.

What do you think...lolz

This is a great post, thanks for educating us on how to continue to leave a youthful life, am very sure this will be helpful to our older steemians and for us that are still young with this we can continue to look younger. Thanks

That sure would be nice... the lines in our faces would be less pronounced with less wincing.

Sir the content is so well tailored that every word of it has been assaigned a proper and rifgt place for people to understand sequantially the causes, effects and then infact wonderful treatment.Waiting for ur next post eagerly.