Starting out Nerves

in life •  7 years ago 

Does anyone else feel quite lost? I feel like I've walked onto a new planet, and there's not much that I understand about it except that the faces are smiling. :)

It's a strange place to be. I'm enjoying the opportunity to share my writing and I hope that somewhere along the way someone will enjoy something that I have to say. Thank you @drwom for your constant support :) :)

I'm excited and scared shitless. I want to post everything and nothing. I want to sit back and wait for that perfect piece of material, but I know that will never come so I think I'll just post bits and pieces and see what works and what doesn't.

(Can't believe I posted my a photo of my feet already! )

I'm slowly finding my way around the enormous variety of content on this platform. As I'm browsing I'm asking myself 'What am I interested in?', 'What do I enjoy?', and sometimes it takes a while for me to bump into something that triggers a genuine response.

I enjoy a bit of humour. Instagram's noordinarytravelbuddy provides me with my daily giggle. Wanderlass from discord travellers is helping me out.

I don't know yet where I fit. I'm interested in so many things; travel, nature, new perspectives. I write on many topics and cover a variety of genres - I don't seem to fall into one particular category and I'm hoping that can be OK.

For now I'm just thankful for the opportunity to express. To write and write and write till I feel like it's no good and I need to take a break. With it's crypto stuff that I don't yet understand, things feel exciting here. I can chat and there's an incentive. Feels a bit strange, but as anyone who writes or has a desire for creative living knows, the money option ain't half bad.

In fact I'm finding it brings in the fun :)

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