PSA: Cute Critters Need Love Too

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

"Can you help us…?"

The most asked question at a park, and the only one that never has the same answer.


The Geese and wildlife depend on those who visit their sanctuaries to be mindful of their well-being.

After a week of failed attempts to capture and relieve the pain of a Goose with fishing line tightly wound around his foot, two women lured him in with food, found me; and, together we worked to removed the deeply embedded line and hook wrapped tightly around this poor guy's leg.

Kneeling in the middle of the park roadway, vehicles moving around us, onlookers gazing at the spectacle, blood covering my hands and the small Leatherman I had found the day before — an instant bond formed as we worked together to stop the pain and end the suffering.


Why does looking at the photos make me queasier than actually using a Leatherman to dig around in a Goose's foot? That is some seriously gnarly shit right there.

After removing as much of the line as possible, it was obvious that a tiny fishing hook remained embedded in the leg. The goose was very cooperative and after removing as much as possible, these two wonderful ladies took him to the only vet in town certified to treat wildlife injuries. We are waiting on the results. I can't thank these women enough for their insight and willingness to help!

1. Hook, Line, and Stinker!


Did I mention that this stuff smells totally awesome?!

Small oversights compromise the health and lives of many protected species of wildlife. This is just one day of leftover line and hooks left behind at one of the many fishing locations where animals take refuge and citizens enjoy nature.


Consequences of overlooking the little things…

2. A Silent Plea


It broke my heart each time he swam away.

Each morning, as the steam would rise off of the lake, he would be standing there; pleading for help and — too scared to accept it — he would slowly swim away.

3. We All Need a Refuge — A Sanctuary

Screen Shot 2017-06-12 at 5.22.42 PM.png

Image from Google

Animal refuges exist for the benefit of both the animals that take shelter within them, and for the public to have a place to engage with nature. It's a beautiful experience to watch them grow and exist in a safe environment!

4. Comments, Suggestions & Stories


Where is your sanctuary?

Each day at a park is uniquely different in every imaginable way. The question of, "Can you help us?" comes up regularly, but the meaning of that question and the corresponding answer are seldom the same. On any given day, tourists need directions, teens need instructed on how to NOT win a Darwin Award, and the wildlife that seek shelter there need care.

What are your thoughts? What does your sanctuary look like? Have stories to share?

All thoughts, comments, and stories related to this topic are welcome and encouraged! Tell me about your experience(s).

All images, except otherwise noted, are the creation and property of @latex.

All rights reserved.

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This post received a 29% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @quantumanomaly! For more information, click here!

HI @randomwhale watz up.

So glad you all united to help the creature! Keep us posted on the recovery! And I always say the classroom is my sanctuary.


My heart was beating crazy fast the entire read. Please, keep us posted on the progress, and thank you for your kind and generous act toward nature.

LOL. Crazy fast! Thank you. :)

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