There is an incident in the bible. It is told in the book john chapter 8. It is about a lady who was caught in adultery. The people brought her in front of the lord Jesus and queried him to punish her. They have decided to stone her to death and inquired the lord about that. The Lord, the one and only loving lord, the forgiver loves each and every one of the human creator because he is the creator. No creator or a producer can hate any of the products or his creation. When a human being likes and loves so much what he created, what about the lord who is a lord of love. The lord who does not know to dislike his people.
The lord Jesus Christ did not answer for a while he silently jotted on the land with his finger. After a while he glanced the cluster of men with hands full of stones to punish the lady. The Lord spoke to the gathering as follows, the one who has not made a single sin in his life shall throw the first stone. To the surprise all the men in the group dropped the stones from their hands to the ground one by one and left the place with their heads turned down. The lady who was horrified saw that no single men was there to penalize her. Then she saw the lord with a terrifying eyes but the lord spoke to her see there is no single men to punish you. Even I am not going to punish you. You go and do not sin again.
This incident tells clearly that the lord is always ready to forgive all our sins and he permanently overlooks our sins and wants every person dwelling in sin to come out of it and live a sinless, pure and peaceful life. The lord is the only solution that can deliver and set you free from all evils and sins.
There is one significant fact that we have to understand here. Lord Jesus Christ is not bound to any religion he is the only god who really cares for us. When I cognize about it deep in my mind, there were questions running in me. What could be the reason that the lord wants to set us free from all sins and why he wants to deliver us free? Do he gain anything from it? What is the return for the lord to free us? It took me no long to get the answer, what else could be other the Lords Unconditional and Unfailing Love which he has on every human in this world and the well being of his people.
When there is somebody to understand your emotions and your pain, you pour out all to them and you feel free. Whenever you make a blunder then we find a lot around us to condemn and criticize you. Whenever there is a materialistic loss or a failure the people around us or even the close ones do not understand and we are left all alone, all the friends and relatives part away, some people start spreading all negativity about you, even a small slip ups are exaggerated. Inferiority complex creeps inside you, people do not contemplate you, you are sidestepped, neglected and no significance is given to you, your ideas, your suggestions etc. You are not a part in no matter what and everywhere.
Whenever you cry to the lord every time there is an answer from the lord.
The lord replies in multiple means either he talks to your heart directly, he makes you feel better in your heart by giving a positive strength and confidence, or talks through other means it may be either from a person or by massages or through the bible reading.
The bible says the Lord Jesus Christ saves your tears in his carrier bag, he is the one who sees all your sufferings and struggles, whether you accept it or not the lord is always seeing on every one of us every second. Because he is the creator who created you and me and eventually always cares for his creations. The lord has created every human in this universe to live happily and to praise the lord and at the end return the soul to the lord who offered.
Yes, whether we accept or not the soul that everyone has is given by the lord and the lord gave us to lead a happy life in this world and return to him in the end as pure and good as he gave us. But we the individuals fail to recall or do not understand the purpose of the life and the objective of living. The main reason is we do not know the purpose and always keep us busy and occupied with the worldly struggles and problems, trying to find the solutions to the problems that we are unable to find at countless occasions.
The solutions to all the problems is easily and instantly available in the feet of the lord Jesus Christ. All the problems regarding health, relationships, depressions, failures, losses etc are available in the feet of the Lord Jesus Christ. All you have to do is to let the lord in your life and allow the lord to work for you and enjoy the miracles, the happiness and peace that the lord is ready to give you.
No matter whatever you have done and whatever is your conditions and situations remember the creator almighty always Loves you and Cares for you. He is near you to wipe your tears and console you.
The Bible Says “He that Planted the ea, shall He not hear? He that formed the eye, shall he not See?” – Psalms-94-9