Ageism in America is a Real Problem.

in life •  8 years ago 

This is an issue that I have personally taken to heart for years.

Most of us have some old people in our lives that we love dearly. We don't intentionally treat them poorly and we hope for the same from others. However, as a culture, ageism in America is a real issue. It is one I have witnessed when I was in contact with my mother and watching her age and one I can see from the portrayals of old people on television. I hear ageism in comments from my peers. I don't know about you but when I am old I plan to still be a badass. I hate to think of the way I will be treated as a child-like person who needs help.

Some cases of ageism are purely accidental or even meaning well while others are intentionally hurtful. I have seen young people visibly laugh at and tease old people for how they look/what they're wearing. Sorry to break it to you there young snickerers but you're probably not going to be as "on fleek" when you are seventy or older. Although I have seen some super fashionable older people...

What is ageism? What are some examples of ageism?

One important example is how people automatically go to help old people. I have read so many accounts of old people simply feeling annoyed at this offer. Like I said, sometimes ageism is meaning well. It's okay to help people in need but maybe make sure they are in need first? Many old people can move around just fine, even if they have a cane. Many old people like doing things for themselves. Don't simply assume they need help. Now if you see them trying and failing to reach something, sure offer help just like you would with any person. If they ask you for help reading something , help them! If you just visible noticed they are old, don't just assume they need help.

Another thing I have noticed personally is how we portray old people in films and shows. It is rare that the old people in movies and shows are full 3-dimensional people with a range of emotions, and passions like their younger counter-parts. One show that this is not true about -one of my favorite shows- is "SIX FEET UNDER" and that is one of the many things I love about the show. The old people aren't just a supporting cast or convenient stereotype but they are full human beings and are portrayed as fully and carefully as every character in the show.

A third example of ageism I will convey is how old people are often ignored in conversations among young people. Or ignored in general. I have always been friends with both old and young people in my work place. I don't see them as non-entities but I have watched old people be completely ignored during conversations at these same jobs. Or even worse scoffed at for trying to join in. These people have lived a hell of a lot longer than you have and probably have -if not wisdom- a very interesting perspective on life that you won't find anywhere else. Talk to them like people. Learn from them. Be grateful to have their knowledge added to your life.

I will also point out one final example of ageism that annoys old people themselves more than it annoys me. Stop treating old people like they are Benjamin Button and have reverted to the mentality of a child. They may have hearing or sight issues but you don't need to patronize them by calling them "sweetie" or "honey" and using your voice normally reserved for babies and pets. Yes, some older people may have dementia or other mental issues but most old people do not and, regardless, none of them need to be talked to like a baby. Even toddlers shouldn't be talked to like babies. They learn better and feel better when talked to like adults. So, a person who lived through more life than you can imagine certainly don't need you talking to them like they were just born.

Basically just treat old people like PEOPLE. Not like children. Not like ghosts. Like people.

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This is so sad! I'm glad I'm extra nice to the older people when I see them. I can't believe some people use an animal , or baby voice at them. WHAT THE HELL!?

Isn't it sad? A lot of people do that actually. :'(

This is a huge issue. Government promotes ageism in many ways, and because government itself is ageist, they teach everyone else that it is ok.

Our economy discriminates on the basis of age by government decree. We outlaw children from being able to contribute to the economy by having minimum employment ages. We then outlaw a large number of low-skilled teens and young adults from entering the work-force with stringent and unnecessary licensing laws and minimum wage laws. And finally, we kick old people to the curb with mandatory retirement...

Could you imagine if family farms had to follow the employment standards that those in the cities are forced to follow?

I agree. Much as I've been maligned for suggesting that minimum age requirements for employment infringe on the liberty of both the young teens/pre-teens seeking employment and the employers who wouldn't mind giving these kids a chance to test the waters, it's undeniably a fact. Same goes for mandatory retirement, as well as incentivizing retirement at a certain age through Social Security and Medicare. I don't take issue with helping those in their twilight years if they want it, but just like anything else: if you tax and restrict it, you get less of it, and if you subsidize it, you get more of it. Older people are uniquely positioned to be in control of their lives because of the enormous wisdom of their years. That should be acknowledged and encouraged, like you said @lauralemons. They shouldn't be treated like they're helpless.

I only just started thinking about the political side as I was reading up on it. I didn't feel I could coherently talk about that side of it yet but you are absolutely correct. The government definitely is a huge contributer to ageist culture. They can't profit from the

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That's so true, and yet so sad. The world we live in is such a sad place. Thank you for taking the time to remind us to exercise the most basic of human decency, since most of us seem to forget. Cheers mate!

Yeah, I consider it pretty basic myself but obviously not everyone does.... ( ._.)

All we can do is, be the change we want to see in the world, and hope more will follow our example.

I agree with the talking to babies and older people that you use your normal voice.

Especially with old people but yeah with babies too. I always have because I just...I can't do the baby voice? I have always talked to babies in my normal voice.

Good write up, I agree as well, it's not just in America though, it's probably throughout the whole world. I'm from Scotland and it's the same here.

Another example is people who have just become disabled - for example my girlfriends father lost his speech through a stroke and people talk to him like he's a child now but I just have a laugh with him about it because he noticed this as well.

Probably but I live in America and can't speak about outside of it as I have never even traveled outside of the US, sadly. :)

Yeah, There are endless examples and it's so sad. :(

How much is this a fact that our society almost completely markets and caters to the young?


This is going to be a huge issue as most Western nations and Japan are getting older than younger on average.

It's also possible that the people producing this stuff are young... and older people decided to stop consuming this crap. :)

Oh my god, this is spot on. Ugh. :( So, capitalism is at the heart of the issue? I really never thought about this angle but it seems really accurate.

I really love the topics you bring up. Things that should be discussed. Much respect!

As a person who is getting to the "old age" category, I can relate to this. I haven't seen it in my life yet, but I've seen a lot of it around me.