I am an almost-thirty year old woman, I don't want kids, and I am not "changing my mind".

in life •  8 years ago  (edited)

I started saying I didn't want children when I was a child myself.

But when I got older I actually did go through a period of time where I could fathom and stomach having kids and even pondered whether maybe, if financially stable, I would want children. Now, quite a few years and a lot of pondering later, I am certain that I do not want kids and I have many, solid reasons for coming to that conclusion.

Here are the main reasons I decided not to have children:

  • There's a lot of humans already.

I think there are plenty of people choosing to have kids and I think we have enough, if not too many, humans. Perhaps, you may say, not too many right now but exponential growth is a thing and humans are pretty bad at respecting the planet. That is the first reason that I explored for why not to have kids. I understand the reasoning for people to have children and seriously do not dislike or judge people with kids. It was just one of my personal reasons for deciding not to have children.

  • I am uncertain, and scared, of the future of society.

I don't really know if the world they would grow up in, would be one that I respect. I grow increasingly afraid of where the world, or at least my country, is heading. Just the fact the Trump is a serious presidential candidate right now makes me not confident that bringing a kid into the world would be a solid idea. Especially if I can't afford to leave the country, which brings me to my next point.

  • I can't afford to have kids.

I am just starting to some-what get on my feet. (and that just means paying my bills) I would have to be very financially stable before I would consider having kids. Something I don't see happening for about another 4 years. I will then be 32 and just starting to be able to enjoy independence without the fear of struggling to survive. I don't want to plunge right into baby-making.

  • The child would potentially inherit my mental illness.

Mental illness runs in my family. I have severe mental issues partially from abuse, partially from genetics. My family is full of addicts with depression and extreme anxiety. I don't want to bring a child into the world that may suffer as badly as I am due to mental illnesses. It would break my heart to watch them struggle with the same illnesses I have to live with.

  • The child would have no family on my side.

I have no family. Bringing a child into the world who has no blood relatives seems a bit depressing. This child would have no grandparents, no cousins, no aunts. Well, I guess hopefully the spouse would have some family, right? Oh, my next point.

  • I can't imagine agreeing with another person enough to raise a kid with them.

I have not been in a relationship where I get along with a guy and their core values enough to want to have children with them. I have many ideals that most people would not agree with and would cause a lot of fighting and probably a divorce.

  • My ideals would make raising a kid extra complicated

I am idealistic. I would want to raise my kid vegetarian, and vegan once my breast milk dried up. Most people seem to think this is somehow abusive, which baffles me. I would let my kid choose to eat meat if they later decide to do so. I also want to home-school my kid which brings in a whole new set of struggles, complications and issues. I am also not religious and would be against my kid being made to go to church every week.

  • I might kill my kids in a bath-tub.

And last but definitely not least. I am not nurturing and I have a very real fear that I would end up one of those mothers that went insane and drowned their babies in a bath-tub. Just my misophonia (rage at repetitive sounds) alone would make me a bad candidate for motherhood. I love kids and I love being around them in small doses but I honestly do not think I would make a good mother 24/7.

So, as you can see. I have given it a lot of thought.

And, the truth is, part of me has wanted babies in the past. I have woken up from dreams where I had a baby and I loved it and woke up feeling loss. My biological clock is still functional. But I did a lot of thinking and I know for certain it wouldn't work for me to have kids. I am not flexible on this and am not changing my mind about it like people often want to believe. Regardless, of any natural desire for having a child, I am not a mother. I am a woman but not a mother. Google "I don't love my child" and see how many posts come up. I don't want to be one of them.

I also do not believe that it is the most rewarding thing anyone can do with their lives. This is what most people try to bash into my head even after I explain I do not want children. I believe it is the most rewarding thing some people can do with their lives; people that have a strong desire for family and children. But for others, traveling and creating (non-human) art is just as rewarding.

This picture goes out to all those people that can't seem to grasp my decision to not have kids.

Again, nothing against people who are parents. I am sure they are much more suited for parenthood than myself. The world needs all kinds of people and some of those people just aren't parents. :)

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It is a shame, kids do bring a lot of joy and rapid hair loss into your life lol.

and don't forget the gray!!!!

Same here! I don't want kids at all. The thought of even getting pregnant sends me into a panic.

And people keep telling me i'm a negative person...

That really wasn't negative. But take from it what you want. It's me being honest about why I wouldn't be a fit parent. I am quite happy with that decision.

Like I said in the blog I have nothing against families and kids. I like kids a lot. I just am not having them personally.

I guess i should have put a smiley in my comment :)

I'm not having kids either. "They" have enough slaves working for them already. Until the system changes i'm not even thinking about it.

Oh, haha. Yeah, I didn't get that without the smiley. XD

Very scary time to think about having kids i myself have none and plan to be like this for a while longer, just remember the world changes and so do your ideas and concepts don't forget to change with the times

I am pretty solid on my decision. Based on how long it'll take me just to not be afraid of homelessness and be able to feed myself. Had I been born into a normal family and had a regular upbringing and had financially stability etc, maybe. But as is I will be mid-thirties by that point. :) And I will want to finally live my life. It's fine to not want kids. I am not being closed-minded, just know what I want and the reality of my situation.

Nice tits Laura.

Nice post, sweet life.

I'm 32 and don't have kids and i'm perfectly happy. I don't feel like i'm missing out. But ever since my friends started having them i do enjoy them a bit more. But not always. sometimes they explode for no reasons like the dad put a drink on the wrong side of the plate and they go berserk and i'm glad I can just leave and enjoy the best sound in the world. Silence.

At times i also fear for the future of the world. It's good you think about these things before having/or not having children. It's very wise. Best of Luck.

Yeah, same here. I was unable to handle kids for many years now I have grown to adore some of my friend's kids but, like you, I like being able to leave when I see them throwing crazy tantrums. I really do value silence.

I understood your reasons. All sound reasonable and I agree with most of them. But, I have some stupid questions:

  • did you always planned your life ? Did you have more success if so or not ? (I always planned as much as I could in my life and failed miserably most of the time. Others didn't, they live like butterflies and they seem to be happier than me. It's so strange. I observed that it doesn't matter what my plans are, life just flows. I should enjoy life in each different way, not only in my desired and limited way. )
  • the well planned agenda was more successful than random agenda played well ? I thought so, but I was wrong. Randomness is quite important in life. And brings more joy than too much order.
    There are some "laws of nature" that doesn't have anything to do with our perspectives, plans, desires, fears. Life is flowing disregard everything we want. We just have to understand some of this and accept it. If you can accept it do it with a good feeling, not with stubbornly.

My simple view: life is like a powerful river. We are like some random small fish. We just need to understand our place and use the river for our needs. Never swim against it for too long.

Please, don't take it as a critical comment. :)

I actually don't plan much of anything but when it comes to creating an actual human being I feel it'd be pretty selfish not to plan that. :) But, in general, I have lived without planning and it's starting to all fall together.

and I do have control over having kids. :P

I agree to all of this. No thank you, kids are not for me.

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

No, I really won't. I am not having kids. haha

but thanks, I think theoretically if I was tossed a kid I probably would be a decent mother in the end. :)

How bout get fucked?

  ·  8 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment