They Say You Can Tell a Lot About a Person by the Books They Keep.

in life •  7 years ago 

So, I decided to share some of my books with you so you can get to know me better.

Actually the plan was to document EVERY book I own but I realized what a big task this was going to be after the first sixty-nine. This is how far I got:

Sorry for the lack of alphabetization.

One Hundred Years of Solitude Gabriel Garcia Marquez
A separate peace John knowles
When Rabbit Howls Truddi Chase
Wuthering Heights Emily Brontë
Angelas Ahes Frank McCourt
One Flew over the Cuckoo's nest Ken Kessey
Forrest Gump Winston Groom
Interview with a vampire Anne Riice
Into the Wild Jon Krakauer
The Portable Tolstoy edited by John Bayley
Die alten filme Willam Burroughs
The Grand Inquisitor Dostoevsky
Fahrenheit 451 Ray Bradbury
Of human bondage Somerset Maughman
For us the Living Robert A Heinlein
Beyond Civilization Daniel Quinn
Life of Pie Yann Martel
Sin City Frank Miller
The Autumn of the Patriarch Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Animal Farm George Orwell
The autobiography of Charles Darwin (Charles Darwin)
The Three Big Banga Dauber Muller
Hannibal Thomas Harris
Gone Girl Gillian Flynn
The curious incident of the dog in the nighttime Mark Haddon
Gulliver's Travels Jonathon Swift
God's Debris Adams
The Rum Diary Hunter S Thompson
The Portrait of a Lady Henry James
The origin of species Darwin
I know this much is true Wally Lamb
Ishmael Daniel Quinn
The Salmon of Doubt Douglas Adams
Atonement Ian McEwan
The Catcher in the Rye J.D. Salinger
The Picture of Dorian Gray Oscar Wilde
Walden & Civil Disobendience Henry David Thoreau
Space Atlas National Geographic
Sibling Abuse Wiehe
Adult Children of Abusive Parents Steven Farmer
Healing Words Steven Farmer
Object Relations in severe trauma Stephen Prior
I am 8-bit Gibson
Let's Explore Diabestes with Owls David Sedaris
Thumbsucker Walter Kirn
Memoirs of a Geisha Arthur Golden
Fragile Things Neil Gaiman
Holy Bible (authors unknown)
One Big Damn Puzzler John Harding
1Q84 Haruki Murakami
Running with Scissors Augusten Burroughs
The Divine Invasion Philip K Dick (2 copies?)
The Zombie Survival Guide Max Brooke
Radio Free Albermuth Philip K Dick
The Late Bloomers Revolution Amy Cohen
Kafka on the Shore Haruki Murakami
Notes from the Underground Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Anne Frank: The diary of a young girl
Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas hunter S Thompson
2010: odyssey 2 Arthur C Clarke
Hurt Go Happy Ginny Rorby
The Voyage of the Beagle Darwin
To Kill a Mockingbird Harper Lee
Revolutionary Road Richard Yates
Les Miserables Victor Hugo
Uncle Tom's Cabin Harriet Beecher Stowe
The ultimate hitchhikers guide Douglas Adams
Behind the Beautiful Forevers Katherine Boo
1984 George Orwell

I imagine I have about eighty more books than that. I thought I had even more but it seems about 170 books is where I am.

A Few of My Favorite Books from my Collection:

One Hundred Years of Solitude

Of Human Bondage


The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide

I clearly do need to finish documenting these books...

I even need to alphabetize them as I have multiple copies of some books because I forget whether or not I own them. I will have to gift the doubles. Pretty soon I will have a full-on library of books except without the trouble of sifting through the really bad ones. So, as you can see I love books...a lot. Even when moving across country and having to throw away most of my stuff I made room for the books. I can't bear to part with them. I will be old and grey and surrounded by my books.

Hope this gives you a better idea of who I am.

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Being able to buy ebooks is convenient, but it's so much different to be able to touch the papers. Plus, you wouldn't have a bookshelf.
It just wouldn't be the same!

I agree. I might eventually have to start getting at least some ebooks but I would probably be surrounded wall to wall before that happened. XD

I have an e-reader and it's still atheistically pleasing to see scroll and see all the covers of the books. You still have your beautiful bookshelf it's just in a different format.

I am not anti e-reader but personally I prefer physical books. :) there are many advantages to kindles.

There are definitely advantages to both. I switched over to digital, but man I miss walking into a book store or being able to buy cheap books at second hand stores.

I never want to give that up! I do have a tablet with the kindle app now though. I haven't used it much yet because usually the books cost more than if I buy them used online and I am just so into the physical copies but I can see clear advantages to kindle, a lot of them. :) I guess I am just a collector of books.

Oh a tip, there is a website called bookbub. You fill in what genres and authors you like and they will send you an email for sales. You can also bookmark particular books and they notify you when they go on sale. I have gotten lucky that way. It's my version of a cheap book store lol They check amazon, kindle, and iBooks.

I doubt it can be cheaper than thriftbooks where I pay like $3 -$3 per used book but they may have more new options!! I will definitely go check them out. :D Thanks. o0o0oh wait, they have kindle sales too? Okay, definitely worth it. There are sometimes books I want to read but don't really need to own.

There's still a lot of room under my desk! :D

You have an amazing library! I am currently separated from mine and having to rebuild it a bit, otherwise I would post my list, too! You're right, though, you can learn a lot about a person seeing what books they own!

crap, long list there.....but some good selections. I am forever in the middle of 1984...i really need to sit down and just finish it, its good to! Idk why i havent yet. haha Memoirs of a GEISHA.....yes yes yes.....loved the movie but loved the book even more.. so good. Might use urlist to pick my next book.....ill maybe try one hundres years of solitude...that sounds interesting.

That was only a bit less than half of them too. XD I got tired of documenting by hand. hehe

One hundred years of solitude is great but hard for many people to get through.

haha, in that case might have to pick another. I will check in for your other lists in the future, i like readers and hearing recommendations. I just followed ya :)

Marvelous, reading is such a joy. You have a wide variety of a book collection, I value that. I myself, read as well, mostly fantasy that is.
I am quite behind you in the amounts of books, clearly.
I can recommend you "The Dwarves" by Markus Heitz and "Eragon" by Christopher Paolini. Fantastic books and well written.

As I mentioned this isn't even all of them. O_O I will eventually update with all of them. :D I also buy new ones every week. I have a problem. XD

Thanks for the recommendations. :)

I've yet to go through, read, and catalogue the bumper crop of books my Dad left me.

It's quite a chore.

Your collection is lovely!

It's got so many that I've either wanted to read or never heard of, will definitely be referencing this for recommendations once I get through my current reading.

Are your favorite books your favorite for the reading or the book itself (sentimental, editions, that kind of thing)?

Books I enjoyed reading. I did not list sentimental ones. :) I will try to do an update with all the books alphabetized in the future when I get through them.

Classic! Ah who needs alphabetical order, just you being eclectic and that's kinda cool. I have 1984, To kill a Mockingbird, Gulliver's Travel, Uncle Tom's Cabin. I have gone to the opera of Les Miserable. We share similar interests, I think I'll keep you, LOVE BOOKS

:D hehehehe See this is why it's great sharing what books I love I get to see who has similar tastes. I love the classics. :)

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Fragile things 💙

How was The Curious Incident of the dog in tbe night? I've had it on my wishlist for ages and just haven't been curious enough to get it yet!

I have, back at my parents flat about 400-500 books. The only thing you can say about me is that I am a hoarder :(

I like to look at it as preserving history for when digital files take over. ;) is also a hoarder of books

I am not really a hoarder of books, that is the 1st impression for everybody....I have read between 40-50.
I have a list with those I've read. I plan to start reading some books in english, but I'll have stick with digital for that.

It's all e-books for me. Physical books don't travel well when you travel often. And I always hated deciding WHICH books I wanted. But regardless... books is books.

I love Heinlein!!! The Zombie Survival Guide was pretty funny too. 1984 and Animal Farm are classics. I really liked Brave New World as well. Loved the Anne Rice novels when I was a kid. I should go back and reread them again sometime.