RE: Everything is an ideological and theoretical chaos. Diana's Daily Diary #3

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Everything is an ideological and theoretical chaos. Diana's Daily Diary #3

in life •  7 years ago 

I always thought that a true mentor puts you in a situation where you gain the understanding of the facts by yourself, instead lecturing you. God damnit, I am still looking for that motherfucking mentor.

Duh! Of course we are souls who owns a body. It's our avatar in this game. So easy to forget though when we are so focused on winning the game by all means, which actually is not the primary goal, but hey it's easy to believe a lie you want to believe.

The modern man is just trapped in the technological belief of the universe and everything. The free will/choice was taken from him by law ;). We have built this type of computers because we see the whole in a mechanical way.

Going further would just make people think I am kind of Looney, not that I care about :P.
However, it's true that I hate expressing my thoughts in writing and in a language I don't really master.

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The world itself is constructed through a mechanic and a mathematical way. At least that’s what I believe. I think most people have found out that we believe in what seems easier to comprehend and it is within our reach.
P.S. Finding a mentor is like finding a needle in a haystack.

The world itself is constructed through a mechanic and a mathematical way.

Yes, this world. Talking about that mentor, maybe I am not ready yet, fingers crossed.