Are You a Winner?

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

Adonis 1.jpg

My Mum died in August 2016 and since this time our family has unraveled; she was, it transpires, the wool that knitted us close. With her gone the familial woolly is undone.

I always suspected what my Father truly thought of me but when, a few weeks back, he angrily blurted out that I was an abject failure I have to tell you, it stung like a cut chilli shoved in my eye. To be frank I am the eggshell in his omelette and his disdain for my life choices, and belief that his assessment of me is truth, is encouraged by my brother and his wife – card bearing conformists to their core.

This set me to thinking, not for the first or last time I feel sure, as to what constitutes a winner.

For me the answer is as plain as a bag of plain white flour. No oversized mansion or Lamborghini required. Swanky sunshine vacations and bottles of Moet on ice are not necessarily, necessary.

A winner is the person that lives life on their own terms regardless of the judgement of others. Someone who has conviction and belief in themselves and stands solid in their truth and integrity. A person who has empathy for, and generously without expectation, adds value to others.


With Love xox

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

You cannot live the life of another, only yours. To do otherwise would be to not live.

Conforming to the expectations of others is to live the life others have constructed for you. It becomes your mausoleum.

To stand out from the herd always comes at a price. But to do so, is to truly live. However, it is not for everyone, as it means embracing your fears, your shadow and knowing yourself for what you are, what you are capable of in all respects.

Only then can you leap from the precipice of life and fly.

Wisdom in your words for sure leoplaw Thanks :) xox

Well said and meaningfully true

I think so and glad you feel it too; although I have over simplified. Be well, be a winner! xox

I loved your post very inspirational, thank you for sharing this with us. I wish you the best of luck

I appreciate your generosity. Happy weekending Mr! xox

Thank you.

Success really is so different for everyone. There is no - one fits all.
My mom always said that not everyone has to have a high degree and a fancy job. Some people want simple lives - to live in sync with nature, for example. That is their success!
Well written post!

A wise lady your Mom xox

Hi! Thanks for linking me to your post. I certainly understand the pressure to feel worth something, especially to your family. But you're right. You have to find your own self-worth. Winning in your way.

Welcome to Steemit, btw!

Thanks for following up on my invite :) Family is not, necessarily, all that it is cracked up to be - sadly. Problem fundamentally is the inability of most people to refuse judgement upon others which as we know says more about them than the person being judged. Heyho, onwards and upwards eh xox

I came across this at the dead post initiative. :)
Wonderful post, I completely agree with you, just because one is rich doesn't mean that person is sucessful. According to me a person is sucessful if he or she is happy with where they are in life, such people are definitely winners.

Thanks for your comment and encouragement.


I wish you well on your path.


Thankyou @lindadacey-laforge
Reading your article gave me a profound revelation.
Your description of a winner, contains the same traits that I am attracted to in people, and thus form friendships from :)
Currently, I feel very blessed to have the friends that I do.

Your declaration of Self ownership is awesome :)

You sound like a very fortunate soul ~ true light and bright, good friends are rare.

I apprecaite your comment and am off to visit you virtually now.


Thank you too, for your kind words :)