What a load of QUIRK!

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hello and welcome to my blog! A place to talk about many of lifes weird and wonderful moments, from the stuff that gets your cage rattling, to the stuff that sets your soul on fire. I hope to create and sense of familiarity, or even perhaps shed a new light on things. May the fun commence! 

So, my first question to you is this, why are people so interesting? Is it the way we dress? Our hair choices? The desire to be accepted in every possible scenario? The answers are endless, but isn’t it fascinating! I think so!! This brings me to my FIRST BLOG POST – YAY!

To knee or not to Knee  

I would like to share with you a recent event that took place, and I would even go as far as saying that it was what happened that bought me here, and wanting to blog!   

I was sat in a waiting area of a restaurant waiting for the rest of the party to arrive, there was a young child of the age of about 10 (male) sat next to me with his mum. The young boy had his feet up on the seat next to him whilst playing on an electronic device (which is a good way to pass the time when waiting for food I thought!) I know I was getting hungry by the second lol! It was an informal setting. A short while later an elderly lady arrived wanting to sit down, the young boy took his feet down and returned to what he was doing, just like that – no questions asked, brilliant! The lady looked up and soon realized that her party were already seated at a table opposite, the lady stood to her feet, tapped the young boys knee and thanked him for offering her the seat. It was a quick move, and an innocent one too…  

However, immediately after she had done this, she covered her mouth in total concern, and apologized to the mum of the young boy as if what she had done was wrong! What’s going on here! Bonkers! 😲  

This really got me thinking about what kind of world we are living in! In that flicker of a moment I could see in her eyes just how sorry she was, like she was guilt ridden. I thought this is totally bizarre! This really moved me in such a way that I wished I was Superwoman and could save all humanity! That being said, I remained in my seat (as I realised Rome wasn’t built in a day!) took out my phone and recorded in my notes all that had just happened!  

Has it really come to this? Something clearly so innocent yet somehow corrupted by society. Why did those negative thoughts cross her mind? Was it because she was concerned about what others may think (but of what?!), that she was somehow out of line? Where is the line here?! I think we have all heard the saying ‘don’t sweat the small stuff’, though to me this is just the tip of a very big ice berg. It’s the little things that mount up to the big, and this is a forever rolling snowball! #theavalancheisnigh 

What happened next was just the icing on the cake! (This wasn’t helping the rolling sound coming from my stomach!) Haha! #foodie 🙊  

So, the lady had met with her family/friends and had sat down. The restaurant was playing music in the background which I was quite enjoying – being a lover of music, and the very next song that was played was ‘Sit Down’ by James. I was amazed (perhaps a little too much) 😉 Though it was merely a coincidence, I thought it’s moments like this in life that can’t be made up, like it was the perfect fit for the last piece of my own jigsaw puzzle! I couldn’t help getting swept up in the moment. Ama-SING…  

“…  Those who feel the breath of sadness, sit down next to me  

Those who find they’re touched by madness, sit down next to me

Those who find themselves ridiculous, sit down next to me  

In love, in fear, in hate, in tears  …”.  

OK, so you get the gist! Do come and take a virtual seat next to me, lets discuss the wonder that is life and all things quirky!  

Chow for now! 😄  

~ Lauren Ann-Louise, Essex, England.   Xxx

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