Life irreplaceable opportunity!!

in life •  7 years ago 

Life is the opportunity granted by every human being, through which he can reach His Excellency, and achieve his full humanity. Life is also the great incubator of all the creatures of God, which exist with each other and interact positively unless there are human interventions, In this sense, it flourishes, flourishes and flourishes in the complementarity between its elements
Life is an opportunity that all people should seize as they see fit. It is very short; it is useless to waste it in bad deeds and disputes, and it is precious so that it can not be imagined to be wasted in no use. He has to follow a certain way of life, and to care about many aspects, otherwise he is exposed to live a typical life, imitate around him and be a copy identical to him, and the following are some The most important things to consider.
Enjoy life, fill leisure with hobbies, and the work that is inspired by the heart; it helps to increase achievement, and the introduction of joy to the heart, while spending time sleeping and sitting, which harms the human, and makes him unable to make use of his spare time in the best way, and required. Love of life is one of the most important ways to enjoy it. In contrast to the prevailing culture that reduces the value of life in human eyes and makes it a place of tiredness and distress, it is actually a place to do good works. It is the prelude to eternal and eternal bliss. Life has all the elements that make man Loving her, keen to spend his time in it all useful and useful. Not to waste opportunities, and to seize them with all the strength and effort, but not to harm others; to harm others in order to gain gains makes the person appear immoral, and therefore will lose more than he may gain as a result of people's alienation. High ambition and high ambition help people to enjoy life, and find meaning to it, especially if they are associated with the achievement of a great service to all humanity. To interact with others in their joys and joys, and to build strong social relationships based on solid foundations of mutual respect and love, regardless of the factors that may be abused, which may distance man from his fellow man. Visit the largest number of places around the globe; God did not create man on this planet to remain sitting in one place only. Attention to spiritual aspects, serious thinking of spiritual integration through marriage, and association with the complement of the opposite sex, this is claimed to bring happiness to man.

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