8 ways to make your day better!

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

We're human. We're all prone to having those days where you just feel like everything's going downhill. From arriving late to work/school to even dropping a beverage on your favorite clothing item, all the small things start to build up and soon enough it all ends up ruining your day. We might also have those days when there's no specific reason, but we're just feeling worthless and unwanted. Other times we feel like no one understands us...Okay, that one may just apply to us, "hormonal teenagers." However, there's still hope! If this is how your day is going, here are just a few of the little things that could lift up your spirits.

Smile. Sometimes it may be difficult to control our emotions, but the good news is, we can control our muscles instead. It's scientifically proven that smiling is a way to trick our brains into thinking we're happy. It won't hurt to try! (If you want to read the scientific explanation for this, just check out this link: http://www.lifehack.org/articles/communication/7-benefits-smiling-and-laughing.html. Plus, if you like science, maybe reading that article will make you feel better. You're welcome.)


Take a walk outside because sometimes fresh air is all you need! Studies show that physical activity outdoors improves both your mood and self-esteem. It's also a very peaceful activity that'll give you time to think.


Next up is jamming out, because who doesn’t love blasting their music as loud as they possibly can and dancing like a maniac — unless you’re actually good at dancing, unlike me, then you go be a boss on your imaginary stage. Even if you're at work/school and can’t make much noise, take a bathroom break, plug in your earphones, and try as hard as you can to not slip. You don’t want to make your day worse by hitting your head on a sink, now do you?


Speaking of performing like a maniac, you can do that anywhere, even in the shower (AKA the absolute best place to escape reality). I don’t know about you, but I find the shower to be great for having a cry or letting loose. Either let those tears blend with the water so you can keep on telling everyone you never cry or ignore your emotions and just turn on your speaker, whip out some shampoo bottles, and BAM you’re an international superstar! Even if it is just for twenty minutes.


Another suggestion is simple, really. Call up a friend, or somebody who you're comfortable with venting out your problems to. We all know it's never good to bottle up your emotions, let it all out! Unless the reason you’re sad is because you lost all your friends…then, um… just think about how thankful you are to have not been a victim of:


and if you have then….uh, moving on!

Now, this tip is a bit odd, but according to Japanese researchers, it helps. Sniff a lemon. Yup, you read right, there’s a substance in lemons that brightens your mood. If you’re out of lemons, or just don’t like the smell, try lavender or peppermint.


Watch your favorite show or movie! I know my favorites have the ability to make me laugh two minutes in and yours probably have the same effect as well. So just sit back and let the only worry in your mind be who’ll be your favorite character’s next love interest.


Lastly, go on Steemit! Whether you're reading articles or writing them, it's a great way to blow off steam by amusing yourself. Even though your life may be going in the wrong direction, the Steemit community will never let you down! Although, judging that you are reading this, I'm guessing you're already on Steemit.

In the end, we're all unique. Obviously, different things cheer us up. Just pass time by doing something you love and it'll probably take your mind off the terrible day you just had. For instance, singing always makes me feel better... It doesn't exactly make the people around me very happy though. Oh, well.

Thank you so much for reading my article! I really hope it made your day somewhat better. :)

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this was such an awesome article, keep up with the good work! looking forward to more!

awe, thank you! Your kindness is very much appreciated. I'm so glad you enjoyed the article :)