RE: Can't resteem a story older than 7 days? Oh well, read this though! BitConnect promoter Craig Grant and his girl were Nigerian scammers!

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Can't resteem a story older than 7 days? Oh well, read this though! BitConnect promoter Craig Grant and his girl were Nigerian scammers!

in life •  8 years ago 

Agreed. Share info and move on. I'm not interested in putting them behind bars -- at least, not yet; it's possible that they attack me (or my account, like downvoting) as retribution for sharing the story, and I may change my mind then.

I've run into several scammers in my life. There's no way to fix them, and generally no way to contain them. Just walk away, even if it's at a loss.

One of them ended up behind bars. Many years later, nothing to do with me, other than perhaps I didn't fight back hard enough which emboldened him to go for larger victims, with lower SecOps apparently.

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