Tabulating the votes... May take some time, hopefully will be able to release the results tomorrow (?); FreeBSD participation not so free, speech-wise, any more!

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

I am running this contest, the voting of which ended yesterday. I have copied the post and comments, and am now massaging it in a text file into a form that I can then run a script against.

Initially, I was putting the username who voted on one line, and then on the next, each of the (up to) five accounts they voted for, separated by commas, and followed by a blank line.

Then when some people separated by spaces, I realized the script could be written to handle both. As well as, for those who put each account on a separate line; however, I'm using "blank line indicates end of this user's votes" so I have to remove any if they're there; some people wrote multiple paragraphs.

Then I realized I can ignore any text that doesn't start with an "@" -- so then I started leaving in the "extra" text, as my processing script can strip it away.

I've had to add some "@" where they were missing, or where there was a space between it and the username. And, some comments were "thanks for the vote"; or, questions about the contest, which I just delete while processing -- my apologies if I didn't address your questions, although the instructions should have been clear. Feel free to point out what wasn't clear in this post since there are 463 comments on the contest post! I think that's the most comments I've gotten so far in one post. :)

I'm about halfway through processing, and have been doing it for several hours. It's tedious, and tiring, and I need breaks to watch my trades, and read stuff, etc. It's getting done though.

Some were concerned because there was evidence of "bot armies" making votes. This concerned me as well. However, I ended my thinking with: it wasn't so much a "bot" army, as it was a "community" army. Each account is an individual, not necessarily all owned by the same individual -- compared to the troll army by the angry whale I finally muted and won't hear from ever again. So, it's not the same, and thus I can happily continue, and tabulate and set SteemVoter up with the winners.

The script will need several aspects to it:

  1. Detect self-votes and eliminate all votes from that account. Also keep a list of these, so it can present it.
  2. Verify that the voter, and each voted account, is a valid account and alert me so I can try various changes to see if I can find the account that was intended.
  3. If a voter has more than five votes, then replace the earlier ones with the later ones, so there is a maximum of five votes from any voter.
  4. Then sort based on number of votes (likely I'll use Perl, and a hash, with the key being the account name, and the value being an integer, starting at 0 and increment for each vote; then sort on the values in descending order and choose the top 50).
  5. Verify each voted account qualifies as a minnow, and set aside any account that's "close" like between 100% and 110%, but no more.
  6. Then spit out the list of the top 50, and those who were "close", and I'll finish manually. Also, those who self-voted, because it was the first freaking rule! :)

By "finish manually" I mean that there might have been an account which, when voted on, qualified. I might be able to determine that via; or, perhaps, using or Alternately, I might just say "congratulations on escaping minnow status during this contest!" We'll see.


PS You'll note that I intentionally added some words which would violate the new FreeBSD SJW Code of Conduct. If I had anything to do with that project, I'd leave. Perhaps I'll join, just to send a few hugs to people, and then quit in an uproar. Or, just make up stories about it. :)

Hey, here's another contest: count the number of references and indicate each one. Whoever has the highest count gets 1 SBD. Bonus points for finding more than I intended. :)

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Text that is not freesbd approved: will be able to release, am massaging, 2x finish manual, spit out, hugs, probably “freaking “ is not allowed as well. All in all only 8 violations :-)

Good say and deed. I wish you success in this humility I support you @libertyeeth ♥♥♥

In this post, you have analyzed a lot of your outlook. It's a good idea that you have all the issues nicely highlighted. i hope you success.
keep it up.

Wonderful work, my friend. Do not stop, we appreciate the effort you are making. Greetings to you. have a good day

The Parallel Vote Tabulation (PVT) is an election observation methodology that is typically based on a representative random sample of polling stations and is employed for independent verification (or challenge) of election results. A PVT involves observation of the administration of the election, the process of voting and of counting of ballots at the polling stations, collection of official polling station results and independent tabulation of these results, parallel to election authorities.

I'd like to nominate these accounts @cryptocurrency @greenman @kiwiscanfly @icee, and,

@libertyteeth, I hope I made the list.

😮😮😯😯 genius

good job//
i appriciate your contest

Good post.
very useful information.


I’m still overwhelmed with such tedious tasks you engaged here, well I can only encourage you @libertyteeth.

I’m glad reading your posts, my upvote support might not add up to anything, but I believe in growth, what matters most is the heart that breeds the relationship and likeness.

Well done.

wow good job.

interesting contests to follow,what about the theme, whether one day one theme such as colorchallenge, thanks.Any market data or news commentary used here is for
illustrative and informational purposes only.Trading involves a high level of risk. Future results
can be dramatically different from the opinions expressed herein.

You made five references,,,
At the top

"this contest",,


Free BSDSJW Code Of Conduct.

Hope i got it all @libertyteeth

Regarding freeBSD, that article and its comment section display an amazing degree of hypocrisy. I'm hoping that article doesn't represent the community at large.

Yeah, it's like "okay people: because some people can use their penises wrong, we're mandating that all penises be removed."

Yeah, good luck coming for mine...


Thanks for doing your great work for supporting!

Good said,I agree with you.

you got a lot of work ahead pheww but all the best :D

some people will love it they will get juicy upvotes hahah :)

the after math of contest is huge hahah but you will do it :)

so winners will be announced anytime soon now

Thank you for keeping us updated and helping out the minnow community. You have been a big help to me too. I salute you @libertyteeth on what you do on this site.

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