Respect comes from listening to, and understanding others.

in life •  8 years ago  (edited)

Respect comes from listening to, and understanding others.

I was going to write something else tonight but that’s been shelved for tomorrow. I thought of this and I felt that it was something I needed to share before I forget!

I forget lots :) Anyway,

Attribution: By Jonas Bergsten [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

As a younger male I would always find myself in situations that I couldn’t handle.

Someone would get angry and I couldn’t understand why. I’d end up clamming up and walking away

Generally, you’ll see people walking past a difficult situation in the street now,

I don’t think it’s heartlessness, just that they don’t understand what to do or how to act.

I think people have become very selfish in their ways in 2016, I blame the media and the focus on YOU

One must talk and listen to others to learn a different perspective in my books

Not just talk at people on social media,

But that’s just me.

I was always getting myself into arguments with girlfriends as a younger male for something that I said,

Truth be told I didn’t truly understand what I was saying,

I would just blurt it out and let it cause the damage wherever it went.

I wasn’t the best at communication in my twenties,

In fact, I truly sucked at it.

I also remember my boss taking me aside for something friendly I said to someone,

Apparently they didn’t think I was being friendly at all.


A little later I started to truly listen to people, I mean truly

Not talk AT them, or OVER them,

You know, when you grunt at your significant other in a manly display of attention?

No I would sit down and take in what they said.

It actually came as a shock to me that other people have needs too, and wildly different to my own,

That’s why Politics is so divided, and controversial. Same with religion,

Fact of the matter is, there’s some people out there that have experienced life entirely different to me, and their perspective is different to me too.

But I listen,

And take it in.

Because I respect people enough to know that my viewpoint isn’t the only one.


And what happened when I started to listen?

I learned to navigate.

I learned to stay away from unnecessary arguments

Would you rather be arguing a political point with someone? Or talking about something far more awesome instead?

And from that came a general respect of what people had to say

And from there?

I started to get respect for what I had to say

What you give out, you get back.

Attribution: By Keith Rowley (Flickr: IMG_1491.jpg) [CC BY-SA 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

I keep saying that! :)

Listen to your friends, Mum, colleague, or random stranger,

Ask them how their day has been,

And listen. Don’t ask it as an opener,

Invite a different perspective into your life

Cherish difference; not everything has to be the same,

And be awesome.

Own your life!

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"our society is full of talkers we need a lot more listeners." - carlidos

@lifeisawesome, i think a lot has to do with age. When I was younger i would just talk and not take the time to think carefully of my words. It's the ego and we generally think we are right that buries us.

It takes years to learn to listen and to accept another person's contrary view.

Anymore, I have my views and i generally keep them to myself unless someone invites me into the conversation. It's the blessing of being older and having a high emotional intelligence.

So true. As a youngster it was tough - I had zero emotional intelligence, but I think that had something to do with a lot of conflicting issues I had going on. Once I learned to direct certain things to certain places and filter, life became so much easier - I do think emotional intelligence can be learned though, through careful study of other people.

I did a lot of that when I was younger because I didn't understand. Once I got older though, as you say, I was able to join the dots.

Definitely a lot with the age thing like @runridefly said. When I was young I was a bit loopy . Thankfully maturity works a lot of it out!!

Haha. Me too!

@lifeisawesome, this was another deep post and it gives one a lot to digest when dissecting themselves and how they are perceived by others. When they leave the room they are talkiing shit about how we didn't listen to them.

Have an awesome weekend a I am excited about tomorrow.

Awesome - look out for it :)

We have 2 ears and 1 mouth for a reason... listen twice as much as you speak :)

Well two ears has to do a lot more with your equilibrium... But I like what you did there. :0

i like that.

"Respect comes from listening to, and understanding others."
Where can i give my signiture under it. Best sentence of the day.

Thank you :)

Just because a person has a different opinion doesn't necessarily mean he wants to be your enemy. We all have rights to our opinions.

That's exactly right :)

yes maturity do a lot of things, starting to think about the effects of what we do to the people around us. sacrifice

I'm nice to everyone, we have only one life so why waste it being angry. You made a great point which I might use from now on, "What you give out, you get back".

I'm nice to everyone too. Or at least I try to be :)

I have been away for some days and was hoping to read something about this topic of respect now that I am back as is an issue that has been affecting me. Hope to see your opinion about respect in regards to relationships in the future. Nice post!


Wise words very reason many thanks for them

Thanks :)

Hi @lifeisawesome, just stopping back to let you know that you were one of my favourite reads yesterday. You can read my comments on your post here

Thank you :)

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