
in life •  7 years ago 

"Perfection is not when you have no more to add, but when you have no more to take away."
-Antoine de Saint

Why is it that we feel empty?

Why is it we think we need more things?

What can we do to feel complete?

Thanks for taking time to think about these questions and reading this post!

I know that i'm not the only one who contemplates these ideas.

I may not answer these questions nor am I qualified to provide the answer. It's up to you to reach the conclusion, after all it is YOUR life. I will however open a door to perhaps shifting mentality with these ideas in mind.

Humans by nature think selfishly, for that is our instinct. We are hardwired for survival. So why is it so hard to believe that being selfless is actually the key to a happy/ healthy life?

"What goes around comes around"

"Treat others how you want to be treated."
-The Golden Rule

"Love thy neighbor as thy self"
-Jesus Christ

Many were taught this concept, most forgot. We as a culture shifted to this "me first" mentality and have lost true connection with ourselves. In an age of instant gratification we lost our sense of community.

How do we get it back?

It is abnormal not to have a social media account. Is "Social Media" creating a generation of antisocial humans? Like most everything there are positives to a new age of information and technology. But is it costing us more than it is benefiting us? in any case this is quite the long tangent.

This whole blog post has just been structure-less, and I apologize back to the main idea of how we can achieve a perfect or near perfect life style. That is to remove as much as you can as possible that hinders your well being. Ask yourself what is it i really need to survive? What is it that i can give away to benefit my fellow humans. Giving is the source of happiness but ultimately you decide how you feel.

Removing from your life causes understanding that life is most beneficial when you give and stay grateful. We need to remove all that is bad and add what is good and beneficial. Fill our time with positive things. Give graciously and generously. Not to the point where you are starving but to the point where your life is sufficient. Anything extra can be added to someone's life who still needs to be complete! that is how we build each other up. that is how we survive as a human race. I Personally need to give more and receive less.

The main reason for this post is to make this idea of removing everything that isn't necessary for the application of the positive to my own life and to make this idea concrete in my mind.

Thank you for sticking through this odd read.
Honestly benefits me more than i can imagine it does you but how you enjoy.

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