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in life •  8 years ago  (edited)

Common core is being taught in many of our schools in the US of A today.
These are the people who are going to be running the world
when we are too old to do it. This thought is terrifying to me.

I encounter adequate education and logic and reason in thought
seldom enough already.
Please watch at least the one of the videos.
I am open to discuss this as far as anyone interested has a desire to continue.

I've decided to start a conversation.
I'm putting up information I think is relevant,
and I'd like for anyone who has a reasonable thought,
pro, con ,or whatever angle you have,
please leave it here.

Don't worry if you don't think you are expert enough to contribute,
I feel like that all the time.
If you are interested enough to watch,
your thoughts are probably relevant.

There are many places to start,
I think I'll take a swing at common core
I am not responsible for anything these people say,
and do not profit from common core, pro or con.

If it's wrong, or if it's right, tell me how.
Convince me. Demonstrate it to me.

Common core is still far too prevalent as the educational standard in the USA.
For my conversations I've been trying to limit the length of the material.
This subject requires rather more background and context.
Since the education of our children is so important in relation
to all the rest of the subjects I'm raising,
I decided to give the reigns a bit of slack.
There is available hundreds of hours of this material, at least, just on youtube.

The ideas behind common core have been being promoted for a long time.
Every time the public rejects them, the people pushing this program
change it's name and move forward once again.
This is a familiar pattern where we are asked to vote on things repeatedly
until the promoters get the result they desire.

Try to avoid charts or graphs in the aim of proving what the experts say.
Anyone who has even the most minimal grasp on the subject,
if you have an idea, that you think you can back up with logic,
please leave it in the comments below.

Dr. Sandra Stotsky - Unveiling Common Core

Dr. James Milgram Testifies Against Common Core in Eau Claire, WI

Duke Pesta on Common Core – Six Years Later

The Dangers of Common Core | Dr. Duke Pesta and Stefan Molyneux

Other posts on the subject of education:https://steemit.com/life/@lifeworship/the-deliberate-dumbing-down-of-america
image: weshapelife.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/NASA-Reveals-1300-Latest-Unedited-Photos-Of-Jupiter.jpg
videos: www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_zvUkOXvtg

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I don't believe any form of forced education is good. People should have full freedom the moment they are good enough to make an 11 on the ACT. Something they should be capable of by age ten simply because they have parents or guardians that enjoy explaining things to them. Starting work at age 13 would have been a lot better for me than another 4 years of general ideas work could have taught me anyways.

If it had been actual education, and not indoctrination, I might never have left school, or at least, if I lived in a world that knew the difference, I would have been offered an actual learning experience. I wanted to be a theoretical physicist from the time I was 13. When I finally got to college and found that most of what I'd be learning was how evil I was for being born with the wrong color skin and sex traits, I had to take it on the road. At least I didn't end up a marxist, designing weapons for the government.

"At least I didn't end up a marxist, designing weapons for the government."
Are you trying to take a shot at me... LOL
I've left that lifestyle. or try...
The opening scene to Roge One haunts me.

Absolutely not trying to take a shot at you. I count myself as lucky that I was able to leave it before I even got started down that road. It was strange, the number of friends and family that were pushing me to go that way. I found that anything I could pay too much, in money and life, to learn, I could learn on my own. The university slave pit was too unappealing after the 12 year run up.

Sorry, this is Off topic. I saw your reply, but I don't want to continue dialogue on that person's page :) I'm not a fan of the flag, I've used it twice since I've been here. In this instance and a similar one, both times because the person attacked a friend, launching false allegations. For blatant trolling I do believe it's necessary to have it. I understand what you're saying though, that it was started due to a flag initially. However the response of this person leads me to believe it was a matter of time, they seem to be unbalanced. Again, I appreciate where you're coming from.

As for this post, I completely agree with you. I took my children out of public schooling based partly on the core curriculum. Also because they were attempting to classify my son with adhd and recommending medication, which was absolutely ridiculous. He was five years old, with a five year old boy's normal energy level. Taking them out of that indoctrination station was the best decision I ever made! :)

You are welcome to comment on any topic you like on any of my posts. I like to talk about any subject anywhere, with reasonable people. I agree it was getting a little too heated there. I do think the flag has uses. I only think that it's uses are too broad to have only one button. I think it could easily be split into plagiarism, spam, abuse, redistribution, and opinion. This might not make any inroads to stopping flag wars, but it would at least clear up confusion as to why they get started. Clarification is a start on the road to deescalation. I do not find that spewing vitriol is useful for much of anything, and I'm sorry you found yourself in the middle of that.

I think they are few better decisions than for a parent to remove their children from public schooling, and I congratulate you for choosing that path. Your family should be happier and healthier for it.

Thank you for your comments.